> Deep Purple - Machine Head 25th Anniversary Edition, Ape by Aerosmith
 javirunner Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-11-2004, 21:10 (post 1, #317509)


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Deep.Purple.-.(1972).Machine.Head.(25th.Anniversary.Edition).(EAC.APE).by.Aerosmith.[WWR].[Grupo.Eshock-YDM].rar 11 clicks

Incluye covers y libreto de 30 páginas escaneado.
Las canciones van sueltas, un APE para cada canción. (ape by tracks)
Incluye cue, log y playlist.
Rip by Aerosmith

May 1997. I am in the studio with Denenberg listening to the original 16 tracks masters of Machine Head. It's been 25 years since I've heart them. What an experience. I am intrigued to hear exactly what we all played, the details over the years being lost. I am like a kid, excited at hearing the bare bones of one of the mos important periods in my life. It all seems so simple and straightforward compared to what can be done now. On the other hand its simplicity is its strength; the ideas are bold, the playing full of energy and to the point. Someone observes that it sounds fresh. That's because it was. It is. It's honest, a band playing together, each one getting off on the others' performance.
Unlike the previous anniversary editions of Deep Purple albums, with their out-takes and alternative tracks, there is nothing left of Machine Head now but the masters. All the working tapes hace, as one cynic pointed out, long since been plundered to make tape ops' demo recordings! Still, we have 16 track masters of eight songs - it could be worse.
There are a few alternative solos, one of which is partly used on Maybe I'm A Leo, another on Smoke On The Water. There is so little banter before or after the takes that what remains is precious; the triumphant yelp at the end of Lazy speaks volumes; Ian Gillan saying "Break a leg Frank" is the same song (no doubt we'd just heard the news). We've also used the original drum intro on Pictures Of Home (what didn't he like about it anyway?), and songs that faded now run their course.
To some the differences in the remixing may be subtle but to my ears the songs breathe in a completely different way. There seems to be more on the tracks that I remember, more of what I thought we had in mind by recording in a live environment in the first place. They seem alive again. And the work of Martin Birch in capturing all that now shines through.
What happened in that cold hotel corridor in 1971 shaped our lives and it is an honur and a joy to give them a second look in the harsher light of the nineties. Innocence doesn't always die, sometimes it lives forever.

Roger Glover, a fan - May 1997


CD1 (1997 Remixes)
1/ Highway Star
2/ Maybe I'm A Leo
3/ Pictures Of Home
4/ Never Before
5/ Smoke On The Water
6/ Lazy
7/ Space Truckin
8/ When A Blind Man Cries

CD2 (Remastered)
1/ Highway Star
2/ Maybe I'm A Leo
3/ Pictures Of Home
4/ Never Before
5/ Smoke On The Water
6/ Lazy
7/ Space Truckin
8/ When A Blind Man Cries (B-Side)
9/ Maybe I'm A Leo (Quadrophonic Mix)
10/ Lazy (Quadrophonic Mix)

Que lo disfrutéis!! newest/music.gif
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 inzerus Member is Offline
 Posted: 04-11-2004, 03:38 (post 2, #317960)

Talk too much

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Я только не понял зачем два раза один и тот же линк выкладывать.
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 javirunner Member is Offline
 Posted: 04-11-2004, 12:41 (post 3, #318044)


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Posts: 331
QUOTE (inzerus @ 04-11-2004, 01:38)
Я только не понял зачем два раза один и тот же линк выкладывать.

Yes, :fear2: sorry! can delete one mod please. :laugh:

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