> Movies in Folder, Only one movie plays on DVD
 Posted: 12-02-2004, 09:59 (post 1, #390053)
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I have a DVD with 2 movies on it and before they were fine by whilst trying to solve a previous problem I later discovered that the movie that was added on with nero secondly is the only one that would play. I suspected that it might be because it was programmed to play just that movie, so I clicked on "Repeat" and chose one of four options "Repeat Folder" as oppossed to "Repeat current file" this has made no difference. Both files are showing in the directory and when I choose File 1 File 2 plays instead and when I return to the directory the cursor defaults to File 2. What can I do? Please let us know. Thank you
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 VxWorks Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-02-2004, 14:01 (post 2, #390186)
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Group: Privileged
Group: Privileged
Posts: 21947
Hi Clive,

First, I would like to ask you some things:
1. In what format your movies are?
2. What is yout DVD player model?
3. Was that disc burned as Multisession or Disc at once?
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