> Trance Formation of America (MKULTRA-mind control)
 red_gonzo Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-05-2005, 01:54 (post 1, #414501)


Group: Read Only
Posts: 218

This is Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien's shocking book Trance Formation of America (1995) which thourogly exposes the US Federal Government's involvement in mind control (aka MKULTRA) projects, research, and abuse of its' own people. Cathy was born into a multigenerational child abuse family and was therefore an ideal specimen for MKULTRA (a continuation of Nazi secret experiments during World war 2) since her mind was already shattered because of traumatic experiences of her father's sexual abuse. Today psychologists call this mind shattering the Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). It's a natural defense mechanism of our brain to shut down unpleasant or traumatic experiences and lock them in separate compartments. This is extremely useful for spy work since you can lock some secret information into such a compartment and then activate it using specific "keys" which can be words, sounds, images, etc. Cathy was made into a "presidential model" and was used to transfer secret messages between presidents and high officials. Through her life she has only seen abuse upon abuse until Mark Phillips saved her and sucessfully deprogrammed her. A true story of a national shame of the United States Federal Goverment. Mark and Cathy tell all, name names, and underscore the insensitivity and involvement of our national leaders, judges, doctors, and many others to this nightmarish horror it has inflicted upon millions of people in the United States. 200 pages, many pictures of documents. A must read for everyone.

From the backcover:
TRANCE Formation of America is the documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project
Monarch mind control operation. Chiseled deep into the white stone of the CIA's Langley, Virginia headquarters is a partial verse lifted from the Holy Bible and writings of Saint John..." and the truth shall make you free." This statement, like the agency, is total reality. The building that it is engraved upon houses the world's most successful manufacturer of lies to facilitate psychological warfare. The "Company" uses truth and technology as their raw materials to produce "pure" lies for control of you and America's allies. Within the pages of TRANCE Formation of America you'll find the truth.

O'Brien.&.Philips.-.Trance.Formation.of.America.(MKULTRA.mind.control.victim.speaks.out).(1995).pdf 5 clicks

Please share this book with others, add links on other forums as I don't know many of them.
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