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   The Flower Kings - 2001 The Rainmaker, Limited Edition 2CD
 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 27-09-2005, 16:58 (post 1, #473579)


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Posts: 12604

The Flower Kings - 2001  - The Rainmaker. Limited Edition 2CD
Артист: The Flower Kings - 2001
Альбом: The Rainmaker. Limited Edition 2CD, 2001
Жанр: Art-Prog-Rock....
Формат файла: eac-cue-log-flac-jpg-data-rar 2CD
Ссылка 1: CD 1 21 clicks
Ссылка 2: CD 2 Audio 16 clicks
Ссылка 3: CD 2 Data 10 clicks
Ссылка 4: Scans 16 clicks
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia

...I love these guys... :w00t:
ниже будет всё сказано :rolleyes:

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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 27-09-2005, 16:59 (post 2, #473580)


Group: News makers
Posts: 12604
thanks to my friends :D

The Flower Kings - 2001 The Rainmaker Limited Edition 2CD

Честно говоря, непонятно, почему их называют "Шведскими королями" прог-рока. Я охотно верю, что в Швеции больше никто не творит такую музыку. Но если критическим оком скользнуть по нашему необъятному шару земному - сомнительно становится. Нет, FLOWER KINGS в самом деле молодцы, стараются играть по возможности хипповскую и очень идеалистичную музыку с колокольчиками и прогрессивным пафосом (если вспоминать свежепридуманную автором классификацию современных прог-роковых коллективов, стоит отметить, что эта группа относится к большому разряду команд, НЕ похожих на PINK FLOYD, и маленькому подразряду похожих на KING CRIMSON). Звук у них непринужденно многослойный и текучий, как горячие слезы по щекам Роберта Фриппа (хотя, фиг его знает, этого Фриппа, может, он их слушает и хохочет?). И даже концептуализмом они не грузят - так, насочиняли альбом красивеньких песенок, зааранжировали их кремовыми завитушками, стружкой металлической, соком тропических фруктов и следочками неведомых зверушек. Красиво, ветвисто, аппетитно. Только вот ничего нового в этом нет. Следует отдать должное - лидер группы Ройне Стольт несомненно жутко талантливый мелодист. Если забыть о прог-роковом пафосе, нудных наворотах клавишных и заведомо ломаных ритмах (как же! играть прог и ритмы гармошкой не складывать?), а послушать музыку как что-то отвлеченное от стилистических рамок и авторитарных концепций - уверяю вас, вы будете потрясены. Это - одиннадцать замечательных песенок в битловско-хипповском духе. Если их причесать по-другому - можно было бы и другого стиля добиться. Но фактически незачем. В арт-роковом водовороте многоуровневых звуковых полотен это звучит вполне прилично. И даже не совсем загруженно. Мелодизм и талантливость как-то перекрывают попытки построения воздушных замков - в итоге получаем миленький альбомчик с красивой музыкой, пропитанной духом 60-х. Разве плохо?
Т. Замировская

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Reviewed by: Clayton Walnum, September 2001
I was practically weaned on classic prog groups like Yes, EL&P, Gentle Giant, Genesis, and Pink Floyd. No surprise then that I tend to like prog played in that good ol' 70s tradition. With that in mind, it's also no surprise that I adore bands like Spock's Beard, TransAtlantic, and The Flower Kings. Some people scoff at these wonderful groups, saying that they are too derivative. Well, if fantastic songwriting, virtuoso playing, and top-notch productions aren't enough for these folks, then I'm just happy to be me. It's no coincidence that these groups are on almost everyone's best-of-the-year prog lists. And the latest outing from The Flower Kings proves that this Swedish band still belongs there.
Starting with "Last Minute on Earth," this album's first track (clocking in at 11:40), The Flower Kings set off to claim their place as one of the best modern-day prog bands in the world. Plenty of great melodies, shifting time signatures, and great vocals (am I the only one who has noticed how much Roine Stolt can sound like John Wetton?) display the band's talent right from the start. That track surrenders to the poppish "World Without a Heart," a song that, with its great melodies and vocal harmonies, proves that Roine Stolt is nearly as fine a songwriter as Spock's Beard's Neal Morse, who is himself one of the best songwriters in this genre.
Not wanting things to get too mainstream, though, "World Without a Heart" moves directly to "Road to Sanctuary," another magnificent epic that runs for nearly 14 minutes. Opening with a Genesis-like organ and guitar intro, this track pounds through an almost bluesy main section before abruptly shifting gears into a Zappa-like instrumental section. Plenty of other surprises surface in this track, too, including gentle acoustic sections, Genesis-like majesty, Gentle Giantish bits, and oh so much more.
The title track, "The Rainmaker," sounds downright classical in a kind of King Crimson way, only with gentler melodies and none of the dissonance you'd find on such a piece by KC. "City of Angels," another epic that runs over 12 minutes, features a couple of seriously Beatle-ish verses. (Must be all that influence Neal Morse -- a huge Beatles fan himself -- has over Roine Stolt when they're working together in TransAtlantic. Or not.)
And all I've described is the first half of the album. The remaining tracks follow suit, with some shorter tracks, including "Elaine," a beautiful song that brings the album back for a few minutes to the mainstream, though still in a proggy way (outstanding bass playing near the end of this track), and "Sword of God," with its choral opening and its roaring guitars, another bluesy number that brings to mind early Tull and Deep Purple. The album's other long track, "Serious Dreamers," closes the disc with dazzling vocal harmonies, powerful choruses, and funky wah-wah guitar. All in all, there's little question that this album will be on my best-of-the-year list. Damn, I love these guys
. Walnum

Roine Stolt - vocals, guitars
Tomas Bodin - keyboards
Jonas Reingold - bass
Jaime Salazar - drums
Hasse Froberg - vocals, guitar
Ulf Wallander - soprano sax

Review by Gary Hill
Overall Review
The Flower Kings return with their latest dishing of their particular flavor of progressive rock. The group typically has a style that is very hard for journalists to keep up with because it changes so briefly. The other side of the FK coin has always been potent and poignant ballads. This album is no exception to that rule. However, one thing seems to have changed about the group's sound. They seem to be getting the hang of more organic and smooth transitions between the various movements of their songs. This allows for The Rainmaker to be one of the best albums the group has released.

Track by Track Review
Last Minute On Earth: A hard-edged crescendo starts this cut. It drops to a dramatic verse, then rises up to prog fury and splendor. It screams forth after a time, then drops to a jazzy fusion oriented jam. From there the cut moves into territory that seems very much in the vein of David Gilmour, then becomes very melodic and ballad oriented. It turns hard-edged and quite metallic again, ripping out once more. It keeps changing and shifting, running from hard edged to balladic to fusionish - sometimes so quickly that it is hard to keep up with.
World Without a Heart: Beginning in a melodic prog ballad style, The Flower Kings have always been masters of this style, and put in a great effort here. They build it up gradually, but it lives and thrives in this progression
Road To Sanctuary: Starting in a Genesis oriented mode, this is the second epic of the album. It really cuts loose after the intro, breaking into a slightly country tinged jam that really feels like Steve Howe driven Yes. It drops straight to a straightforward rock and roll jam after a time, and begins building from there, feeling a bit like the old chestnut "Summertime Blues". The track evolves from there, going through the times of massive changes that FK are known for, hard edged one minute and sedate and pretty the next. It breaks to an intricate acoustic guitar solo at one point. It also jumps into a very cool slightly old world textured jam. The outro calls to mind Yes' "Going For The One''.
The Rainmaker: An instrumental, this one starts atmospheric and sedate, then begins a very gradual buildup. It reaches a dramatic crescendo, becoming more of a true song structure, leaving the ethereal behind. It does drop back to the ethereal to end.
City of Angels: A classic prog rock arrangement with just a hint of Jimmy Buffet serves as the intro. The chorus comes in playful and bouncy. This one evolves into a melodic and coherent balladic sort of prog number. The composition goes through a lot of changes, but still stays very true to its central themes - rather unusual for FK. As it continues on it breaks into a dramatic Genesisish instrumental segment that heralds the outro.
Elaine: This is another Flower Kings ballad that breaks into a killer jazz jam late in the song.
Thru The Walls: Another that starts like early Genesis, this track becomes pretty standard slow paced FK territory. It drops to a cool Genesisish ethereal jam for the instrumental break. At times this one feels a bit like Genesis' "Watcher of the Skies".
Sword of God: Beginning with a powerful angelic choir, this one explodes with metallic fury. The cut works on that theme with more melodic segments finishing off the picture. This one is quite a powerful and diverse jam, feeling a bit like Kansas at times.
Blessing of A Smile: Sedate keyboard tones begin this one. It builds in an almost neo-classical way for a short time, then a lushly potent balladic sort of progression emerges. Neo-classical stylings return as the icing on the cake that is this instrumental number.
Red Alert: This brief instrumental is bouncy and somewhat playful

Serious Dreamers: Keyboards flying solo begin this classic sounding FK balladic number. It is a killer number that has some great lyrics and is very catchy. One of the strongest pieces on the album, it includes a great jazzy sedate break. This one is a wonderful way to end the album.

user posted image
Flower.Kings-2001.The.Rainmaker.Limited.Edition.CD1.eac.flac.rar 21 clicks

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Flower.Kings-2001.The.Rainmaker.Limited.Edition.CD2.eac.flac.rar 16 clicks

user posted image
user posted image
Flower.Kings-2001.The.Rainmaker.Limited.Edition.CD2.TRACK.DATA.rar 10 clicks

Flower.Kings-2001.The.Rainmaker.Limited.Edition.2CD.scans.rar 16 clicks




The Flower King (Roine Stolt) 1994
Topic Link: Roine Stolt - 1994 The Flower King
Roine.Stolt[Kaipa-TFK-Transatlantic]-1994.The.Flower.King.eac.cue.flac.scans.rar 9 clicks

Back in the World of Adventures (1995)
Topic Link: The Flower Kings - 1995. Bac...World Of Adventures 8 clicks

Retropolis (1996)
Topic Link: Flower Kings - 1996. Retropolis 10 clicks

Stardust We Are (1997/2000)
Flower.King.-1997.Stardust.We.Are.2CD.eac.ape.scans.rar 7 clicks

Scanning The Greenhouse (comp) (1998)
Flower.Kings-Scanning.The.Greenhouse.1998.eac.ape.rar 8 clicksh=B6LE6BZXFWTBVFLV37QHU6TYLBQ675QH|/
Flower.Kings-Scanning.The.Greenhouse.1998.covers.rar 4 clicks

Edition Limitee Quebec (1998)
Topic Link: The Flower Kings - 2000 Limited Edition Quebec 1998
only 700 copies! 3 clicks

Unnamed 3-track EP (1998)
given away free at Japanese concerts; incl "She Cared Me A Wooden Heart," "Space Revolver," and "Jupiter Backwords"

Flower Power (1999) 4 clicks 3 clicks

TFK fanclub disc (2000)
free CD exclusive to fanclub members only

Alive On Planet Earth (2000)

Space Revolver Special Edition (2CD set) (2000)
Flower.Kings-2000.Space.Revolver.eac.cue.ape.scans.rar 8 clicks
Flower.Kings-2000.Space.Revolver.Bonus.CD.eac.flac.rar 4 clicks

The Rainmaker (2001)
The Rainmaker - Special Edition (2001)
Flower.Kings-2001.The.Rainmaker.Limited.Edition.CD1.eac.flac.rar 21 clicks
Flower.Kings-2001.The.Rainmaker.Limited.Edition.CD2.eac.flac.rar 16 clicks
Flower.Kings-2001.The.Rainmaker.Limited.Edition.CD2.TRACK.DATA.rar 10 clicks
Flower.Kings-2001.The.Rainmaker.Limited.Edition.2CD.scans.rar 16 clicks

Unfold The Future (2002)
Topic Link: The Flower Kings - 2002 Unfold the Future
Flower.Kings.The-2002.Unfold.The.Future.Lim.Edition.2CD.eac.cue.flac.rar 8 clicks
Flower.Kings.The-2002.Unfold.The.Future.Lim.Edition.2CD.scans.rar 10 clicks

Live In New York: Official Bootleg (2002)
Topic Link: The Flower Kings - 2002 Live in New York 4 clicks

Fan Club CD 2002 (2002)
Fan Club CD 2004 (2004)

Adam & Eve (2004)
Topic Link: The Flower Kings - 2004. Adam & Eve. 2CD
Flower.Kings-2004.Adam&Eve.2CD[Japan.MICP-90017] 12 clicks
Flower.Kings-2004.Adam&Eve.2CD[Japan.MICP-90017] 10 clicks

BetchaWannaDanceStoopid (2005)
Topic Link: The Flower Kings - 2005. BetchaWannaDanceStoopid!
Flower.Kings-2005.BetchaWannaDanceStoopid!! 17 clicks

Paradox Hotel (2006)
Topic Link: The Flower Kings - 2006 Paradox Hotel 2CD 6 clicks

Instant Delivery (2006)
Topic Link: The Flower Kings - 2006 Instant Delivery
Flower.Kings-2006.Instant.Delivery(Limited.Edition.CD1) 5 clicks
Flower.Kings-2006.Instant.Delivery(Limited.Edition.CD2) 4 clicks

Meet The Flower Kings - Live Recording (2003) (DVD)
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 Turbotrust Member is Offline
 Posted: 28-09-2005, 00:42 (post 3, #473823)


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 kyky Member is Offline
 Posted: 28-09-2005, 02:41 (post 4, #473858)

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big spasibo !!
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 Turbotrust Member is Offline
 Posted: 29-09-2005, 00:19 (post 5, #474250)


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A question about the third file (cd2 track data). What will we find inside the rar file? Two movies (mpg, avi, mov)? An iso image? ...? :hi:
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 29-09-2005, 07:01 (post 6, #474314)


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QUOTE (Turbotrust @ 28-09-2005, 22:19)
A question about the third file (cd2 track data). What will we find inside the rar file? Two movies (mpg, avi, mov)? An iso image? ...? :hi:
Two movies:
and service files :rolleyes:
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 Turbotrust Member is Offline
 Posted: 29-09-2005, 12:19 (post 7, #474373)


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ok, thanks OlCh :D
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 01-10-2005, 18:33 (post 8, #475236)


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поехали на верх картинки Flower.Kings-2001.The.Rainmaker.Limited.Edition.2CD.scans.rar 16 clicks
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 undertow Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-11-2005, 23:19 (post 9, #496794)


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OlCh ссылка по моему умерла :( есть два человека с 45% и нету полного источника :( помоги . плиз ;) Flower.Kings-2001.The.Rainmaker.Limited.Edition.2CD.scans.rar 16 clicks
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 Bodryachock Member is Offline
 Posted: 20-03-2007, 13:39 (post 10, #727516)


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На сканы и дата трек - 0 источников, на второй диск иногда появляется 1 полный источник. OlCh Был бы признателен, если сделаешь один исошник. Спасибо :)
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 20-03-2007, 13:50 (post 11, #727519)


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сбацаю, дай время :)

ох, как я еще больше торррррент лублу :fu: :laugh:
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 22-03-2007, 00:26 (post 12, #728172)


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напрашивается вопрос: как рипать лучше второй диск, который кроме аудио содержит еще мультимедиа? :dunno:
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 Bodryachock Member is Offline
 Posted: 23-03-2007, 05:16 (post 13, #728548)


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ну вроде всегда рипали как всегда, а мультимедию засовывали в папку data. ты так ГовМул делал вроде, или этот диск особенный?
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 23-03-2007, 09:32 (post 14, #728578)


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можно и традиционно, но интересно кто нибудь пытался такой диск прожечь полностью? если да - то как и что из этого получилось? :crazy:
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 dvoretsa Member is Offline
 Posted: 26-04-2007, 17:57 (post 15, #742446)


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Друзья, может кто-нибудь обложки Rainmaker'a поддержать? 68 процентов есть, а на остальное нету источников уже недели две. :hi:
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