> Могу раздать в Торренте пару муз релизов.
 Zemlynin Member is Offline
 Posted: 25-05-2006, 14:13 (post 1, #605818)

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Привет.Вот чисто случайно у себя на раб машине набрёл на архивы,моих пршлых раздач в емуле.
Могу раздать в торренте ком надо.

Mohicans - Music Inspired By The Deep Spirit Of Native Americans 2СД

Amethystium 3 диска

Khadja Nin_Sambolera
Khadja Nin(Ya...)


Tolkien Ensemble_An Evening in Rivendell 2СД

The quest of The Tolkien Ensemble is to make the first complete musical interpretation of the poems from The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. Christopher Lee just finished up a little job for them...
"So far two CD's have been published: An Evening in Rivendell and A Night in Rivendell. In September 2001 the cds were re-released in a 2CD-box under the title '24 Songs from The Lord of the Rings'."

Mr Lee has finished his recordings on The Tolkien Ensemble's next album, 'At Dawn in Rivendell.' Christopher Lee recites about 20 poems from The Lord of the Rings, set to music by Caspar Reiff and Peter Hall and sings the character of Treebeard.

At Dawn in Rivendell is the 3rd CD in The Tolkien Ensemble's trilogy. At Dawn in Rivendell will cover the remaining poems of The Lord of the Rings with music by Caspar Reiff & Peter Hall and the recordings will start in November 2001. The CD will be published in October 2002.

И практически все альбомы Скорпионс,которые я раздавал.
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 Zemlynin Member is Offline
 Posted: 26-05-2006, 22:18 (post 2, #606398)

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Posts: 7222
если нету желающих,то стираю релизы..
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