Genesis - Trick Of The Tail, by tadeo
 SpeculaNT Member is Offline
 Posted: 19-08-2006, 12:00 (post 1, #642966)


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Posts: 395
Genesis - Trick Of The Tail
Артист: Genesis
Альбом: Trick Of The Tail, 1976
Жанр: prog rock
Формат файла: ape.cue.log.covers
Ссылка: CD 18 clicks
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia

1.Dance on a Volcano - 5:53
2.Entangled - 6:28
3.Squonk - 6:28
4.Mad Man Moon - 7:35
5.Robbery, Assault & Battery - 6:15
6.Ripples - 8:03
7.A Trick of the Tail - 4:35
8.Los Endos - 5:46

This is the third best of the Genesis' albums, right after "Selling by the pound" and "Foxtrot"! It is OUTSTANDING, and Genesis never made a so jazz/fusion album like that! The drums and bass are at many bits REALLY FAST. This album has very delicate and tender moments too, like the tracks "Mad man moon" and "Entangled". The tracks are varied enough to satisfy anyone! Hackett's guitars are quite acoustic, and the electric ones are really Fripp-esque: the emotional solos here are less like on "Wind and wuthering", but rather like on the King Crimson's albums of the 70's. Rutherford is probably at his best here: the elaborated bass is a strong point on this record. Phil Collins is REALLY at his best on drums, no doubt about it!! He is so fast and complex that he seems to float over his drum kit. Banks' keyboards are really refined: compared to "The lamb lies down on Broadway", his keyboards work here is at many levels better: more complex, more moving, more impressive, faster, more varied! Banks here really masters the keyboards: Collins' extreme drums and Rutherford's refined and fast bass really challenge Banks: Banks proves that he is able to manage the overloaded music by producing melodic solos, floating arrangements and rhythmic parts extremely difficult to play. Collins' voice is excellent, especially on "Ripples", his best vocals performance with Genesis! Even the least good track, "A trick of the tail", has something very special: very cute, funny and pleasant to listen! Well, this album contains one of the best Genesis' songs ever recorded: "Ripples", "Entangled", "Los endos", and the quintessential bit in "Robbery assault and battery". The use of mellotron as a choir emulation is very poignant, and the final product is OUTSTANDING, like on the second part of "Entangled" and "Los Endos". The instrumental part on "Ripples" is absolutely graceful, majestic and moving. The quintessential bit on "Robbery assault & battery" is one of the most complex and progressive part made by Genesis.

Please take a second to encourage releaser for all his hard work, press 'Thanks' button
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 SpeculaNT Member is Offline
 Posted: 19-08-2006, 12:01 (post 2, #642967)


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Posts: 395
EAC extraction logfile from 28. June 2006, 16:43 for CD
Genesis / A Trick Of The Tail (digital remastered)

Used drive : HL-DT-STDVDRAM GSA-4163B Adapter: 0 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure with NO C2, accurate stream, disable cache
Read offset correction : 667
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No

Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo

Other options :
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000

Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename E:\APE\tadeo\new releases\Genesis - A Trick Of The Tail.wav

Peak level 100.0 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK

No errors occured

End of status report
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 сергей к Member is Offline
 Posted: 08-11-2009, 19:37 (post 3, #924794)


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а кто нибудь слышал этот концерт в немного другом исполнении?
дело в том что в те далёкие годы,когда вышел этот концерт,я приобрёл этот диск.
и его записал на кассету.
так вот слушаю его и до сих пор.
а скачав сейчас этот диск услышал,что вещи те ,но исполнены немного по другому.
может по инету сейчас гуляет не тот концерт,а его более поздняя версия?
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 kokiku Member is Offline
 Posted: 09-11-2009, 21:44 (post 4, #925024)


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QUOTE (сергей к @ 08-11-2009, 19:37)
может по инету сейчас гуляет не тот концерт,а его более поздняя версия?
Что-то я очень сомневаюсь, что может быть несколько иное исполнение. Изданий было много, но чтобы так принципиально отличались...
Выражение "концерт", как я понимаю, подразумевает "застойное" название "альбома". :) В общем, не может того быть. Даже если какой концертный бутлег, то он не может быть похожим по трекам на этот альбом.
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 сергей к Member is Offline
 Posted: 10-11-2009, 19:50 (post 5, #925174)


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наверное проще будет каким то образом записать фрагмент 1 песни с этого концерта(альбома)
я попытаюсь это сделать.
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 kokiku Member is Offline
 Posted: 10-11-2009, 22:06 (post 6, #925211)


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Posts: 3676
Может быть "Seconds Out" с таким набором:

То есть 4 трека у этих дисков "общие".

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 сергей к Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-11-2009, 07:03 (post 7, #925257)


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танец на вулкане там то же есть?

This post has been edited by сергей к on 11-11-2009, 07:04
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 kokiku Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-11-2009, 08:44 (post 8, #925275)


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А если спойлер - открыть?
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 сергей к Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-11-2009, 11:31 (post 9, #925295)


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скачаю этот концерт и сравню.
ещё раз спасибо.
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 tower1 Member is Offline
 Posted: 12-11-2009, 16:49 (post 10, #925696)


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Posts: 52
Исполнение "другое", как ты выражаешься, в новом ремастере от 2007 года. И то, если хорошо знать этот альбом. "Другое", потому что было произведено новое сведение альбома как для многоканального ДВД, так и для стерео-версии на СД. Отличия не значительны, но тем не менее заметны.
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