Rush - Snakes & Arrows (2007), новый альбом!
 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-05-2007, 04:39 (post 1, #744780)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 18022
Rush - Snakes & Arrows
Артист: Rush
Альбом: Snakes & Arrows, 2007
Издатель: Atlantic / 135484-2
Жанр: Progressive Rock
Формат файла: EAC/WV(trks-cdi)/ISO/TAGGED/COVERS(600dpi)
Ссылка 1: CD 1 16 clicks
Ссылка 2: CD 2
Нахождение: eDonkey/Torrent
thanks to my friends :wub: :hi:

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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-05-2007, 04:40 (post 2, #744781)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 18022
Rush - Snakes & Arrows (2007)
Original Release Date: May 1, 2007

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by server_alliance

 1. Far Cry
 2. Armor and Sword
 3. Workin' Them Angels
 4. Larger Bowl
 5. Spindrift
 6. Main Monkey Business
 7. Way the Wind Blows
 8. Hope
 9. Faithless
10. Bravest Face
11. Good News First
12. Malignant Narcissism
13. We Hold On

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A return to their former glory days, Snakes and Arrows shows this seminal prog rock band reclaiming some of the sonic territory that they'd lost over the past few years. It's not certain what contributed to this artistic rebirth, but Rush has crafted a historical and emotional odyssey that shows many both where they've been and where they're going--from the baroque soundscapes of "The Main Monkey Business," reminiscent of their earliest work to the seductive almost folkloric urgency of "The Way the Wind Blows," which is as dangerous, anxious, and prophetic as anything that Arcade Fire or Mars Volta is doing currently. Main Lyricist Neal Peart has spent the last decade getting over the death of his wife and daughter, and those tragic events have given his songwriting more depth and gravity as he explores the strengths and limitations of faith in both metaphoric and literal detail. While never didactic or ponderous, this disc is really an instruction manual for how one conducts themselves with grace and hope through unendurable pain and the vagaries of life. Gone is much of the shrillness of their earlier incarnations--Geddy Lee's trademark high pitch shrieks have mellowed considerably and Alex Lifesong's guitar playing has an assurance and freedom that can only come with age. --Jaan Uhelszki

Product Description
Anthem/Atlantic recording group Rush return with its first new collection of original material in nearly five years, entitled "SNAKES & ARROWS." The album was recorded in the fall of 2006 with Gammy Award-winner Nick Raskulinecz (Foo Fighters, Velvet Revolver) and Rush co-producing. "It's hard to describe," Geddy Lee recently told Revolver re: "SNAKES & ARROWS.""It's big, it's bold, and I think it's some of the best work we've done in years. I'm really pleased with the quality ofthe songs, and there's lots of playing on it. " Rush - Lee, Alex Lifeson, and Neil Peart - will trumpet the release of "SNAKES & ARROWS" with a full-scale North American tour, the renowned trio's first since 2004's "An Evening with Rush: 30th Anniversary Tour."

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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-05-2007, 05:01 (post 3, #744785)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 18022
кстати, 16го мая выходит DVD-AUDIO сего альбома с 5.1 Surround всех треков :w00t:
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 driab Member is Offline
 Posted: 05-05-2007, 08:05 (post 4, #745761)


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 gloop Member is Offline
 Posted: 13-05-2007, 21:43 (post 5, #748598)


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Уже сутки брожу в полуобморочном состоянии...альбом просто запредельный...нижайший поклон рашам. :hi:
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 tatuk Member is Offline
 Posted: 14-05-2007, 15:28 (post 6, #748819)

Кот Ёжик
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yury_usa, спасибо тебе, добряк. Слил, - но обязательно куплю оригинал. Слишком хороший диск, чтобы не уважить мэтров. :actu:

Кстати, добряки, - у меня есть всё их видео. Не в осла, конечно... :bab:
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 bubamara Member is Offline
 Posted: 14-05-2007, 15:47 (post 7, #748834)

Ваня Б. Коровкин

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йопт... И где я был второго мая? Как пропустил такой релиз? Пойду наверстывать...
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 bubamara Member is Offline
 Posted: 09-06-2007, 17:52 (post 8, #756635)

Ваня Б. Коровкин

Group: News makers
Posts: 3654
Послушал уже с десяток раз. Почтенные стариканы отмочили очередной шедевр. Прогрессивом я бы это не назвал - простовато для прогрессива :rolleyes: Но энергичный и мелодичный традиционный хардово-роковый альбом - бесспорно.

yury_usa, еще раз спасибо :hi:
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