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   Anne-Sophie Mutter - The Mozart Violin Concertos, 2006. 2DVD. Deutsche Grammophon
 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-09-2007, 23:45 (post 1, #778489)


Group: News makers
Posts: 12604
Anne-Sophie Mutter - The Mozart Violin Concertos (1-5)
Артист: Anne-Sophie Mutter
Альбом: The Mozart Violin Concertos (1-5), 2006
Издатель: Deutsche Grammophon / 00440 043 4210
Жанр: Classical, Orchestral Music, Violin
Формат файла: DVD Decrypter ISO. scans, mds - rar
Ссылка 1: DVD1 ISO ed2k 84 clicks
Ссылка 2: DVD2 ISO ed2k 57 clicks
Ссылка 3: scans & MDS (NEW HASH) ed2k 57 clicks
Ссылка 4: 2DVD torrent
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia
Примечание: LPCM stereo 16/48, DTS 5.0

to Raven and Co: от наших девочек - вашим деффкам :laugh:

thanks to my friends :)

user posted image

A welcome Gift, March 29, 2007
By Josquin Desprez "Joseph" (as part of the earth)
In an age when one wouldn't know who or what Mozart was anymore, thanks to the truth of his life being offered from sources which are about as reliable as paparazzi style gossip, it is a welcome gift to hear Anne bring out the human emotion in his music. Here for once, Mozart's spontaineity isn't turned into pretentious escapism but rather shown to relate to a deep understanding of the human condition which is the truth about his music and his life. Anne says somewhere that she knows that Mozart doesn't need her, that his music will survive long after she is gone. Perhaps if she knew how welcome it is, she would understand that by just being herself and enjoying Mozart she has done something irreplaceable...and that maybe music wouldn't be the same without her...and it helps..

This post has been edited by OlCh on 12-03-2008, 23:50
Please take a second to encourage releaser for all his hard work, press 'Thanks' button
The following members said 'Спасибо!': Гордый, night-jar, _null_, kokiku, Raven, va tacito, Arzy
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 Гордый Member is Offline
   Posted: 18-09-2007, 22:34 (post 16, #779954)

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Спасибо за Мать, что мне очень не понравилось, так это качество картинки :bad1: Так и чешутся руки засунуть это дело в CloneDVD. :rolleyes: В остальном всё... очень хороший звук и прекрасное исполнение, хотя LIVE!!! :punk:
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 19-09-2007, 09:13 (post 17, #780019)


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Posts: 12604
QUOTE (Гордый @ 18-09-2007, 20:34)
Спасибо за Мать, что мне очень не понравилось, так это качество картинки :bad1:
эхххх... это ж под старину... лёгкой дымкой картинка подернута :clap: :rolleyes:
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 19-09-2007, 09:27 (post 18, #780023)


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 kokiku Member is Offline
 Posted: 21-09-2007, 22:39 (post 19, #780751)


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А мне почему-то понравилось. :laugh:
Очень даже занимательный концерт, можно даже и смотреть! :w00t:
А то у "других" и того печальнее: стоит фронтмен и извивается из-за чего-то. И что он там в своём исполнении "кислого" находит? :rolleyes:
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 12-03-2008, 23:52 (post 20, #826748)


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Posts: 12604
можно теперъ этот великолепный концерт и с трекера заполучитъ... не себе - так домашним :wink:
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 Vp36nl Member is Offline
 Posted: 23-06-2008, 22:10 (post 21, #844778)


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Спасибо большое! Давно собирался послушать эти концерты, но не было амула 2.2
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