Genesis - Abacab (1981), WG Vertigo 800 044-2 03 Red Swirl
 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 18-06-2008, 06:06 (post 1, #843846)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 18022
Genesis - Abacab
Артист: Genesis
Альбом: Abacab, 1981
Издатель: WG Vertigo (Polygram) / 800 044-2 03
Жанр: Rock
Формат файла: EAC, WAV Pack, CUE, LOG, Covers, Embedded album art, ISO
Ссылка 1: CD 1 200 clicks
Ссылка 2: CD 2
Нахождение: eDonkey/Torrent
Примечание: одна из лучших версий по звуку!
1. - Abacab
2. - No Reply At All
3. - Me And Sarah Jane
4. - Keep It Dark
5. - Dodo + Lurker
6. - Who Dunnit?
7. - Man On The Corner
8. - Like It Or Not
9. - Another Record


linked to: Topic Link: Лучшие На Сегодняшний День Версии Альбомов Genesis!
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The following members said 'Спасибо!': dmozai, Pr3ss, kokiku, Crassimo, KSS_DIGGER, Oleg39, ns38, browny, LinkoManija, Archi-Med, BioS, LF_, bva1962, Lurker, alglebych, Amaz0ne, alex27, illario, ViziV, ArCanon, drobovik, dynamics, sri2417, Gwelgoth, tower1, jktu_p, minoltist, nikitinn, worand, taurus66, valentin levit, Fugazi, azur
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 18-06-2008, 06:07 (post 2, #843847)


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Review (AMG)
Duke showcased a new Genesis -- a sleek, hard, stylish trio that truly sounded like a different band from its first incarnation -- but Abacab was where this new incarnation of the band came into its own. Working once again with producer Hugh Padgham, the group escalated the innovations of Duke, increasing the pop hooks, working them seamlessly into the artiest rock here. And even if the brash, glorious pop of "No Reply at All" -- powered by the percolating horns of Earth, Wind & Fire, yet polished into a precise piece of nearly new wave pop by Padgham -- suggests otherwise, this is still art rock at its core, or at least album-oriented rock, as the band works serious syncopations and instrumental forays into a sound that's as bright, bold, and jagged as the modernist artwork on the cover. They dabble in other genres, lacing "Me and Sarah Jane" with a reggae beat, for instance, which often adds dimension to their sound, as when "Dodo" rides a hard funk beat and greasy organ synths yet doesn't become obvious; it turns inward, requiring active listening. Truly, only "No Reply at All," the rampaging title track (possibly their hardest-rocking song to date), and the sleek and spooky "Man on the Corner" (which hides a real melancholy heart underneath its glistening surface) are immediate and accessible -- although the Mockney jokes of "Who Dunnit?" could count, it's too much of a geeky novelty to be pop. The rest of Abacab is truly modern art rock, their last album that could bear that tag comfortably.

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 antma Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-09-2009, 10:53 (post 3, #912938)


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Нет источников в муле, за неделю скачал всего 160 килобайт, - в отличие от уже слитых всех остальных "Лучших релизов Genesis".
Если кто может, расшарьте, плиз!

This post has been edited by antma on 11-09-2009, 10:54
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 ArCanon Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-09-2009, 11:29 (post 4, #912950)

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 Pr3ss Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-09-2009, 16:47 (post 5, #912972)

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я на раздаче и никогда не уходил :rolleyes:
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 antma Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-09-2009, 17:12 (post 6, #912975)


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QUOTE (Pr3ss)
я на раздаче и никогда не уходил
Такое в муле бывает.
Сейчас появился один источник, правда, неполный (85%), но зато процесс пошел: у меня уже есть части для раздачи, может даже кто новый подключится...
В любом случае - спасибо!
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 ArCanon Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-09-2009, 18:35 (post 7, #912979)

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 antma Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-09-2009, 23:29 (post 8, #913011)


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Спасибо, скачал.
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 hookleft Member is Offline
 Posted: 16-10-2009, 09:15 (post 9, #919394)


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Выйдите кто-нибудь на раздачу плз. А то что-то никого нет.
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 kokiku Member is Offline
 Posted: 16-10-2009, 19:22 (post 10, #919516)


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Гигабайты ушли, а всё нет и нет! :diablo:
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 ArCanon Member is Offline
 Posted: 16-10-2009, 19:35 (post 11, #919518)

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Ну и я ещё расшарил...
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