> Free haitink Downloads
 otterhouse Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 17-02-2009, 11:43 (post 1, #881094)


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Сообщений: 5
Hello All,

From march 9th till march 15th the Dutch Avro will host a new batch of free downloads
(similar to the Concertgebouw downloads from last year).
To honour Bernard Haitink for his 80th birthday, there will be a free download from
a recording session with the Concertgebouw orchestra every day.
There is no English announcement yet, so you have to do it with a
google translate from the Dutch public radio website:

Spread the news!


Rolf den Otter
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 otterhouse Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 09-03-2009, 12:07 (post 2, #884647)


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Сообщений: 5
Today, the Dutch public radio (radio 4) started their "free Bernard"
download campaign. Thumbs up for: 320 KBS (and the music industry was
nagging about the 128 kbs Beethoven downloads... , and the files
cutted this time. Thumbs down for the e-mail check and announcer in
the first movement... It's nice to have it flowing through my HK
speakers in the room. I'm curious what you think of this performance:


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 FiL Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 09-03-2009, 15:25 (post 3, #884678)

Сварливый Мозг Клуба
Group: Roots
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well, email registration is a real pain. Other than that - it's great music and what is more important, it's great move towards beter use of copyright laws. Thumbs up!
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