Артист: |
The Music Maker Revue |
Альбом: |
Live! In Europe, 2011 |
Издатель: |
Nueva Onda & Pinnacle Productions & DixieFrog Records / DFGCD 8701 |
Жанр: |
Blues |
Формат файла: |
NL+ |
Ссылка: |
CD |
Нахождение: |
eDonkey/Kademlia |
Релиз-группа: |
Примечание: |
Последний диск этой замечательной серии, но не последний, что я выкладываю... |
1. Intro (0:22) 2. Borders (5:12) 3. Summertime (5:52) 4. What Can An Old Man Do, But Sing The Blues? (4:30) 5. Let The Good Times Roll (4:04) 6. (Get Your Kicks On) Route 66 (5:13) 7. Going Down Slow (6:22) 8. Old Folks Boogie (3:31) 9. Blue & Lonesome (4:27) 10. Trouble No More (5:13) 11. Stranded (4:35) 12. You Can Have My Husband, But Please Don't Mess With My Man (4:42) 13. At Last (3:29) 14. Wang, Dang, Doodle (7:24) 15. Applauses (0:30) 16. The Blues Is Alright (5:26)
У меня несколько дисков Music Maker и все очень хороши!Старички зажигают.Когда их слушаю и смотрю,наступает такое спокойствие души,что хочется плакать и смеяться.Как-будто все наркотики,что они за всю свою долгую жизнь выпили,выкурили и съели - все они вливаются в мои вены и я не могу сказать,что это плохо... :wub:
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 2 from 29. April 2011
EAC extraction logfile from
The Music Maker / Revue Live! In Europe
Used drive : HL-DT-STDVD-RAM GH22LP20 Adapter: 4 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure Utilize accurate stream : Yes Defeat audio cache : Yes Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 102 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface
Used output format : User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate : 896 kBit/s Quality : High Add ID3 tag : No Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\WAV Pack\wavpack.exe Additional command line options : -hlmx2 %source% %dest%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0:00.00 | 0:22.34 | 0 | 1683 2 | 0:22.34 | 5:11.54 | 1684 | 25062 3 | 5:34.13 | 5:52.11 | 25063 | 51473 4 | 11:26.24 | 4:29.47 | 51474 | 71695 5 | 15:55.71 | 4:03.49 | 71696 | 89969 6 | 19:59.45 | 5:13.15 | 89970 | 113459 7 | 25:12.60 | 6:22.31 | 113460 | 142140 8 | 31:35.16 | 3:30.66 | 142141 | 157956 9 | 35:06.07 | 4:27.20 | 157957 | 178001 10 | 39:33.27 | 5:13.27 | 178002 | 201503 11 | 44:46.54 | 4:34.69 | 201504 | 222122 12 | 49:21.48 | 4:41.44 | 222123 | 243241 13 | 54:03.17 | 3:28.45 | 243242 | 258886 14 | 57:31.62 | 7:23.66 | 258887 | 292177 15 | 64:55.53 | 0:30.29 | 292178 | 294456 16 | 65:26.07 | 5:25.58 | 294457 | 318889
Range status and errors
Selected range
Peak level 98.8 % Extraction speed 2.1 X Range quality 100.0 % Test CRC AE276096 Copy CRC AE276096 Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary Track 1 not present in database Track 2 not present in database Track 3 not present in database Track 4 not present in database Track 5 not present in database Track 6 not present in database Track 7 not present in database Track 8 not present in database Track 9 not present in database Track 10 not present in database Track 11 not present in database Track 12 not present in database Track 13 not present in database Track 14 not present in database Track 15 not present in database Track 16 not present in database None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report |