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An extremely rare and previously unreleased 1969/1970 heavy psychedelic album housed in a superb sleeve. It was recorded in the Cavern Sound Studio, Missouri. The opening cut, End Of The Page, has a lovely guitar intro and the other highlight is the lengthy Let's Go To The Sea, which features some great Hendrix' psychedelic guitar work. The remainder of the album comprises harder edged rock cuts, their own interpretation of Stormy Monday and Hooked, which is the best moment on the album vocally. Worth checking out. The band hailed from the Kansas/Missouri area.
A1 End of the Page 4:44
A2 Having a Good Time 4:08
A3 Satan 6:05
A4 Fever Machine Man 6:29
B1 Let's Go to the Sun 8:26
B2 Hooked 4:05
B3 Under the Black Sun 2:55
B4 Stormy Monday 4:48
Heavypsych classic with warm dusty basement sound with HEAVY bass and great acid psych guitarwork of premium quality. "Stormy Monday" and "Let's go to the sea" are amazing.
Rip from vinyl 256@ (front cover included)