Forums -> Other Styles -> Paris Combo - Integrale (5 Albums)
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Paris Combo - L´ Integrale (5 Albums)

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"Following in the hallowed footsteps of Les Négresses Vertes, Paris Combo is a zany five-piece band who mix musical genres with the greatest of ease. What's more, this rich melting pot of a group is made up of musicians from totally different backgrounds and cultures"

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Paris Combo got together in 1995 thanks to the energy and driving force of Bénédicte Grimault a.k.a. Belle du Berry.

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:secret: :smeh: :icon_12b: :haha2: :roof:

You don´t have to worry,
just beeee happy!
таки да, классныи реализ!
по больше бы франзуского шансона! :D
может видел где еше Artura H?