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Album Title Dot Com Blues
Date of Release Jan 9, 2001
Genre Jazz
Tones Amiable/Good-Natured, Earthy, Rollicking
Styles R&B, Soul-Jazz, Blues
384 МБ

Artist Peter Green Splinter Group
Album Title Destiny Road [US]
Date of Release Jul 27, 1999 inprint
Genre Blues
Styles Modern Electric Blues, Blues-Rock, British Blues
APE+CUE / 393.65 MB

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Lucky Peterson - Black Midnight Sun 2003

Artist: Lucky Peterson
Album: Title Black Midnight Sun
Date of Release: May 6, 2003
Genre: Blues
Tones: Party/Celebratory, Stylish, Sensual, Rollicking, Street-Smart, Freewheeling
Styles: Funk, Soul-Blues, Modern Electric Blues
Format: EAC.APE. 3.97 MAC. 326.92 MB

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eD2k: (2003).Lucky.Peterson.Black.Midnight.Sun.(EAC.APE).

1. Herbert Harper's Free Press News (Barnes/Barnes/Thurston/Thurston) - 5:22
2. Lucky in Love (Jagger) - 5:19
3. Is It Because I'm Black (Johnson/Jones/Jones/Watts/Watts) - 4:54
4. Jody's Got Your Girl and Gone (Barker/Davis/Wilson/Wilson) - 3:57
5. Smokestack Lightning (Burnett) - 5:10
6. Black Midnight Sun (Brown C./Brown/Moore/Sylvain/Sylvian/Williams) - 5:02
7. She's a Burglar (Peterson/Ragovoy) - 4:42
8. Truly Your Friend (Peterson/Washington) - 5:24
9. Talkin' Loud and Saying Nothing (Brown/Byrd) - 4:16
10. Changes Your Ways (Peterson/S. Washington/Washington) - 3:04
11. Thank You for Talkin' to Me Africa (Stewart) - 5:59

Lucky Peterson - Organ, Synthesizer, Guitar, Piano (Electric), Vocals
Bill Laswell - Bass, Producer
Graham Haynes - Cornet
Jean-Francois Deiber - Executive Producer, Release Preparation
Michael Fossenkemper - Mastering
Robert Musso - Engineer
Henry Threadgill - Flute, Horn Arrangements
Alex Harding - Sax (Baritone)
Bill Murphy - Liner Notes
Jacques Beneich - Photography
James Dellatacoma - Assistant
Neven Armanios - Layout Design
Jesse Dulman - Tuba
Michael Lemesre - Translation
Artist Lucky Peterson
Album Title Lucky Peterson
Date of Release Oct 5, 1999
Genre Blues

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1. Deal With It (Isley) - 4:02
2. The Otherside (Gray/McFarland) - 4:23
3. Tribute to Luther Allison (Peterson) - 4:37
4. Shake (Cooke) - 3:27
5. Funny How Time Slips Away (Nelson) - 4:37
6. Why Can't We Live Together (Thomas) - 5:44
7. Ask Me Nothing 'Bout the Blues (Boozier/Malone) - 4:54
8. She's Giving Me the Blues (McFarland) - 4:19
9. Seduction (King) - 4:56
10. Ta' Ta' You (Watson) - 4:57
11. Don't Cry No More (Malone) - 3:11
12. Ode to Billie Joe (Gentry) - 3:31

Lucky Peterson - Organ, Clarinet, Guitar, Piano, Arranger, Organ (Hammond), Vocals, Clavinet, Wurlitzer
Joe Louis Walker - Vocals, Performer
Jean-Philippe Allard - Executive Producer
Butch Bonner - Guitar (Rhythm), Performer
Johnny B. Gayden - Bass, Performer
Rico McFarland - Guitar (Rhythm), Vocals (bckgr), Performer
Charles Mitchell - Producer
Jay Newland - Producer, Engineer, Mastering, Mixing
Mark Pender - Trumpet
Daniel Richard - Executive Producer
Richie Rosenberg - Trombone
Carol Friedman - Photography
Matt Martone - Assistant Engineer
Jerry Vivino - Sax (Baritone), Sax (Tenor)
Patrick Votan - Release Preparation
John Newcott - Release Coordinator
Chard Heans - Guitar Technician
Late Night Horns - Horn
Philippe Savoir - Cover Design
Cara Walker - Release Coordinator
Steve Potts - Drums, Performer

Претендент на премию «Грэмми» . Сегодня это Роберт Крэй со своим современным блюзовым альбомом «Shoulda Been Home».

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Профессионализм и блюзовые корни Роберта Крэя абсолютно очевидны и делают этот альбом по меньшей мере нескучным и легко воспринимаемым. Он умудряется работать где-то на стыке блюза и соул, что, конечно, идет на пользу его популярности, но отталкивает ценителей «чистого» стиля. И действительно, его гитара может в одной вещи выдать потрясающий блюзовый чувственный драйв и тут же в следующей исполнить простенький навязчивый мотивчик.
Блюз — музыка взрослых. Ее играют пожилые люди — Бадди Гай, Би Би Кинг, Альберт Коллинз, Эрик Клэптон. Потому Роберт Крэй, несмотря на 20-летнее «присутствие в жанре» и приближающийся к полтиннику возраст, до сих пор ходит в «талантливых молодых блюзменах». Тень великих широка и неизбежно падает на артистов, чей путь в блюзе начался в конце 70-х. Пусть даже они давно не «салаги», а превосходные музыканты, цельные, с собственным стилем и лицом. Роберт Крэй — как раз такой. Мастер сладковатого соул-блюза, объединяющего классическую закваску электрического блюза с патокой продукции лейбла Motown Records. Под его музыку не попьешь пиво в дымном кабаке, под нее нужно сидеть вечером в тихом и просторном заведении и поить девушку тропическими коктейлями. Кстати, одна из лучших пластинок Крэя так и называлась — «Мастер уговаривать». Альбом Shoulda Been Home представляет искусного соблазнителя Крэя во всей красе — этакий секс-блюз со всеми необходимыми ритмами, шелковым вокалом и впечатляющими соло. Иначе говоря, понравится обоим.

Artist : Robert Cray
Born : Aug 1, 1953 in Columbus, GA
Instruments : Vocals, Guitar
Album Title : Shoulda Been Home
Date of Release May 15, 2001
Genre : Blues
Tones : Melancholy, Stylish, Rousing, Bittersweet, Sentimental, Passionate, Energetic
Styles : Modern Electric Blues, Contemporary Blues, Retro-Soul
Format :APE.EAC. 314,90 MB

1. Baby's Arms (Cray) - 2:55
2. Already Gone (Cray) - 6:32
3. Anytime (Pugh) - 5:26
4. Love Sickness (Rice) - 2:59
5. I'm Afraid (Cray) - 3:11
6. No One Special (Cray) - 4:47
7. Out of Eden (Pugh) - 9:19
8. Cry for Me Baby (London) - 3:06
9. Far Away (Cray/Cray/Turner) - 6:24
10. Renew Blues (Cray/Hayes/Pugh/Sevareid) - 1:02
11. Help Me Forget (Cray) - 4:18
12. The 12 Year Old Boy (Landon) - 2:46

AMG Info

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Слева направо Taj Mahal, Robert Cray, Marty Nelson .

Если интересно, чуть погодя могу выложить??!!
Terry Callier - "Total Recall"

Genres Electronica / Chilled

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01 - Just My Imagination - Groove Armada Remix
02 - Vocal Intro - Imagine a Nation**
03 - Imagine a Nation - Funky Lowlives Remix
04 - Love Theme from Spartacus - Zero 7 Remix
05 - Darker Than a Shadow - Mitchell & Dewbury Mix
06 - Vocal Intro - Monuments of Mars**
07 - Monuments of Mars - Hopper Mix**
08 - Running Around - Fug City Mix**
09 - Love Theme - 4 Hero No Skins Mix**
10 - Vocal Intro - Sierra Leone**
11 - Sierra Leone - Block 16 Remix



Soft Place to Fall / Deborah Coleman

Artist Deborah Coleman
Album Title Soft Place to Fall
Date of Release Mar 21, 2000
Genre Blues
Instruments Vocals, Guitar
Tones Stylish, Exuberant, Earthy, Sensual, Confident, Passionate
Styles Modern Electric Blues, Contemporary Blues
Time 43:48


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1. Look What You Do to Me (Schogger/Smith) - 3:40
2. Confused (Steen) - 3:29
3. Soft Place to Fall (Coleman) - 4:23
4. Don't Lie to Me (Colla/Fredericks) - 3:41
5. If You Love Me Like You Say (Taylor) - 3:38
6. Another Hoping Fool (Coleman) - 4:15
7. I'm a Woman (McDaniel) - 4:51
8. So Damn Easy (Dye) - 4:09
9. Nothing to Do With Love (Williams) - 3:34
10. What Goes Around (Coleman) - 4:14
11. The Day It Comes (Bowe) - 3:54

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AMG Info

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Дебора Коулмэн получила широкую известность после дебютного альбома 1994 года "Принимая стойку" ("Takin' a Stand"). Сейчас ей 42 года, у нее за плечами уже 4 альбома, участие во всех престижных блюз-фестивалях США. В нынешнем году она стала первой женщиной, получившей номинацию на премию им.В.К.Хэнди в категории "Лучший исполнитель на гитаре". В современном блюзе, где и в целом большая нехватка женских лиц, кроме Коулмэн нет ни одной известной афро-американки, играющей блюз на гитаре.

Дебора Коулмэн родилась в семье военного. Начала играть на гитаре в 8-летнем возрасте, серьезно стала относиться к игре с 15 лет, выступала с рок- и ритмэндблюзовыми группами. В 25 лет оставила музыку в связи с рождением дочери. Работала медсестрой, электриком... Вернулась к гитаре только тогда, когда дети выросли.
Дебора Коулмэн: "I love the guitar. I have a great passion for the guitar!" - "Я люблю гитару. Это просто страсть!".
Об истоках своего стиля Д.Колумэн говорит, что выросла, слушая Джими Хендрикса, Джеймса Брауна, "Крим", Джефа Бека и Лед Зеппелин. Только в возрасте 19 лет она открыла для себя блюз в записях Джона Ли Хукера, Хаулина Вулфа и Мадди Уотерса.

Д.Коулмэн: "Теперь я пытаюсь развивать те стили, на которых я выросла. Не копировать кого-то, но брать понемногу и смешивать со своим. Надеюсь, то, что у меня получится, и будет моим собственным стилем, индивидуальным, как подпись. Я очень взволнована этой номинацией в гитарной категории. Потому что впервые женщина номинируется в этой категории - никогда раньше такого не было. Так что я просто в восторге."

В этом году у Коулмэн две номинации. Вторая - в категории "Современный блюз". Этот успех критики связывают с последним альбомом Д.Коулмэн "Где соломку постелить" ("Soft Place to Fall"). Как и предыдущие три, он выпущен фирмой "Слепой хряк" (Blind Pig), но гитаристка считает, что на этот раз ей очень повезло с продюсером Джимом Гейнзом (Jim Gaines), который прежде работал с Сантаной, Стиви Реем Воэном и многими другими "звездами".

Smokin' Joe Kubek - Roadhouse Research

Artist Smokin' Joe Kubek
Album Title Roadhouse Research
Date of Release Feb 4, 2003
Genre Blues
Instruments Vocals, Guitar
Tones Earnest, Earthy, Rousing, Playful, Passionate
Styles Modern Electric Blues, Electric Texas Blues, Modern Electric Texas Blues

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1. Healthy Mama performed by Kubek, Smokin' Joe / Bnois King - 3:56
2. Tell Me Why performed by Kubek, Smokin' Joe / Bnois King - 3:41
3. Cryin' Shame performed by Kubek, Smokin' Joe / Bnois King - 4:09
4. Got to Get Paid performed by Kubek, Smokin' Joe / Bnois King - 4:09
5. Better Be Getting It On performed by Kubek, Smokin' Joe / Bnois King - 3:44
6. Runnin' Blind performed by Kubek, Smokin' Joe / Bnois King - 5:45
7. The Blues Is Still With Us performed by Kubek, Smokin' Joe / Bnois King - 4:54
8. Make It Right performed by Kubek, Smokin' Joe / Bnois King - 4:32
9. I Need More performed by Kubek, Smokin' Joe / Bnois King - 5:09
10. Standing in My Door performed by Kubek, Smokin' Joe / Bnois King - 7:13

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Вот собрал тут пару тройку ВОКАЛИСТОВ - ГИТАРИСТОВ , и может будет к чему нибудь из предложенного , интэрес B) подготовлю рэлиз!!??
Вот и САБЖ собственно. Думаю что представлять более не нужно вышеупомянутых граждан.?? Многие любители жанра с ними знакомы?!
Спасибо за предоставленный материал для размышления.

Если можешь, то выставь Deborah Coleman :D
Если можешь, то выставь Deborah Coleman

Что бы не складывать все яйца в одну корзину - я бы от Terry Callier не отказался :D
Хотя подозреваю, что он и сам себя не узнает в этих миксах.

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Artist: Eric Clapton
Album Title : Time Pieces: Best of Eric Clapton
Date of Release : May 1982 (release) inprint
AMG Rating *****
Genre : Rock/Blues
Tones : Amiable/Good-Natured, Organic, Laid-Back/Mellow, Rollicking
Styles : Blues-Rock, Pop/Rock, Album Rock
Type :compilation
283 мега

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tsi Ну это не серьёзно.... bibigon чтож это такое , так не серьёзно , мне легче почтой послать чем двоим раздавать, Может тут гитарасты и гитаристки не нужны?? Есть вот дядька на клавишах лабает!! На хамонде, может тогда его?? ;) Или какова нибуть Клифа Ричарда лучше ?? :pig:

Robert Walter / Giving Up the Ghost


Date of Release Aug 19, 2003
Genres Jazz (Ритм & Блюз)
Styles Acid Jazz, Soul-Jazz, Jazz-Funk, Jazz Rock.
Instruments Keyboards

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by Ann Wickstrom
Instrumental jazz-funk is the name of Robert Walter's game. The top-notch organ/piano player was a founding member of the Greyboy Allstars, with whom he played for five years and toured extensively throughout North America and Europe. He has also played and recorded with jazz and funk icons Fred Wesley, Melvin Sparks, Andy Bey, and Reuben Wilson, and he contributed to the soundtrack of the 1998 film Zero Effect. In 1996, Walter released a solo album featuring sax great Gary Bartz called Spirit of '70. Two years later he formed Robert Walter's 20th Congress in San Diego. The band also includes Cochemea Gastelum on alto sax and flute, Chris Stillwell on bass, George Sluppick on drums and percussion, and Chuck Padra on congas, bongos, and percussion. The band tours the U.S. and Canada steadily, playing originals (including some of the songs Walter wrote for the Greyboy Allstars) as well as material from Grant Green, Reuben Wilson, and others. An EP, Health and Fitness, preceded the band's July 2000 full-length release Money Shot on Fog City Records.

1. Glassy-Winged Sharp Shooter - 4:17
2. Aquafresh - 5:53
3. Convex+Concave - 4:03
4. Circle Limit - 3:35
5. Bygones Be - 5:53
6. Dump Truck - 4:12
7. Easy Virtue - 3:27
8. Clear All Wires - 4:34
9. Bet - 5:29
10. Underbrush - 3:56
11. Sacred Secret - 6:53
12. Giving Up the Ghost - 3:54

Will Bernard - Guitar
Robert Walter - Synthesizer, Piano, Organ (Hammond), Programming, Producer, Engineer, Sampling, Fender Rhodes, Effects
Todd Burke - Engineer, Mixing
George Sluppick - Drums
Jim Brick - Mastering
Cochemea Gastelum - Flute, Clarinet (Bass), Sax (Alto), Effects
Chris Stillwell - Bass
Mike Fratantuno - Bass
Joe Russo - Drums
Chuck Prada - Percussion


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А может что попроще (или попростее)...... :lol:
:p Там например: Herbie Hancock

Return of the Headhunters!

Artist The Headhunters
Album Title Return of the Headhunters!
Date of Release Jul 21, 1998
Genre Jazz
Styles Jazz-Funk, Post-Bop, Crossover Jazz, Electro


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After a two-decade-long hiatus, Herbie Hancock's Headhunters returned to action in 1998 with their funk groove pretty much intact, allowing for some technological and stylistic updating. The core of the band — the too-long-neglected Bennie Maupin (saxes, bass clarinet), Paul Jackson (bass), Bill Summers (percussion), and the group's second drummer Mike Clark — still has the complex funk telepathic interplay down pat, though occasionally the rhythms are simplified for contemporary audiences. Hancock himself only appears on four tracks, where he tries to comp and stomp out on latter-day digital instruments (alas, he doesn't quite generate the same superfunky feeling that he once could on analog clavinets, Fender-Rhodes pianos and ARP synths). Billy Childs fills the keyboard chair in more genteel fashion on the other six tracks, with occasional help from Patrice Rushen, Mark Goodman and Darrell Smith. The main hangup here is that the revived Headhunters didn't come up with much memorable material, the strongest tracks being the back-to-1974 retro workout "Funk Hunter," and the rhythmically tricky "Kwanzaa," and "Watch Your Back," which features the obligatory rap honoring elder statesmen of music (strange how reverential the nominally rebellious younger set often can be). — Richard S. Ginell

1. Funk Hunter (Headhunters [1]) - 7:01
2. Shank It (Headhunters [1]) - 3:07
3. Watch Your Back (Davenport/Hardson/Headhunters [1]) - 4:40
4. Frankie and Kevin (Childs/Headhunters [1]) - 4:53
5. Premonition (Headhunters [1]) - 7:33
6. Tip Toe (Davenport/Headhunters [1]) - 4:14
7. Two But Not Two (Childs/Headhunters [1]) - 6:01
8. PP Head (Headhunters [1]) - 3:46
9. Kwanzaa (Childs/Headhunters [1]) - 5:54
10. 6/8-7/8 (Childs/Headhunters [1]) - 6:56

Patrice Rushen - Keyboards
Billy Childs - Piano, Keyboards
Herbie Hancock - Keyboards, Executive Producer
Bennie Maupin - Clarinet (Bass), Saxophone
Mike Clark - Drums
Bill Summers - Percussion
N'Dea Davenport - Vocals, Vocals (bckgr)
Jim Davis - Second Engineer
Mark Goodman - Keyboards
Paul Jackson - Bass
Craig Nelson - Illustrations
Michael Schlesinger - Producer, Engineer
Darrell Smith - Keyboards, Keyboard Programming
Tom Coyne - Mastering
Gabe Chiesa - Second Engineer, Second Engineer
David Flemming - Mixing
Beth Herzhaft - Photography
Patricia Lie - Art Direction, Design
Bruce "Gypsy" Millstein - Percussion
David Passick - Executive Producer
Yvette Summers - Assistant Producer
The Headhunters - Producer, Performer
Melinda Murphy - Production Coordination
JK - Guitar, Producer
Trй Hardson - Rap
Ajari Davu-Jianda - Engineer
Или совсем спокойного чего нибудь... для души??

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One of the many jazzmen who started out playing hard bop but went electric during the fusion era, Joe Sample was, in the late '50s, a founding member of the Jazz Crusaders along with trombonist Wayne Henderson, tenor saxman Wilton Felder, and drummer Stix Hooper. The Crusaders' debt to Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers wasn't hard to miss — except that the L.A.-based unit had no trumpeter, and became known for its unique tenor/trombone front line. Sample, a hard-swinging player who could handle chordal and modal/scalar improvisation equally well, stuck to the acoustic piano during the Crusaders' early years — but would place greater emphasis on electric keyboards when the band turned to jazz-funk in the early '70s and dropped "Jazz" from its name. Though he'd recorded as a trio pianist on 1969's obscure Fancy Dance, 1978's Rainbow Seeker was often described as his first album as a leader. In contrast to the gritty music the Crusaders became known for, Sample's own albums on MCA and, later, Warner Bros. and PRA have generally favored a very lyrical and introspective jazz-pop approach.

Invitation / Joe Sample

Album Title Invitation
Date of Release 1993
AMG Rating
Genre Jazz
Styles Soul-Jazz, Fusion, Post-Bop, Crossover Jazz
Instruments Keyboards, Piano

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1. Black Is the Color (Traditional) - 3:54
2. A House Is Not a Home (Bacharach/David) - 4:57
3. Come Rain or Come Shine (Arlen/Mercer) - 5:06
4. Invitation (Kaper) - 4:21
5. Summertime (Gershwin/Gershwin/Heyward) - 6:48
6. Nica's Dream (Silver) - 5:20
7. Stormy Weather (Arlen/Koehler) - 5:00
8. Django (Lewis) - 3:45
9. My One and Only Love (Mellin/Wood) - 6:12
10. Mood Indigo (Bigard/Ellington/Mills) - 4:26

Cecil McBee - Bass, Bass (Upright)
Joe Sample - Synthesizer, Piano, Arranger
Victor Lewis - Drums
Lenny Castro - Percussion
Tommy LiPuma - Producer, Assistant Producer
Joe Mardin - Programming
Bruce Miller - Engineer
Dale Oehler - Arranger, Conductor
Doug Sax - Mastering
Al Schmitt - Engineer, Mixing
Larry Williams - Programming
Chris Albert - Second Engineer
Robert Smith - Second Engineer
Greg Ross - Art Direction, Design
Douglas Brothers - Photography
Tom Tavee - Photography
Deborah Silverman-Kern - Production Coordination

:( Может Трубачей Саксофонистов ??!!
Artist Various Artists
Album: Title Cafe del Mar, Vol. 8
Date of Release : Jun 26, 2001
Genre: Electronica
Size: 330 Мега.

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Artist Saint Germain
Album Title Tourist
Date of Release May 30, 2000
Genre Electronica
Tones Soothing, Stylish, Intimate, Hypnotic, Earthy, Calm/Peaceful, Freewheeling, Smooth, Ambitious
Styles House, Club/Dance, Jazz-House
АРЕ RAR 355 Мега

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****** ******** ********* ********

А это в розыске !

Artist Various Artists
Date of Release 2003
Genre Electronica / Lounge
Type various artists
846.27 MB


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1. Physics - Leaving Monte Carlo
2. Mondomo - Penso Ascoltando
3. Zimpala - Sugar
4. Bluprint - Lattitude
5. Buscemi feat. Carla Aleksandar - A Te O Fin
6. Enrico Riva - I`m Walking
7. Bobby Hughes Combination - Magnificent Mr. Morgan
8. Amplified Orchestra - Truth!
9. Zeb - The Water & The Sun
10. Lockhart - Pearl Samba
11. Catch Up - Oncle Joe (Gerd`s 4Lux Mix)
12. Stigmato Inc. - Coppelia
13. The Big Bossa - Samba Soul
14. DJ Q - Season`s End

15. Frankman - Night Drive
16. Akufen - Installation
17. Rednose Distrikt - Zmit
18. Clashing Egos - Brightness Of The Morning (Kirk DeGiorgio Remix)
19. Vibezone - Lesbianism
20. Xavier Perec - More Than Skin Deep
21. Faberge - Dimanche
21. Nicola Conte - Jet Sounds (Performed By NuSpirit Helsinki)
23. Buelent - To Me
24. Burdy - Marco Rio
25. International Observer - Vale

Belgian label N.E.W.S. have pulled together a beautiful selection from the best purveyors of lazy grooves and leftfield lounge. A cracking double CD set with enough range to keep you plugged in for the full session.
Artist Claude Challe
Album Title Je Nous Aime
Date of Release Oct 21, 2003
Genre Electronica
Styles Ethnic Fusion, Club/Dance

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Artist De Phazz
Album Title Daily Lama
Date of Release , 2002
Genre Electronica
APE RAR 434 Мега


Shilts / See What Happens
Artist Shilts
Album Title See What Happens
Date of Release Jul 17, 2001
AMG Rating *****
Genre Rock :w00t: :fear2: :lol: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMG слушать...зимой в трусах ходить надо. . . .
Styles Smooth Jazz, Acid Jazz, Contemporary Jazz, Soul-Jazz

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Paul "Shilts" Weimar is the saxophonist for Down To The Bone. He hails from London and spent six years with the Brand New Heavies. He also has recorded with David Bowie, Jimmy Page and Bill Wymann and toured with Jamiroquai adn backed legends like The Temptations, Drifters, Four Tops, and Rose Royce. This is his first solo project and I’m here to tell you that this piece of work is hot stuff. A cross between Acid Jazz, Funk, R&B and Smooth Jazz. Out of eleven tunes ten are uptemo and I liked everyone of them. That is rare to say. The first radio single is "There’s No Wonder." A nice groove with a hook that’ll stay in your head the rest of the day. But actually that is how you would describe most of the songs on this CD. "One For The Road" is a song that typifies the CD. Great beat, Shilts featured on the sax and the band playing behind him. The more I listen to it the more I like it.

1. See What Happens performed by Shilts - 6:08
2. Mind the Gap performed by Shilts - 5:56
3. There's No Wonder performed by Shilts - 5:53
4. Down in the Village performed by Shilts - 5:00
5. Short Island Iced Tea performed by Shilts - 6:15
6. One for the Road performed by Shilts - 6:24
7. The Word Is Out performed by Shilts - 5:34
8. Stax of Sax performed by Shilts - 5:51
9. Your Place or Mine performed by Shilts - 6:46
10. Tequila Frenzy performed by Shilts - 5:46
11. Cop This! performed by Shilts - 6:13

Michael Casswell - Guitar
Matt Marshall - Executive Producer
Tony Remy - Guitar, Vocoder
Dan Selene - Executive Producer
Paul Turner - Bass, Bass (Electric)
Paul "Shilts" Weimar - Arranger, Programming, Sax (Alto), Sax (Tenor), Producer, Mixing, Brass Arrangement
Simon Hale - Strings, String Arrangements
Mick Wilson - Guitar, Percussion, Arranger, Conga, Keyboards, Programming, Producer, Drum Programming, Mixing
Mark Cumberland - Trumpet
Joel T. Jordan - Graphic Design
David Goodes - Guitar
Chris Morgans - Executive Producer
Cardwell Lynch II - Production Coordination

Не знаю почему , но у меня CD с этой обложкой :
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Диск оригинал:
Artist: Shilts
Released: 13 Aug 2001, Format: CD
Label: Soulstis
Genre: Jazz, Funk

PS Если кто то решится, когда то между делом, начать слушать ДЖАЗ... то начинать надо с этого альбома... обратно дороги нет!! :punk:
:pig: Ну нет , так нет...... B)


Artist Diana Garden
Album Title Tribe
Date of Release Oct 15, 2002
Genre Electronica

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Album Title Goodbye Country (Hello Nightclub)
Date of Release Sep 11, 2001
AMG Rating ****
Genre Electronica
Tones Druggy, Stylish, Detached, Theatrical, Hypnotic, Reflective, Smooth
Styles Trip-Hop, Ambient Dub, Electronica
327.23 МБайт



Hummus Collective Vol. 1

Genres Electronic
Style: Downtempo

CD Info

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1 Milano - Holdborn / featuring Aklipse
2 Jonathan Williams - Jimi Didn't Know He Had It
3 Sino - Bamboo Soul
4 John Beltran (DUPLICATE) - Siesta Key
5 Les Homes - Hommage
6 Hommage - Swingback
7 Terry Callier - Running Arround
8 Amp Fiddler - Eye To Eye
9 DSP - Sins I've Lost
10 Currymints, The - Like It Ocelot
11 Allgood Funkallaince - Fire It Up
12 Toy Division - Budapest Resonance (Andrew J Remix)
remix by Andrew J
13 Soul Camp - Huula Hop (Main's Mix)

Neo / Welcome to the Boom Boom Room

Style(s): House

A GROOVE DIS EXCLUSIVE FOR THE US! NEO is back for a new full length. Following the huge success of his first CD, NEO brings a more mature jazz house with vocal cuts that remind us of NORMA JEAN BELL's production. Super catchy and jazzy, NEO is at the top of his game. (BLACKJAZZ)

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01 - Introlude Smile
02 - Smile
03 - Night Owl
04 - Harlem (This Is For You)
05 - Over-the-counter Whispers
06 - Moon Cafe
07 - It's Not What You Got
08 - Mystic Boogie
09 - A Blue Muse
10 - Camel Walk
11 - Shadowbox
12 - Latin Doll
13 - Inside Silence
14 - Goodnight

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Kumharas lounge IBIZA

PERFORMER "Various artists"
CD "Kumharas Lounge IBIZA"
TRACK 01 Touched The Sun -- Ikarus
TRACK 02 The Dove -- Icon
TRACK 03 Sinusoid -- Electroslide
TRACK 04 Give One Reason -- Tabula Rasa
TRACK 05 Multi Level Rooms -- Cosmic Rocker
TRACK 06 Israelites (Ibizare RMX) -- Desmond Decker
TRACK 07 Swing ur Soul -- P.M. FM
TRACK 08 Go! -- Nacho Sotomayor
TRACK 09 Dunja -- Karuan
TRACK 10 Brazilian Dream -- Two Men Ahead
TRACK 11 Radio Activity -- Juanjo Mur & DJ David Moreno
TRACK 12 Green Grass Running Water -- Morphogenetics
TRACK 13 Letting Go -- Real
TRACK 14 Occasionally Modified -- Cosmic Rocker
TRACK 15 Celebrate Life -- Tabla Rasa
TRACK 16 Tell Me Why -- Etnica

29/9/2003 HOUSE D'ARRET

Artist Various artists
Album Title Kumharas Lounge IBIZA
Date of Release 29/9/2003
Genre Electronica / World
Styles Worldbeat, Club/Dance, lounge, Chill, Electronica


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Может что из этого ??


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Artist: Moby
Album Title 18
Date of Release: May 14, 2002
Genre: Electronica
Styles: Ambient Techno, Downtempo
Ape RAR 393 мега
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Artist: Various Artists
Album Title: Cafe del Mar Chilhouse mix.3
Date of Release: 2003
Genre: Electronica
Styles: Downbeat, Downtempo, House, Clab dance.
Type: various artists



Soel "Memento"

Ludovic Navarre a.k.a. St.Germain prasents

'Memento', das Solo-Debut von Trompeter SOEL feiert den Sound der 60er und 70er, ohne nostalgisch zu werden. SOEL verbindet Jazz und Electronica, Spoken Word und Club-Groove zum hei?esten Mix des Jahres - produziert von Ludovic Navarre a.k.a. St. Germain.

Genre: jazz/electro
Label/Distr.: Warner Jazz
VO: 20.10.2003

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1. Le Vicomte 05:23
2. Shining Pain 04:11
3. My Singing Soul 06:59
4. Prelude 01:53
5. Black Women 05:02
6. The Earth Mother 05:35
7. To This World 06:06
8. The Way U R 04:56
9. We Have Died Already

CD Info
Etta James - Let's Roll 2003

Artist Etta James
Album Title Let's Roll
Date of Release May 6, 2003
AMG Rating * * * *
Genre Blues
Tones Earnest, Exuberant, Earthy, Sensual, Passionate
Styles Soul, Soul-Blues, Modern Electric Blues, Electric Blues, Contemporary Blues

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AMG Info

1. Somebody to Love (McClinton/Nicholson) - 5:48
2. The Blues Is My Business (Bowe/Cherney) - 3:33
3. Leap of Faith (Clarke/Nicholson) - 4:00
4. Strongest Weakness (Bramlett/Nicholson) - 4:53
5. Wayward Saints of Memphis (Bowe/McClinton) - 5:42
6. Lie No Better (Nicholson) - 3:31
7. Trust Yourself (Bowe/Champion) - 4:45
8. A Change Is Gonna Do Me Good (Anderson/Dipiero) - 5:23
9. Old Weakness (Nicholson) - 3:12
10. Stacked Deck (Wright) - 8:01
11. On the 7th Day (Bowe/Kostas) - 5:01
12. Please, No More (Egan) - 4:40

Etta James - Vocals, Producer, Liner Notes
Josh Sklair - Synthesizer, Guitar (Acoustic), Banjo, Director, Guitar (Electric), Guitar (12 String), Producer, Slide Guitar, Rhythm Arrangements
David Z. - Mixing
Bobby Murray - Guitar (Electric)
Tom Poole - Trumpet, Horn Arrangements
Lee Thornburg - Trombone, Trumpet, Horn Arrangements
Jimmy "Z" Zavala - Harmonica, Sax (Baritone), Sax (Tenor)
Donto Metto James - Percussion, Drums, Vocals, Producer, Engineer
Lupe DeLeon - Executive Producer
Сайт группы

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PERFORMER: "The Boomers"
TITLE: "What We Do"
230.36 MB
Year: 1991


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PERFORMER "Andru Donalds"
TITLE "Let's Talk About It"
Genres Rock
Styles Club/Dance
APE.CUE.rar323.35 MB


Проекты Майкла Крету (Michael Cretu) почти всегда находят своего слушателя. Так было и на этот раз. Обладатель отличного голоса Andru Donalds начал свою карьеру с хита 1994 года "Metro Blue" и дебютного альбома "Damned If I Donґt". Потом был звездный "Snowinґ Under My Skin" и альбом с одноименным названием. И вот теперь новый альбом. Стиль исполнителя практически не претерпел изменений. Представьте себе музыку Enigma, чуть более динамичную и с небольшим, но чертовски модным уклоном в рит-н-блюз. Именно в таком стиле сделана заглавная "Let's talk about it". Первый сингл "(I'm not your) one night lover" немного отдает летними реггеевскими мотивами. Ну а второй и сегодняшний сингл "Hurts to be in love" - откровенной меланхолией. И все это хиты! С большой буквы. Полная страданий и ожиданий струнная "Send me a sign" только усиливает это впечатление. Очень приятный альбом. И, несмотря на то, что авторство музыки и большинства песен принадлежит самому Андрю, стиль Крету ощущается в каждой ноте.
Стройный ямайский красавчик Эндрю Доналдс (Andrew Donalds) поет о любви. На голове его дреды, в ушах серьги, за спиной Кретю с Гадом. Сам Эндрю отнюдь не из островной деревушки пришел на сцену. Папа его, профессор теологии, познакомил малыша Доналдса с песнями "Битлз", поэтому, повзрослев, Эндрю умеренно страстно исполняет не только простецкий реггей, но и европейские баллады.
В середине 90-х Эндрю выпустил пару альбомов, услышав которые создатель "Энигмы" румын Михаэль Кретю (Michael Cretu) пригласил сладкоголосого мулата попеть на "энигмовском" новом альбоме - с этого все и началось. "Let's Talk About It" это Доналдс в обработке продюсеров "Энигмы" Дженса Гада (Jens Gad) и Кретю. Звучание альбома можно теперь угадать не слушая.
Давайте вместе : берем ямайца (мелодика реггей, ямайская перкуссия, драм-н-басовый грув, ибо модный драм-н-бас из рагга и вышел) и продюсеров "Энигма" (современное электронное звучание, атмосферные синтезаторы, обработанный вокодером вокал, интеллектуально танцевальная аранжировка и умеренный темп). Соединяем под одной обложкой и слушаем ямайско европейский музон.
Фантазийности и меланхолии "Энигмы" здесь нет и в помине, "Let's Talk About It" проект танцевальный и не ориентированный только на людей с высшим образованием. Диск состоит из реггей, диско песенок и баллад с придыханием. Рэггей, кстати, три трека из двенадцати.
Доналдса никогда не упрекнут в заумности и юные девушки, наверняка, уже толпами видят во сне его чувственные ямайские губы и баскетбольно длинные ноги.

Хочу все! :)
Качать и слушать, качать и слушать...
:fear2: Ну и с чего начать???


Claude Challe "Les Bains Douches" 2CD

Artist Various Artists
Album Title Bains Douches: Mixed by Claude Challe
Date of Release Dec 23, 2003
Genre Electronica
EAC.APE ~939.78 MB~

AMG Info


'>user posted image

1. Spiritual High (Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3) performed by Moodswings - 15:26
2. Autumn Leaves performed by Coldcut - 5:24
3. Emotions of Paradise performed by Miro - 7:26
4. I Won't Come With You performed by Laurent Dury / Leane - 3:53
5. Hurry to Me performed by Roy Budd - 3:41
6. Brazil performed by Melody Four - 3:10
7. Rumba Do Vesou performed by Thierry Robin - 6:00
8. Ya Rayah performed by Rachid Taha - 6:02
9. Taal Zaman performed by Transglobal Underground - 5:15
10. Lily Was Here performed by Dave Stewart / Candy Dulfer - 4:09
11. If the 60's Were 90's performed by Beautiful People - 7:02
12. Start the Dancer performed by Black Science Orchestra - 3:51
13. 60 Seconds performed by Audio De Lux - 5:40
14. St Mark Square performed by Black Science Orchestra - 6:01
15. Autumn Love performed by Electra - 6:30
16. Una Lacrima Sul Viso [Dance Version] performed by Bobby Solo - 3:27
17. Latin Joint performed by Baby Buddah - 5:17
18. Es Pa Ti Mi Vida [Tribal Mix] performed by E.V.O.E. - 3:24
19. Sweetly performed by Gigi - 7:59
20. 1992, Funky Guitar performed by T.C - 4:59
21. Insomnia performed by Faithless - 8:24
22. Afroleft performed by Leftfield - 7:26
23. Cajesukarije-Cocek performed by Goran Bregovic - 3:51
24. La Cumparsita performed by Hovannes K. - 3:56

Steve Hillage - Producer
Tony Coe - Group Member
Lol Coxhill - Group Member
Naive - Producer
Paul Oakenfold - Producer, Mixing
Luke Baldry - Producer
Steve Beresford - Group Member
Goran Bregovic - Arranger, Producer
Thierry Robin - Arranger
Pely - Producer
Thottrup - Producer
Claude Challe - Producer, Mixing, Concept, Realization
Jean Rochard - Producer
A.R.P. - Producer
Marco Fratty - Producer
L.E. Berry - Producer
Philippe Baldini - Photography
DuKane - Producer

Cafe Solaire Это такая же знаменитая дискотека в Милане, как в Испании на Ибизе Cafe del Mar!!
Cafe Solaire Ethno Moods & Deep Cool
3Rd Edition April 2003
480 МВ

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;) Кстати можно бы было админам добавить уже и 2004 в релизах в столбик годов..... а то как новое релизить то??

Saint Germain En Laye Cafe
Saint Germain En Laye Cafe
Artist Various Artists
Album Title Saint Germain En Laye Cafe
Date of Release Aug 12, 2003
Genre Electronica / Jazz-House
Type various artists

AMG Info

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1. Eple performed by Royksopp - 3:34
2. Ten [Kyoto Jazz Massive Remix] performed by Fauna Flash - 6:38
3. Homelands performed by Nitin Sawnhey - 6:44
4. Inspirations performed by Takyo - 4:26
5. Seraya performed by Fragile State - 5:33
6. Resolution performed by Affair - 4:58
7. Capture [Ambient Mix] performed by Mettle Music - 3:08
8. City to City performed by Saint Rue - 3:51
9. Movin On performed by Miguel Migs - 6:15
10. Phantom Soul performed by Cosmo Q - 4:25
11. Beyond performed by Nu Jazz Symphony - 2:29
12. Trying performed by Nuspirit Helsinki / Mercury Rhodes - 7:23
13. Une Simple Histoire performed by Thievery Corporation - 3:39
14. Awakening performed by Francois K. / Barbara Mendes - 8:04
15. Puzzle People performed by Kevin Yost / Peter Funk - 7:14
16. Picture of My Heart performed by Dust - 4:40
17. Nu Format performed by Soul Crew - 3:57
18. Hereos performed by Stone - 3:48
19. Waterfalls performed by East To East - 5:23
20. Life Is But a Dream performed by Masters At Work / Lynae - 4:10
21. Classic Sounds performed by Indica - 5:01
22. Destinations performed by Pashtun Orchestra - 4:24


Terry Burrus - Associate Producer
Peter Funk - Producer
Fourplay - Producer
Steven Barkan - Engineer, Mixing
Michael Ciro - Guitar
Kenny Dope - Producer, Mixing
Eric Hilton - Producer
Josh Milan - Keyboards
Andy Ross - Producer
Nitin Sawhney - Arranger, Producer
Pete Whitfield - String Arrangements
Indica - Producer
Franзois K - Producer, Mixing
Neil Cowley - Producer, Mixing
The S-Man - Producer
Kevin Yost - Arranger, Producer
Louie Vega - Producer, Mixing
Hajime Yoshizawa - Korg Synthesizer, Fender Rhodes
Adam Phillips - Producer
Richard Sadler - Bass (Acoustic)
Torbjшrn Brundtland - Group Member
Rob Garza - Producer
Miguel Migs - Arranger, Producer, Engineer
Joe Claussell - Producer, Remixing
Kenichi - Programming
Mark Wadsworth - Producer
Barbara Mendes - Vocals
Abdissa "Mamba" Assefa - Percussion
Kyoto Jazz Massive - Producer, Remixing
Shuya Okino - Group Member
Lynae - Vocals, Vocals (bckgr)
Rцyksopp - Arranger, Producer
Yoshihiro Okino - Programming, Group Member
Svein Berge - Group Member
Kasio - Organ (Hammond)
Fragile State - Producer, Remixing, Instrumentation
Lars Bartkuhn - Producer, Remixing
Marek Bartkuhn - Producer, Remixing
Matt Coldrick - Guitar
Nic Conef - Producer
Jan "Yannick" Elverfeld - Producer, Remixing
Joseph Ventola - Executive Producer
Ralph Lamb - Producer
Virginia Barrett - Guitar, Vocals
Thierry Bias - Producer
Blax - Producer, Remixing
Ben Mynott - Producer, Mixing
Soul Crew - Producer
East To East - Producer


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The producer and professional jazz-guitar player, Camiel, wanted to create
a modern and nice kind of electronic music, but more musical than most
of todays chill-out music.Therefore this album was made with a large number of highly skilled
artists of many different nationalities.

Released: 2002
Country: Netherlands
Style: Deep House, Future Jazz, Chillout.
Notes: Written & produced by Camiel.


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Artist Various Artists
Date of Release Jul 8, 2003
Genre World, ambient, chillout,ethno.
Formate APE.CUE.RAR 3.20
Size 473 MB + 489 MB




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Artist Various Artists
Album Title Nirvana Lounge, Vol. 2 / 2002
Genre World ,Electronica, ChillOut, Lounge.
461 MB + 503 MB



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DivX 5.05 00h 57m 34s
1126 kb/s
576 x 320 4:3
0x0055(MP3) ID'd as MPEG-1 Layer 3
MPEG Layer-3 Decoder-->Morgan Stream Switcher
48000 Hz 128Кб/c
519 MB
Я бы заслушал Ludovic Navarre a.k.a. St.Germain prasentiert

Я бы заслушал Ludovic Navarre a.k.a. St.Germain prasentiert
pachatok Так в чём дело?? :D


Reflections Paul Van Dyk

Artist Paul Van Dyk
Album Title Reflections
Date of Release Oct 7, 2003
EAC.APE. 3.97 476.64 MB
Genre Electronica
Tones Party/Celebratory, Elegant, Stylish, Detached, Laid-Back/Mellow, Smooth
Styles Club/Dance, Trance, Progressive Trance


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1. Crush performed by VanDyk / Second Sun - 7:46
2. Time of Our Lives performed by VanDyk / Vega 4 - 4:23
3. Like a Friend performed by VanDyk / Jan Johnston - 3:54
4. Reflections (VanDyk) - 7:27
5. Nothing But You performed by VanDyk / Les Hemstock / Chris Jennings - 6:58
6. Buenaventura (VanDyk) - 8:28
7. Homage performed by VanDyk / Jan Johnston - 3:44
8. Never Forget (VanDyk) - 5:26
9. Knowledge performed by VanDyk / Atomek Dogg / Trooper Da Don - 4:03
10. That's Life (VanDyk) - 4:05
11. Connected (VanDyk) - 6:35
12. Spellbound performed by VanDyk / Jan Johnston - 4:42
13. Kaleidoscope performed by VanDyk / Jan Johnston - 4:53


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Artist Bachman-Turner Overdrive
Album Title Greatest & Latest
Date of Release Dec 11, 2001
Genre Rock
Tones Amiable/Good-Natured, Rowdy, Confident, Rousing, Rollicking, Fun, Energetic
Styles Hard Rock, Arena Rock, Boogie Rock
Type compilation
АПЕ КУЕ рар 486МБ


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Release Date: 24/06/2002
Format: 2CD MP3 / 320 Kb/s
340 MB
Genre: World , Electronica.
Tones: Soothing, Intimate, Sensual .
Styles: World Fusion , Dawntiempo, Avbient.


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Artist: Various Artists
Album Title: Cafe del Mar 20th Anniversary
Date of Release: Sep 5, 2000

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artist: La perla
album: Private Show
Date of Release: Aug, 2003
Genre: Electronica
format: APE CUE rar
size: 332 MB


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Artist: Canizares
Album: Punto de encuentro

Release Year: 2000
Genre: Flamenco-Jazz
Format: APE


87,47 из 261,04
2003 flamenco lounge

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eD2k : 2003_Flamenco.lounge.2xCD.(ape)

Artist V.A.
Album Title flamenco lounge
Genre Electronica
Tones Innocent, Carefree, Cheerful, Happy, Gentle, Sentimental, Romantic
Styles Flamenco! The Lounge Sessions

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01. "Gracia de Mujer"
02. "Amores de la Medina"
04."De Amor Llore"
06."Acordes Chill"
07."Nuevas Raices"
11."Aroma pa tu cara"

01."Hablame Del Mar"
02."Por el Albero"
03."Pata Negra"
04."Conjura que Alegra"
05."el Alma"
06."Madero hecho Cruz"
08."Mancha de Mora"
09."el Conjuro"
11."Caprichos De La Alhambra"

Siguiendo la corriente iniciada por grupos como Chambao, el relajante tempo de la música chill se mezcla con palmas, quejíos y voces del flamenco en una relajante y original mezcla. Composiciones originales grabadas expresamente y en exclusiva para este proyecto.
Ну зачем же так кричать??? :w00t:

Спокойствие, только спокойствие...
Небольшие глюки, все будет поправлено... :rolleyes:
Ну зачем же так кричать???    Спокойствие, только спокойствие...  Небольшие глюки, все будет поправлено...

Ну теперь я спокоен.... А то и не знаешь что подумать.... Вдруг происки РИЫЫ( тёщи по фене) :w00t: Или ещё чего....
Genre : Compilations VI
Date de sortie : 16/07/2003
Référence : 557109
Editeur : B.M.G. FRANCE
Hotel Byblos: Saint Tropez Since 1967
Artist Various Artists
Album Title Hotel Byblos: Saint Tropez Since 1967
Date of Release Apr 15, 2003
Genre Electronica
Styles Garage/House, Club/Dance, House
Type various artists

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1. Saint Tropez performed by Francis Lai - 1:11
2. Weekend performed by Arling / Cameron - 4:12
3. Bossa Per Due performed by Nicola Conte - 5:48
4. Metti Una Sera a Cena performed by Florinda Bolkan - 3:52
5. Jet Society performed by Cordara Orchestra - 2:52
6. Ain't No Mountain High Enough performed by Claudine Longet - 3:28
7. The Beat Experience performed by Pepe Deluxe - 5:22
8. Bklyn Bobbi performed by Jaffa - 3:49
9. Bahian B Boy performed by Dynamic Syncopation - 5:08
10. Foto Viva performed by Mo Horizons - 5:50
11. Carolina Carlo Beta performed by J. Ben / Toquinho - 3:05
12. Onde Anda O Meu Amor performed by Orlandivo - 3:40
13. Spacebeach performed by Arling / Cameron - 5:50
14. Softly Sonara performed by Gerd - 3:48
15. Matrass Manbo performed by Sven VanHess - 5:12
16. Happy People performed by Kathy Brown - 6:33
17. A Deeper Love performed by Clivilles / Cole - 4:38
18. The Light [mix] performed by Michelle Weeks - 5:36
19. Into You [mix] performed by Pepper Mashay - 4:34
20. Days Like This performed by Shawn Escoffery - 5:20
21. Out of Your Mind [mix] performed by James Douglas - 4:45
22. The Best of Your Life [mix] performed by Shaп - 4:14
23. No Problem [mix] performed by Wawa - 4:44
24. Besame Mucho performed by Gadjo - 6:36
25. Les Bruits de la Forкt [mix] performed by Saxo - 5:00
26. All Right performed by Stan Courtois / Felly - 5:15
27. Gotta Have Hope performed by Blackout - 5:48
28. The House of God performed by DHS - 3:10
29. At Night performed by Shakedown - 3:24
30. Funk a Tron performed by Robbie Riviera - 5:12

Karizma - Producer, Mixing Styles Club/Dance
Marc Pomeroy - Producer, Mixing Genres Soundtrack
DJ Spen - Producer, Mixing Styles Club/Dance
Grant Nelson - Producer Styles Garage/House, Club/Dance, House
Dickens - Producer, Mixing Genres Spokn
Brian Tappert - Producer, Mixing Genres Rock
Ralf Droesemeyer - Producer Worked With: Mo' Horizons
The Course - Producer
DSP - Producer
Sven Van Hees - Producer
Terra Deva - Vocals
Gert-Jan Bijl - Producer, Engineer
Carlo Cordara - Arranger, Producer
Seb K - Producer, Mixing
Dillion - Producer, Mixing
Cameron - Producer
Bojan Dugich - Producer
Franck Keller, Jr. - Producer
Flavio Cuva - Keyboards, Engineer
Glen - Producer
Andrew Van Dorsslaer - Producer
Araling - Producer
Cristina Baraldi - Stylist
Stephane Berthrlot - Executive Producer
Antoine Chevanne - Producer, Liner Notes, Mastering
Stan Courtois - Producer
Denis Rouvre - Photography
Claude Dronsart - Photography
David Kakon - Producer

AMG Info
Вот что значит успокоиться, уже все починено, и все работает... ;)
Кумхарас, пожалуйста! :)
Кумхарас, пожалуйста!

B) Кумхарас под Каннабис :lol: Выложу, мне тоже нравится.... там даже на русском песенка проходит... психоделик такой улётный!!

Просто вот думаю , последние релизы всё электроджаз , да чилл были.
Надо или джаз или БЛЮЗ чуть представить.
Только вот ЧТО?? Мы тут посоветовались (активно) ;)
и я решил - наверное вот это: Sweet on You

Artist Chieli Minucci
Album Title Sweet on You
Date of Release Apr 11, 2000
AMG Rating ****
Genre Jazz
Styles World Fusion, Crossover Jazz

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1. Endless Summer (Minucci) - 5:22
2. Sweet on You (Minuccie) - 4:18
3. Hot 100 (Minuccie) - 4:01
4. On the up An' Up (Minuccie) - 4:22
5. Everytime You're Near (Minuccie) - 4:39
6. Breaking Away (Minuccie) - 5:31
7. Little Squirt (Minuccie) - 4:52
8. Around the World (Minuccie) - 4:44
9. My Girl Sunday (Minuccie) - 4:39
10. Journey to You (Minuccie) - 5:56
11. Farewell (Minuccie) - 7:28

AMG Info

да...... ти меня удивил ,я многое видел ,но стоби столько и сразу.... нет. : :fear2:
давно не видел столько хоросего jazza у одного человека.p.s. а jazz-rock есть? :lol: :rolleyes:
одного человека.p.s. а jazz-rock есть?

Да ЧИКАГО!! есть CD А много чего остального , чёрт попутал на MD перенести....так что для сети - это потерянно ;) Сонитвоюмать :laugh: чтоб они были здоровы и богаты со своим этим форматом....

Night Grooves

AMG Info

Artist Chieli Minucci
Album Title Night Grooves
Date of Release Jan 7, 2003
AMG Rating
Genre Jazz
Styles World Fusion, Crossover Jazz

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1. Kickin' It Hard (Minucci) - 5:21
2. Night Grooves (Minucci) - 5:23
3. Foolin' Around Again (Minucci) - 4:42
4. New Day (Minucci) - 4:06
5. You're My Reason (Minucci) - 4:44
6. Don't Make Me Wait (Minucci) - 4:53
7. Without You (Minucci) - 7:06
8. Behind the Veil (Minucci) - 7:30
9. Mr. Shady Eyes (Minucci) - 5:19
10. Nasir di Nuevo (Minucci) - 6:34


Подумал тут, может выложить в одном архивчике оба три CD Минуччи ??
Так сказать подарочный сет бокс!! О нагрузке речи быть не может, поскольку альбомы классные все??!!

И то же самое с блюзом сделать, тоже паковать их по два в архивы!!?

Джоя Кубика с Деборой Колеман например, а Роберта Крэя с Кенни Нилом??
;) Думай не думай sastre всё по user posted image
a ya dumayu / vse sto mimo eto jazz/ :music:
Да не надо тут ни джаз ни квас.... :D Даже не знаю , хоть бы намекнули... мол так и так , давай что то типа Вайкмана с Аткинсоном..... :( :p
Ан нету у меня... Вот такое как сверху много , а тех нету.... :fear2:
Заслушал бы:
Claude Challe "Les Bains Douches" 2CD
Chieli Minucci
Спасибо за Barbara Bui - ...!

P.S. Намек был:
вообсето MC ето не то сто ти подумал /michael/ и с фомилиеы у меня все нормально / да и веикмана я слусал в глубокои юности ,ти луче ханкока и миллера спусти а если нет так fourplayпотянет или на краиняк steps ahead
вообсето MC ето не то сто ти подумал /michael/ и с фомилиеы у меня все нормально /

Да вот так ... живёшь в этом буржуинстве, и от имён нормальных отвыкаешь.... B) Nada personal......

Хэнккока наверное выложу как только Deborah Coleman разайдётся.... сейчас её раздавать начал... А до Форплэя уже наверное аж через год доберёмся.... :D
Даже не знаю , хоть бы намекнули... мол так и так , давай что то типа Вайкмана с Аткинсоном.....  

намекаю :rolleyes: Hotel Costes 1-5.Buddha Bar 1-5(в оссобенности 5) :punk:
Я ослеп или как? Где линки-то? :help:
Я ослеп или как? Где линки-то?

qqqq Это ФЛУД-РАЗДЕЛ (правда узкой специализации) .... Линки в релизных разделах.... А тут я прсто базу такую себе втихаря от модераторов сделал, и подготовливаю, инфу о релизах (её ж тоже где то нарыть, да сохранить надо) B) :lol: Потом удобненько так... линк выложил а инфа уже готова ... раз и выложил на сайтик... релиз. Заодно и поболтать о музыке можно. Красота. :rolleyes:

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Best of Sniff 'n' the Tears [1996]

Artist Sniff 'n' the Tears
Album Title Best of Sniff 'n' the Tears [1996]
Date of Release May 7, 1996
Genre Rock
Styles New Wave, Soft Rock, Pop/Rock, Album Rock
Type compilation
Time 44:37

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A BEST OF - Sniff'n'the Tears
1. Driver's Seat
2. What Can Daddy Do
3. The Thrill Of It All
4. Looking For You
5. One Love
6. The Driving Beat
7. Night Life
8. Snow White
9. Roll Them Bones
10. Poison Pen Mail
11. Hungry Eyes
12. Steal My Heart
13. Ride Blue Divide
14. Love/Action
15. Bagatelle
16. Gold
17. Rodeo Drive
18. Driver's Seat (12" long version)

"Without the slightest feeling of hesitation, this reviewer will go out on a limb and declare 'Fickle Heart' the finest and most intelligent album by a newcomer act this year. The six-man ensemble, coming out of nowhere, has produced an album that combines slice of life lyrics with a musical form that incorporates a distinct folk consciousness with rock, country twangs and synthesized shadings. The result is so irresistible that certain songs send chills through one's body."
"Sniff'n'the Tears is music for the '80s. Hopefully this will be just the beginning of a new age of music that will hold up long after the last dance is ended."
BILLBOARD MAGAZINE, 1979 (Ed Harrison)

Noel McCalla - Vocals (bckgr)
Paul Roberts - Guitar (Acoustic), Vocals, Producer, Compilation Producer, Cover Design
Loz Netto - Guitar
Sniff 'n' the Tears - Producer
Keith Miller - Synthesizer
Richard Bailey - Drums, Drums (Snare)
Chris Birkin - Bass
Les Davidson - Guitar
Julian Diggle - Conga
Mick Dyche - Guitar
Alan Feldman - Piano (Electric)
Mike Howlett - Producer
Martin Jay - Vocals (bckgr)
Jamie Lane - Percussion, Drums, Vocals (bckgr), Drums (Snare)
Ron Lawrence - Bass
Lew Lewis - Harmonica
Steve Lipson - Producer, Remixing
Andy Lyden - Engineer
Mo McCafferty - Vocals (bckgr)
Jim Nellis - Vocals (bckgr)
Paul Robinson - Percussion, Drums (Snare)
Luigi Salvoni - Drums, Producer, Drums (Snare)
Nick South - Bass
Mike Taylor - Keyboards, Vocals (bckgr)
Mark Williamson - Vocals (bckgr)
Alan Fealdman - Piano (Electric)
Herb Fenstein - Compilation
Duncan Cowell - Mastering
Chris Popham - Package Design
Annie McCayg - Vocals (bckgr)

Sniff 'n' the Tears

AMG Info
спосибо за ответ с празником и аську вклюци
аську вклюци

Включена она... я её выключать не умею :)
Она тут скрипит пищит стучит.... как от этого избавиться..... :D

Concierto de Aranjuez [Decca (Ovation) 417748-2]
Concierto de Aranjuez/3 Dances from El Sombrero de Tres Picos.
Carlos Bonell, Charles Dutoit,
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal.
Release 1981 Digital Remastering December 1987.

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Concierto de Aranjuezю(flac cue eac)

Track Title

-Concierto de Aranjuez for Guitar and Orchestra : 1. Allegro con spirito 06:09
-Concierto de Aranjuez for Guitar and Orchestra : 2. Adagio 10:50
-Concierto de Aranjuez for Guitar and Orchestra : 3. Allegro gentile 05:09
-El sombrero de tres picos : Dance of the neighbours 03:16
-El sombrero de tres picos : The miller's dance (Danza del Molinero) 02:37
-El sombrero de tres picos : Final dance 06:17
- Fantasía para un gentilhombre for Guitar and Small Orchestra : 1. Villano y Ricercare (Adagietto - Andante moderato) 04:33
- Fantasía para un gentilhombre for Guitar and Small Orchestra : 2. Españoleta y Fanfare de la Caballería de Nápoles 09:31
- Fantasía para un gentilhombre for Guitar and Small Orchestra : 3. Danza de las hachas (Allegro con brio) 02:03
- Fantasía para un gentilhombre for Guitar and Small Orchestra : 4. Canario (Allegro ma non troppo)


Opera Babes

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Beyond Imagination [Bonus Tracks]
Artist Opera Babes
Album Title Beyond Imagination [Bonus Tracks]
Date of Release Jan 14, 2003
Genre Class
Styles Opera, Classical Crossover

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1. One Fine Day (Puccini) - 3:00
2. Sempre Ricordo {From the Piano Concerto in (Grieg/Knight) - 5:22
3. There's a Place {From the New World... (Dvorak/Knight) - 4:36
4. Beyond Imagination {From a Midsummer... (Knight/Mendelssohn) - 5:03
5. O Fortuna {From Carnina Burana} (Orff) - 2:53
6. Lakmй H2O (Delibes) - 4:03
7. Ebben?...Ne Andrу Lontano {From the Opera... (Catalani) - 3:41
8. You Lilve on in My Heart (Knight/Morricone/Morricone) - 3:52
9. Chanson Bohиme {From the Opera Carmen} (Bizet) - 4:23
10. Remember Me (Coulter) - 3:32
11. Stranger in Paradise {From the Musical... (Borodin/Forrest/Wright) - 4:20
12. Ode LL Joy {From Symphony No. 9} (Knight/Van Beethoven) - 3:45
13. 1001 Nights {From the Nutcracker Suite} (Tchaikovsky) - 3:04
14. Barcarolle {From the Opera the Tales of... (Offenbach) - 2:43
15. Lakmй H2O {Vibe Tribe Mix] (Delibes) - 2:50
16. Ave Marie [*] (Schubert) - 3:56
17. Vittorial! (Aida 2002) {From the Opera... [*] (Dentes/Lew/Musker/Verdi) - 3:24

Juan Martin - Guitar
Jim Steinman - Arranger, Orchestration
Anne Dudley - Arranger, Orchestration
Kodo - Drums
Jeff Bova - Arranger, Keyboards
Laurence Cottle - Bass
Richard Cottle - Keyboards, Programming
Phil Da Costa - Engineer
Mitch Dalton - Guitar
Nick Ingman - Conductor, Orchestration
Luis Jardim - Percussion
Frank Ricotti - Percussion
Steve Rinkoff - Engineer, Orchestration
Mike Ross-Trevor - Engineer, Assistant Engineer
Bob Schilling - Mastering
Gavyn Wright - Orchestra
Frank Gallagher - Arranger, Engineer, Orchestration
Jennie O'Grady - Choir Master
Niall Acott - Engineer
David Hartley - Piano
John Parricelli - Guitar
Adam Brown - Engineer
Paul Clarvis - Percussion
Bob Whitney - Mastering
Rick Blaskey - Executive Producer
Everton Nelson - Strings
Ivor Goldberg - Guitar
Metro Voices - Choir, Chorus
Wayne Wilkins - Keyboards, Programming, Engineer
Steve Price - Engineer
Tim Lambert - Assistant Engineer
Mitch Jenkins - Photography
Jon Cohen - Piano, Arranger, Programming
Drew Griffiths - Assistant Engineer
Tom Hannen - Assistant Engineer
Cliff Masterson - Conductor, Orchestration
Adam Pollock - Product Manager
My Webpage
B) Кумхарас под Каннабис  :lol:  Выложу, мне тоже нравится.... там даже на русском песенка проходит... психоделик такой улётный!!

Буду ждать с нетерпением :)
user posted image


7 previously unreleased gems including Jazzelicious remixes
of McCoy Tyner and Sarah Vaughan
66-minute / 12-track non-stop mix
EAC.APE ~ 379 MB


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:fu: C джазом больше не связываюсь....... :(

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Хватит шишки набивать..... :laugh: :( :sick:

Абсолютная музбезграмотность....... :w00t: Или может у всех всё есть ??!! :lol:
Zona Oasi Vol. 3 ~2003~

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Title: Zona Oasi Vol. 3
Artist : Various Artists
Style of Music : Ambient.
Date of Release : 2003
Genres : Electronica
Styles : Electronica, Downbeat, Ambient
Tones : Ambitious, Smooth, Ethereal, Sensual, Stylish, Ambient.
EAC.APE 726.56 MB (2xCD)

Label: Satelite K


Disc 1
1. Edege of time ”Album version” - Choc Electrique
2. Meditation - Frank Dancer
3. Gipsy blues - Zeb
4. In the waiting line - Zero 7
5. Nautilus - Blade & Masquenada Family
6. Dancing with Dolphins - Light Warriors, The
7. Midnight vapor - Ghost Cauldron
8. Cafe de flore - Doctor Rockit
9. Life changes - Rose Smith
10. Adios - Zimpala
11. Messin - The Rurals
12. White lounge - Desansis

Disco 2
1. Adios Ayer - Jose Padilla
2. In out - Nacho Serrano
3. Do lu munnu se regira - Novalia
4. Meditation - Angel Tears
5. Troubled girl ”Maw Rmx” - Karen Ramirez
6. Smoke on the water - Seсor Coconut
7. Summer sun - Koop
8. Years passing by - Friedrich Gulda
9. Beyond my soul - Zuell
10. Change the world - Harley
11. Wrong way - Blade .

Слушать просто всё времени нет. Многое из того что скачано полгода-год назад ещё не прослушано...
izanoza Да не в слушании дело... не качает никто!!
Джаз Рок!! Чак Лоеб !! - это и Форплей и Метро... ЗВЕЗДА !! :w00t: и всего 15 человек , и то испанцев качает только?? ;) Но самое хреновое, .... у Хэнкока раздал 3 гига.... и прогресса нет, между собой никто и байтом не поделился!! Тянут 40 - 50 человек??!! B)
Как закрыл вчера утром, так и стоит!! Ни на байтик никто не раскрутился.... :pig: а почти гиговый релиз електроники разошёлся за пару дней.... до 30 полных источников! Вот так то! Буду сам наслаждаться джазком !! B) Вот Так!! Фанки джаз!!

Lee Ritenour <-~-> Captain's Journey 1978

Artist Lee Ritenour
Album Title Captain's Journey
Date of Release 1978
AMG Rating
Genre Jazz
Styles Instrumental Pop, Jazz-Pop, Crossover Jazz
Time 38:23

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1. The Captain's Journey Part I: The Calm... (Ritenour) - 8:02
2. Morning Glory (Champlin/Ritenour) - 5:53
3. Sugar Loaf Express (Ritenour) - 5:05
4. Matchmakers (Ritenour) - 4:53
5. What Do You Want? (Grusin) - 5:27
6. That's Enough for Me (Austin/Grusin) - 5:24
7. Etude (Grusin) - 3:49

Patti Austin - Vocals
Patrice Rushen - Piano, Keyboards, Piano (Electric), Fender Rhodes
Dave Valentin - Flute
Don Grusin - Piano
David Foster - Piano, Keyboards
Bill Champlin - Vocals, Vocal Arrangement
David Nadien - Strings, Concert Master
Sue Evans - Percussion
Alejandro "Alex" Acuсa - Percussion, Drums
Tom Baylor - Vocals
Raymond Beckenstein - Flute
Peter Chaikin - Engineer
Paulinho Da Costa - Percussion
Dave Grusin - Synthesizer, Conductor, Piano (Electric), Producer, Mixing, Rhythm Arrangements, Flute Arrangement, Mini Moog
Eddie Daniels - Flute
Dave Green - Synthesizer
Neil Dorfsman - Assistant Engineer
Steve Forman - Percussion
Steve Gadd - Drums
Joe Gastwirt - Mastering
Venette Gloud - Vocals, Vocals (bckgr)
Chris Gordon - Assistant Engineer
Jay Graydon - Guitar, Guitar (Rhythm)
Mitch Holder - Guitar, Guitar (Rhythm)
Anthony Jackson - Bass
Abraham Laboriel - Bass
Don Murray - Engineer
Lee Ritenour - Synthesizer, Guitar (Acoustic), Guitar, Guitar (Electric), Vocals, Guitar (12 String), Producer, Guitar (Classical), Bass (Acoustic), Rhythm Arrangements, Guitar Synth, Guitar (Electroacoustic)
Larry Rosen - Percussion, Engineer
Howard Steele - Engineer
Bruce Steinberg - Art Direction, Design, Photography, Cover Design
Steve Thornton - Percussion
Carmen Twillie - Vocals, Vocals (bckgr)
Linda Tyler - Assistant Engineer
Ian Underwood - Synthesizer, Oberheim
Tommy Vicari - Engineer
Ed Walsh - Synthesizer, Synthesizer Programming
Ernie Watts - Saxophone, Sax (Soprano), Sax (Tenor)
Donalyn Brooks Catalano - Design
Carmen Twilley - Vocals (bckgr)


Feel the Night

Artist Lee Ritenour
Album Title Feel the Night
Date of Release 1979
AMG Rating
Genre Jazz
Styles Instrumental Pop, Jazz-Pop, Crossover Jazz
Time 37:25

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1. Feel the Night (Ritenour) - 5:33
2. Market Place (Grusin/Ritenour) - 5:28
3. Wicked Wine (Ritenour) - 7:03
4. French Roast (Ritenour) - 5:06
5. You Make Me Feel Like Dancing (Poncia/Sayer) - 4:17
6. Midnight Lady (Ritenour) - 5:56
7. Uh Oh! (Grusin) - 4:02

Patti Austin - Vocals
Leo Sayer - Composer
Victor Feldman - Percussion
Bill Reichenbach Jr. - Trombone
Joe Sample - Piano
Don Grusin - Synthesizer, Piano, Arranger, Composer, Clavinet, Whistle (Instrument), Fender Rhodes, Associate Producer, Mixing
David Foster - Piano, Arranger, Keyboards, Clavinet, Fender Rhodes
Alejandro "Alex" Acuсa - Percussion, Conga, Timbales, Vocals
Tom Bahler - Vocals
Michael Boddicker - Synthesizer, Keyboards, Keyboard Synthesizer
Jeff Borgeson - Engineer
Dave Grusin - Synthesizer, Piano, Keyboard Synthesizer
Dave Green - Synthesizer
Chris Desmond - Engineer
Chuck Findley - Trumpet, Flugelhorn
Steve Forman - Percussion, Castanets, Tambourine
Steve Gadd - Arranger, Drums
Joe Gastwirt - Mastering
Gary Grant - Trumpet, Flugelhorn
Jerry Hey - Trumpet, Flugelhorn, Horn Arrangements
Abraham Laboriel - Bass, Arranger
Steve Lukather - Guitar (Rhythm)
Lew McCreary - Trombone, Trombone (Bass)
Don Murray - Engineer, Mixing
Vini Poncia - Composer
Kevin Rice - Cartage
Lee Ritenour - Synthesizer, Guitar (Acoustic), Guitar, Arranger, Composer, Guitar (Electric), Guitar (Steel), Vocals, Guitar (Synthesizer), Producer, Guitar (Classical), Mixing
Ian Underwood - Keyboards, Keyboard Synthesizer
Patrick Von Wiegandt - Engineer
Ernie Watts - Sax (Soprano), Sax (Tenor)
Larry Williams - Flute, Piccolo, Sax (Tenor), Horn Arrangements
Donalyn Brooks Catalano - Design
Ethan Russell - Photography
Lou McCreary - Trombone, Trombone (Bass)
Ron Coro - Design
Kathy Morphesis - Design
David Diamond - Production Coordination


Lee Ritenour ~ Wes Bound

Artist Lee Ritenour
Album Title Wes Bound
Date of Release Sep 1992 - Oct 1992
Genre Jazz
Styles Instrumental Pop, Jazz-Pop, Crossover Jazz
Time 49:50
Format EAC.APE

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1. Wes Bound (Ritenour) - 5:52
2. Boss City (Montgomery) - 4:46
3. Four on Six (Montgomery) - 6:05
4. A Little Bumpin' (Ritenour) - 4:27
5. Waiting in Vain (Marley) - 5:09
6. Goin' on to Detroit (Montgomery) - 4:34
7. A New Day (Ritenour) - 5:28
8. Ocean Ave. (Ritenour) - 4:14
9. Road Song (Montgomery) - 4:45
10. West Coast Blues (Montgomery) - 4:30

Maxi Priest - Vocals
Alan Broadbent - Piano, String Arrangements, Flute Arrangement
Ronnie Foster - Guitar, Organ (Hammond)
Bob James - Piano, Keyboards
Steve Kujala - Flute, Flute (Alto)
John Patitucci - Bass, Bass (Acoustic)
Bill Reichenbach Jr. - Trombone, Trombone (Bass)
John Beasley - Keyboards
Phil Perry - Vocals (bckgr)
Don Heckman - Liner Notes
Murray Adler - Violin
Israel Baker - Violin
Robert Brousseau - Violin
Robert Brusseau - Violin
Jodi Burnett - Cello
Dave Grusin - Executive Producer
Melvin Davis - Bass
Joseph Doughney - Post Production
Bonnie Douglas - Violin
Cassio Duarte - Percussion
Frederick Seykora - Cello
Juliann French - Violin
James Getzoff - Violin
Geoff Gillette - Engineer
Steve Gordon - Viola
Gary Grant - Flute, Trumpet, Flugelhorn
Clayton Haslop - Violin
Gary Herbig - Flute, Flute (Alto)
Jerry Hey - Trumpet, Arranger, Flugelhorn, Horn Arrangements, String Arrangements, Flute Arrangement
Dan Higgins - Flute, Clarinet (Bass), Flute (Alto), Sax (Alto), Sax (Tenor)
Paula Hochhalter - Cello
Mitch Holder - Arranger
Kim Hutchcroft - Flute, Flute (Alto)
Doreen Kalcich - Assistant Producer
Mike Kloster - Engineer
Ray Kramer - Cello
Michael Landy - Post Production
Eun Sun Lee - Violin
Carol Makagawa - Viola
Kate Markowitz - Vocals (bckgr)
Gordon Marron Strings - Violin
Harvey Mason, Sr. - Percussion, Drums, Electronic Percussion
Don Murray - Engineer, Mixing
Gary Novak - Drums
Simon Oswell - Viola
Michael Pollard - Production Coordination
Lee Ritenour - Guitar, Percussion, Arranger, Producer, Engineer, Rhythm Arrangements, Electronic Percussion
Larry Rosen - Executive Producer
Harry Shirinian - Viola
Paul Shure - Violin
Aaron Smith - Drums, Rhythm Arrangements, Rhythm Track
Wally Traugott - Mastering
Carmen Twillie - Vocals (bckgr)
Robert Vosgien - Digital Editing
Dorothy Wade - Violin
David Witham - Organ, Organ (Hammond)
John Wittenberg - Violin
Adam Zelinka - Post Production
Andy Baltimore - Creative Director
John Casado - Photography
Margo Chase - Design
Carol Mukagawa - Viola
Fred Seykoura - Cello
Pam Meadows - Executive Assistant
Harry Shiranian - Viola
Genre Jazz
Styles Prog-Rock/Art Rock

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жмём на коврик..... и что видим, что все эти CD прекрасное продолжение
Мне бы N U J A Z Z S E S S I O N S. Если можно. Мне бы.
pachatok Хроший сборник - это нюджазз :rolleyes:

Но МЕТРО и Хофнера ещё раньше просили очень выложить ..... так что выложу "грапевин" а потом уже NU .

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Cafe del Mar, Vol. 10
Artist Various Artists
Album Title Cafe del Mar, Vol. 10
Date of Release May 27, 2003
Genre Electronica
Type various artists

APE (MAC 3.97) CUE (EAC) rar 3.20 / 435.55 MB
CD Link

1. Firewire performed by Substructure - 5:31
2. Postcard performed by Remote - 5:45
3. My Movie Is Like Life performed by Future LoopFoundation / Michael Conn - 4:46
4. Face of Beauty [Original Mix] performed by Lovers Lane - 5:07
5. The Blues performed by Dab - 6:35
6. In My Heart performed by Rue Du Soleil - 5:14
7. Katia performed by Kinema - 5:04
8. Garden Children performed by Rhian Sheehan - 4:49
9. Sea Goddess performed by Terra Del Sol - 5:16
10. On Your Skin performed by OHMG / Bruno - 5:54
11. Remember You performed by Nacho Sotomayor - 4:49
12. The Moment [Original Mix] performed by Vargo - 5:37
13. Without You performed by Ypey - 5:05
14. The Hardest Heart [Ambient Mix] performed by Blank / Jones / Anne Clark - 7:06
15. Gymnopedie, No. 1 [dub] performed by Erik Satie - 4:08


The Best of Cafe Del Mar

Artist Various Artists
Album Title : The Best of Cafe del Mar
Date of Release : 2003
Genre : Electronica
Type various artists

APE (MAC 3.97) CUE (EAC) rar

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Disc 1
1.Paco De Lucia - Entre Dos Aguas
2.Karen Ramirez - Troubled Girl
3.Ben Onono - Tatouage Blue
4.Mari Boine - Gula Gula
5.Lux - Norther Light
6.Jose Padilla - Adios Ayer
7.Lamb - Angelica
8.Sabres Of Paradise - Smoke Belch
9.Phil Mison - Lula
10.Coldplay - God Put A Smile On My Face - Chris Martin's Brother Mix)
11.Moonrock - Hill Street Blues
12.The Ballistic Brothers - Uschi's Groove
13.New Funky Generation - The Messanger

Disc 2
1.Penguin Cafe Orchestra - Music For A Found Harmonium
2.Les Negresses Vertes - Face La Mere (Massive Attack Remix)
3.Zuell - Olas De Sal
4.A.R. Raiman - Mumbai Theme Tune
5.A Man Called Adam - Easter Song
6.John Martyn - Sunshines Better
7.Jose Padilla - Come Back
8.U2 - In A Little While (Nightmare On Wax Remix)
9.Moby - Wispering Wind
10.U.K.O. - Sunbeams
11.Lamb - Transfatty Acid
12.Bush - Letting The Cable Sleep
13.Larry Heart - Nookie
14.Electric 101 - Talking With Myself

Гуд, буду ждать.
Aqua Bassino / Beat's and Bobs

Artist Aqua Bassino
Album Title Beats and Bobs
Date of Release Sep 4, 2001
Genre Jazz-House, Chill-House, Electronica World


user posted image

1. Ola (Robertson) - 3:31
2. Love Is Here to Stay (King/Robertson) - 5:24
3. Baby C'mon (Robertson) - 6:34
4. Welcome Home (Robertson) - 7:47
5. Moon Light (Christie/Robertson) - 5:38
6. Time... (King/Robertson) - 7:55
7. Milano Bossa (Robertson) - 5:03
8. Spirits With Jiwe (Doumbia/Robertson) - 7:11
9. With You (Robertson) - 6:07
10. To To Hard, Try and Find (Robertson) - 4:17
11. Na Na's Waltz (Robertson) - 8:06


Nahawa Doumbia - Vocals

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Martin Kershaw - Instruments Guitar, Soprano, Sampling

Stevie Christie - Piano

Jason Robertson - Producer * Worked With: Aqua Bassino Nu Mood Orchestra Carlo Adan Frederic Galliano Stevie Christie
скачал и хенкока и kларка, за сто премного благодарен и зря ти так обизаесся все класс. :punk: я би много чего есе скачал. ти молоток :rolleyes:
user posted image

Formed 1980 in London, England
Group Members George Anderson Roger Odell Jill Saward Bill Sharpe Keith Winter Nigel Wright Steve Underwood
Genres funk-groove-jazzy
Styles Smooth Jazz, Britain, Contemporary Jazz, Funk, Hip-Hop , Groove

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01 Shakatak - China Bay
02 Shakatak - Hungry
03 Shakatak - Lazy
04 Shakatak - Jast The Way It Goes
05 Shakatak - Paradise
06 Shakatak - Out Of The Blue
07 Shakatak - Perfect Smile
08 Shakatak - Madinina
09 Shakatak - My Litopia
10 Shakatak - Golden Wings
11 Shakatak - Dance Like Fred Astaire
12 Shakatak - Nights Over Tokyo
13 Shakatak - Hideaway"
14 Shakatak - Twilight Time
15 Shakatak - Conquistador
16 Shakatak - L'aggio L'amour
17 Shakatak - Looking For Rainbows
18 Shakatak - Chi - Chi Castanengo
19 Shakatak - Sea Dreamin

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eD2k: Shakatak.Remix.Best.Album.(ape)

1. Night Birds (Odell) - 5:04
2. Easier Said Then Done - 4:44
3. Streetwalkin' (Odell/Sharpe) - 4:27
4. Invitations (Odell) - 4:53
5. Out of This World (Odell/Sharpe) - 4:49
6. Down on the Street (Odell/Sharpe) - 4:48
7. Livin' in the U.K. - 3:59
8. Lonely Afternoon (Odell/Sharpe) - 4:33
9. Lose Myself (Odell) - 5:07
10. Don't Say That Again - 4:39
11. Dark Is the Night (Odell/Sharpe) - 4:54
12. Rio Nights (Odell) - 5:04
13. Mr. Manic and Sister Cool - 6:08
14. Walk the Walk - 5:19

user posted image
Shakatak - Blue Savannah 2003

1. Summer of Love (Saward/Sharpe) - 4:32
2. Blue Savannah (Sharpe) - 5:20
3. Tortola Sunset (Sharpe) - 3:54
4. Shadow (Saward/Sharpe) - 4:40
5. Walking on Starlight (Saward/Sharpe) - 3:58
6. Blue Horizon (Sharpe) - 3:59
7. Come to Me (Saward/Sharpe) - 4:28
8. Someone I Could Love (Odell) - 4:38
9. Music in the Air (Saward/Sharpe) - 3:43
10. Fool in Love (John/Sharpe) - 5:05
11. Sunset Street (Odell) - 4:20
12. Seattle Express (Sharpe) - 5:19

Artist: Shakatak
Album Title: Blue Savannah
Date of Release: Nov 25, 2003
Genre: Jazz
Styles: Smooth Jazz, Britain, Contemporary Jazz, Funk, Hip-Hop
Similar Artists: Spyro Gyra , The Crusaders, Stuff , Special EFX , Brecker Brothers, The Blackbyrds. . . .

eD2k : (2003).Jazz.SHAKATAK.Blue.Savanah.ape.

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Shakatak - Under Your Spell

Artist Shakatak
Album Title Under Your Spell
Date of Release 2002
AMG Rating *****
Genre Jazz
Tones Summery, Fun, Smooth
Styles Jazz-Funk, Smooth Jazz
CD INZ 9 (Inside Out record)

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1. Sunshine (Saward/Sharpe) - 3:53
2. Falling (Odell) - 3:39
3. The Squizzle (Sharpe) - 4:12
4. Paradise Garden (Sharpe) - 4:10
5. Under Your Spell (Saward/Sharpe) - 3:39
6. Changes (Anderson/Saward) - 4:18
7. Running Back to You (Odell) - 4:04
8. Tahitian Nights (Saward/Sharpe) - 4:27
9. Night Time (Odell) - 3:47
10. In My Mind (Odell) - 4:35
11. 'Til Sunrise (Saward/Sharpe) - 3:56
12. Silver Falls (Sharpe) - 4:46
13. Tell Me Tonight (Anderson/Saward) - 5:22

user posted image


AMG Info

Скачать сэмплы можно тут ; , и тут.....
я рад сто у тебя весь shakatakБ) .но линки где? :help: :punk:
я рад сто у тебя весь shakatakБ) .но линки где?
У меня к моему (и нашему общему) сожалению канал не очень ..... :(
Правда на радость РИАА и прчим поборникам и защитникам интелектуальной собственности..... Но..... всё будет! :punk:

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Artist Various Artists
Album Title Nikki Beach, Vol. 1: A Chill Out Session
Date of Release Sep 4, 2001
Styles Ambient Techno, Trip-Hop, Jungle/Drum 'N Bass
Genre Electronica
Type various artists

1. Tsunami performed by Sven VanHees - 4:49
2. Circe performed by Ursula Rucker - 7:24
3. Rain performed by Native Force - 4:37
4. Sunscape performed by JFC - 5:15
5. Ocean Air performed by dZihan & Kamien - 4:54
6. Feeling Good performed by Mighty Bop - 4:11
7. The Beat Experience performed by Pepe Deluxe - 5:18
8. Koobesq performed by King Kooba - 4:48
9. La Mer performed by Lemongrass - 3:32
10. El Capitalismo Foraneo performed by Gotan Project - 5:57
11. Hi-Fi Trumpet [Boyz from Brazil Mix] performed by Stereo Action Unlimited - 5:38
12. Rio Vida performed by Da Lata - 4:40
13. Mokkascience performed by Soul 'N' Soda - 5:39

Nikki Beach, Vol. 1: A Chill Out Session features a number of down-tempo house tracks mixed together into an extended, listener-friendly mix. Some of these producers — Jazzanova, King Kooba, Ursula Rucker — are well regarded within the house community and recognized for their quality productions. The music tends to delve into the deeper side of house, sounding often like an Om Records or Naked Music mix. Though it's not a spectacular mix, Nikki Beach is an enjoyable mix that stays true to its "chill out" intentions. — Jason Birchmeier
LTJ Bukem / Earth, Vol. 3

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Artist LTJ Bukem
Album Title Earth, Vol. 3
Date of Release Nov 2, 1998
Genre Electronica
Tones Nocturnal, Stylish, Detached, Restrained, Hypnotic
Styles Jungle/Drum 'N Bass, Trip-Hop, Ambient Breakbeat
Type various artists
Time 64:25


1. Constellation performed by Bukem / DRS - 5:59
2. Stargazing performed by Tayla - 7:44
3. Jammin' in My Head performed by Intense / Molly Duncan - 5:56
4. Conquest performed by Words 2B Heard / Ad-Ill - 5:33
5. Distorted Reality performed by Bjorn - 5:58
6. Natures' Way performed by Longers & Forces Of Nature - 7:46
7. Ir-On-Ing performed by Blue Mar Ten - 2:16
8. Distant Space performed by Big Bud - 10:24
9. First Light performed by Artemis - 6:17
10. Latitude performed by Blame - 6:32


Earth, Vol. 5

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Artist Various Artists
Album Title Earth, Vol. 5
Date of Release Aug 21, 2001
Styles Jungle/Drum 'N Bass, Ambient Breakbeat
Genre Electronica
Type various artists

1. Spiritual performed by Big Bud - 6:18
2. The Warning performed by Paul Hunter - 3:47
3. Enlightenment performed by Rebirth Of Conscience - 6:11
4. Blofeld performed by Vincent - 6:00
5. Black Widow performed by K-Scope - 6:20
6. How Do You Do? performed by PFM - 7:22
7. Soft Focus performed by Tayla & Artemis - 5:35
8. Amigo Mio performed by Big Bud / Weldon Irvine - 6:11
9. Shrinkin' Yo Hed performed by Amalgamation Of Soundz - 5:43
10. Circular performed by Vincent - 5:02
11. You're Divine performed by Makoto / Lori Fine - 5:39
12. The Plan performed by Vincent - 5:46


Earth, Vol. 6

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Artist Various Artists
Album Title Earth, Vol. 6
Date of Release Feb 25, 2003
Genre Electronica
Styles Jungle/Drum 'N Bass, Ambient Breakbeat
Type various artists

1. Introduction [instrumental] performed by Makoto - 4:00
2. Solitudo 3 performed by Marcel - 5:09
3. Trailin' performed by Phluff - 4:56
4. Stranded performed by Substance / Mark Holmes - 4:36
5. Jealous performed by Marcel - 3:36
6. Run the Gauntlet [Vocal Version] performed by ESP - 4:26
7. Get It On performed by Mono Deluxe - 6:15
8. See the Rain performed by Freckles - 4:45
9. Contraband performed by Sian - 4:42
10. Outer Mind performed by K-Scope - 7:32
11. The Chase performed by Quintet Plays - 6:54
12. Scythe [Studio Mix] performed by Vincent - 8:39
Этот диск и думаю что и предыдущий №5 который шарили в МР3 320 зарелизить в АПЕ ( Были просьбы...и музыка того стоит??!!)
Barcelona Satellite Lounge

Title: Barcelona Satelite Lounge
Artist : Various Artists
Style of Music: Nu Jazz
Date of Release : 27/09/2001
Genres : Electronica
Styles : NUJAZZ, IDM, Ambient House,
Electronica, Ambient.
EAC.APE 419.31 MB


Label: Satelite K
CD Info

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1. Irresistable Force - Nepalese Bliss (DJ Food Mix)
2. Nicole & Andrew J - Melodies
3. Fenomenon - Solara
4. Jaffa - Elevator
5. Farrid - The Pit Stop
6. Yonderboi - Riders On The Storm/ Pink Solidism
7. Freedom Satellite - Whatever
8. Athome Project - Summertime
9. Boozoo Bajou - Down & Out
10. Nigel Hayes - Bad Stone
11. Doctor Rockit - Cafe De Flore
12. Freedom Satellite - Soul Samba

Saint Germaín-Des-Prés Café, Vol. III

Artist Various Artists
Album Title Saint Germaín-Des-Prés Café, Vol. 3
Date of Release May 21, 2002
Genre Electro-Jazz
Styles Acid Jazz, Downbeat
Type various artists

ed2k :(2003)_Saint-Germain-des-Pres.Cafe.III.ape.

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Saint-Germain-des-Pres Cafe III

01. NUSPIRIT HELSINKI: Trying (Butti 49 Nu-Niveau Mix)
02. TRUBY TRIO feat. JOSEPH MALIK: High Jazz (Nicol Conte Remix)
03. INFRACOM presents RE:JAZZ: Quiet Night (Nicola Conte "Out Of The Cool" Version)
04. BIG BANG: Ping Pong
05. CRUSHO: Kool Bavaria (Patchworks Remix)
06. ERIC PIERRE feat. LADY GATTICA: Channel Zero (Shade Of Soul Remix)
07. PATCHWORKS: Summertime
08. DJ CAM: Un été à Paris
09. BRISKEY: Conchita's Cabine
11. LLORCA: The Novel Sound
12. HARDKANDY: Moonlight (Remix)
13. FERTILE GROUND: Take Me Higher
14. DE-PHAZZ: Downtown Tazacorte
15. PROJECTIONS: Half Pint
16. 4 HERO aka TEK 9: We're Gettin' Down
17. MOLOKO: Sing It Back (Can 7 1930's Mix)

Выложу как только закончу с Saint Germaín-Des-Prés Café, Vol. IV который раздаётся здесь !!
flamenko lounge несколько дней в закачке и ни одного байта
красное все :fear2:
flamenko lounge несколько дней в закачке и ни одного байта

:fear2: papulya Дык я тут только Пре-Релизы делаю.... Инфу готовлю, мнения спрашиваю, а файлы открываю, когда в релиз топики выкладываю!! Отсюда и не может ничего качаться!! :p файл закрытый.....
сейчас дораздаю Zona Oasi и раздаю Лаки Пэтерсона ...... B) И качаю МкКартни ...скачал 45, :fear2: отдал 90 МБ :w00t:
Star's Cafe Dance

Artist: Various Artists
Album Title: Star's Cafe Dance
Date of Release: 2004
Genre: Electronica
Type : mix album
Format: ape.eac / 813.02 MB


eD2k Star's.Cafe.Dance.Day&Naght.ape.

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Day :: Ambient
01. Bamboo - Solid Movement
02. el Er - Solid Movement
03. Revenge - Nacho Sotomayor
04. Sweet Silly, Piano Phrase - Solid Movement
05. Jazz To Me - Solid Movement
06. Sufi Dance - Solid Movement
07. Lost - Azzo Shloterstein
08. Changes - Moli feat.J.B. Mallory
09. Sonatine - 13
10. Ocean Games - Funk 4 Sale

Night :: House
01. Africa RMX (restless Soul RMX) - Meitz
02. Saturday Dub - Mikel Underground & Xpansoul
03. To Go Away - Wagon Cookin
04. Dub City - Dubsoul
05. Divine Conception Bloodgrass Re-Blesing - Nectar
06. Pointer - Magoo
07. Ain't Gonna - Brent Laurence Feat. Maureen Parker
08. Playr's Case - Kut Chan'g
09. J X - Jabato & Xpansoul
10. Smart! - La Factoria Posse
11. It's All Right - Mikel Underground & Xpansoul
12. Colture - Mikel Underground"
13. Jump (Mike's Underground Dub) - D'Wachman & HD Substance

Ripping Features:

Grabber: EAC V.0.95 prebeta 4,Secure mode.
Quality:  APE
Encoder:  Monkey's Audio 3.97 , High.
Source: Original Cd (Tranquilo Recordings)Dep.Legal M-42754
Rar Dimension: 813.02 MB
Extras: CUE,Log File, cover NO.

Ambient Collection, Vol. 4

Artist Various Artists
Album Title Ambient Collection, Vol. 4
Date of Release Sep 4, 2001
Genre Electronica
Tones Melancholy, Nocturnal, Cerebral, Detached, Hypnotic, Laid-Back/Mellow, Calm/Peaceful, Ominous, Lush
Styles Ambient, Ambient Techno
Type various artists
EAC.APE / 385.47 MB


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1. The Big Dream performed by Suntwins - 4:30
2. Ethereal performed by L. Krarup - 4:50
3. Vision performed by L. Krarup - 6:09
4. Boy on the Rock performed by Suntwins - 5:05
5. Drinks at Sunset performed by K2 Project - 4:47
6. Siroco performed by Ibizarre, Lenny & Trumpetman - 5:52
7. Universal Unfolding performed by Oversoul / Gramma Funk - 5:33
8. Medicine Man performed by K2 Project - 4:21
9. The Lizard Dream performed by L. Krarup - 6:43
10. Underwater World performed by L. Krarup - 5:42
11. Seven Seas performed by L. Krarup / B. Leprкte - 5:02
12. Nostalgia performed by L. Krarup - 4:54
13. Reflections performed by L. Krarup - 4:37
14. Nautilus IV performed by L. Krarup / Eva Perone - 4:16


Throughout the 1990s, the New York-based Instinct label released a dizzying amount of electronica, much of it ambient in nature. Perhaps more than anything else except their lock on Moby's early recordings, Instinct became known for their ambient recordings as they released one ambient compilation after another — even if none of these compilations particularly proved to be landmarks in the long run. Yet when Instinct eventually sorted through their cluttered back catalog of ambient releases and assembled the Ambient Boxed best-of compilation in 2001, it became clear that they indeed had released some amazing ambient music in the '90s. Sure, there aren't many big names — notable exceptions being Moby, Sutekh, Terre Thaemiltz, and Taylor Deupree. In fact, many of the featured artists will be no names to contemporary listeners; ambient was never a particularly accommodating genre for commercially minded artists. Still, comprised of superstars or no names, the music is what matters most, and Instinct assembled some quality ambient music for the boxed set. Most of the music came about in the '90s before the glitch/laptop movement. As a result, nearly everything is very synth-based, and in most cases characterized by an analog feel. This will be fine for most listeners, particularly those with a taste for melodic synth washes, but there will also be some who will find this music a little too dated, particularly those accustomed to the anything-goes approach employed by post-2000 laptop producers. Either way, though, there's no denying the collection's historical significance: It no doubt defines an important era in the quick development of electronica, the mid- to late-'90s era when electronica suddenly became "the next big thing" — an exciting yet brief era before everything splintered at the end of the decade with the advent of the laptop culture. (The four-disc Ambient Boxed is also available in four separate one-disc volumes, none being particularly better than the others.) Jason Birchmeier
REO Speedwagon - The Hits

Artist REO Speedwagon
Album Title Hits
Date of Release 1988 (release)
Genre Rock
Styles Adult Contemporary, Soft Rock, Pop/Rock, Arena Rock
Type compilation
Time 61:17
Format ape.eac.cue.

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1. I Don't Want to Lose You (Kelly/Steinberg) - 3:08
2. Here With Me (Braun/Cronin) - 5:05
3. Roll With the Changes (Cronin) - 5:37
4. Keep on Loving You (Cronin) - 3:21
5. That Ain't Love (Cronin) - 4:02
6. Take It on the Run (Richrath) - 4:02
7. In My Dreams (Cronin/Kelly) - 4:31
8. Don't Let Him Go (Cronin) - 3:48
9. Can't Fight This Feeling (Cronin) - 4:55
10. Keep Pushin' (Cronin) - 4:06
11. Time for Me to Fly (Cronin) - 3:44
12. One Lonely Night (Doughty) - 3:23
13. Back on the Road Again (Hall) - 5:29
14. Ridin' the Storm Out (Richrath) - 5:50

AMG Info
Neal Doughty - клавишные
Dave Amato - гитара, вокал
Kevin Cronin - вокал, гитара
Bryan Hitt - ударные, перкуссия
Bruce Hall - бас, вокал

Группа была основана в далеком 1968 году двумя студентами Иллинойсского университета, Нилом Даути (клавишные) и Аланом Гратзером (ударные). По окончании универа парни познакомились с неизвестным тогда еще никому менеджером Ирвином Азоффом (впоследствии прославившимся своей работой с "Eagles" и "Steely Dan"). Ирвин и организовал первые гастроли группы по среднему западу США. В начале 70-х в состав "Reo speedwagon" на постоянной основе также вошли гитарист Гэри Ричрат, басист Грег Филбин и певец Терри Латрелл. Этот состав в 1971 году выпустил на "Epic Records" свой дебютный альбом. Первый виниловый блин оказался комом и расстоенный Латрелл покинул команду. Его сменил фолковый певец и гитарист Кевин Кронин, практически не имевший опыта работы в рок'н'ролле.

Вторая пластинка оказалась ненамного лучше первой и Кевину указали на дверь. Следующим фронтменом "Reo speedwagon" стал Майк Мерфи, дебютировавший на альбоме "Ridin' the Storm Out". Этот диск стал первым релизом группы, попавшим в биллбордовские чарты.

Мерфи поучаствовал в записи еще двух альбомов, однако так и не смог вывести команду на качественно новый уровень. Вместо того, чтобы взять кого-нибудь новенького, команда опять пригласила к себе Кронина. В 1976-м в группе также появился новый басист Брюс Холл. Успех начал проявляться тогда, когда "Reo speedwagon" нашли свою нишу, начав исполнять мелодичный рок и баллады, так нравившиеся девушкам. В результате альбом 1976 года уже пользовался хорошим спросом, а следующие две пластинки получили платиновый статус. Хотя "Nine Lives" также хорошо продавался и группа потихоньку прогрессировала, ничто не предвещало выхода такого супербоевика каким оказался диск 1980 года "Hi Infidelity".

Альбом содержал такие хиты, как "Keep on Loving You", "Don't Let Him Go" и "Take it on the Run", в течении 1981 года постоянно звучавшие в эфире. В итоге было продано свыше 9000000 экземпляров пластинки, а "Reo speedwagon" приобрели статус хедлайнеров.

Следующие два альбома продолжили успех коллектива с хитами "Good Trouble", "Wheels are Turnin'', "Keep the Fire Burnin" и "Can't Fight this Feeling", однако к 1987 году в творчестве команды наметился спад и диск "Life As We Know It" не содержал достойных композиций. В коллективе начались разборки, в результате которых команду покинули Ричрат и Гратзер. Новыми участниками стали гитарист Дэйв Амато, ранее работавший с Тедом Ньюджентом и ударник Брайан Хитт (экс-"Wang Chung"). "Reo speedwagon" продолжили выпускать пластинки, однако интерес к подобного рода музыке пошел на спад. Лишь в конце 90-х старые группы стали вновь популярны и только тогда команда оттянулась на полную катушку, давая концерты вместе с такими коллективами как "Styx", "Fleetwood Mac", "Foreigner", "Journey", "Lynyrd Skynyrd", "Bad Company".

В 90-х же было издано несколько различных компиляций от "Reo speedwagon". В начале нового тысячелетия вышли также два концертника.


REO Speedwagon - 1971
R.E.O/T.W.O - 1972
Ridin The Storm Out - 1973
Lost In A Dream - 1974
This Time We Mean It - 1975
R.E.O. - 1976
You Get What You Play For - 1977
You Can Tune a Piano but You Can't Tuna Fish - 1978
Nine Lives - 1979
Hi Infidelity - 1980
Good Trouble - 1982
Wheels Are Turnin' - 1984
Life As We Know It - 1987
The Earth, A Small Man, His Dog And A Chicken - 1990
Building The Bridge - 1996
Arch Allies - Live At Riverport - 2000
Plus - 2001
Vargas Blues Band

user posted image

Отзывы с Блюзового Фан - форума.....

Вообще-то, Vargas Blues Band для меня из тех исполнителей, чьими альбомами хочется пополнять свою коллекцию. Из 10 его пластинок я слушал 6 и ни об одной из них не могу сказать, что слабо и неинтересно. Наоборот, радует их органичность и оригинальность, а блюз и фламенко воедино - это действительно неповторимо!
Да и участие в записях Vargas'a, приглашение его на совместные концерты от настоящих грандов блюза - это ли не дань почтения этому музыканту.
Ниже привожу немного инфо об этом исполнителе со своим (субъективным, конечно ) мнением

"Засветился" Ксавьер Варгас в 1991, когда вышел его первый альбом "All around blues", тепло встреченный критиками, назвавшими Варгаса одним из лучших испанских блюзовых гитаристов. Ксавьер перебирается из Мадрида в США, Мемфис, и в 1992 появляется второй альбом, "Madrid - Memphis" (который с легкой руки продавщицы и по воле доброй Вашей души появился в Bluesbox'e )и в записи которого принимали участие Louisiana Red и Carey Bell. Оба альбома стали самыми продаваемыми блюзовыми альбомами в Испании, а стиль музыканта стали называть blues latino. Вот так и вышел в 1994 третий альбом, "Blues Latino", в котором также засветились Chris Rea, Junior Wells, и который насыщен влиянием на блюз разнообразных музыкальных течений (соул, фламенко, рок). Осенью этого же года по приглашению Карлоса Сантаны группа гастролирует в Аргентине и участвует в записи альбома "Santana Brothers" со своим инструментальным хитом "Blues Latino".
Четвертый альбом "Texas Tango" был записан в Аустине и Мемфисе (продюсер Jim Gaines) и выпущен в 1995г. На обложке появляются такие имена как Larry Thurston и Preston Shannon, Double Trouble (этот альбом, пожалуй, потяжелее, пожестче, чем другие, но лично мне он нравится)
В 1996 Варгас много гастролирует по Европе - Франция, Испания, Португалия, Швейцария (Montreux Jazz Festival), а в июле Сантана приглашает его выступить в совместном концерте в Париже, который проходит с громадным успехом, по откликам прессы, "просто шокировав аудиторию виртуозной игрой гитарного дуэта Сантана-Варгас". В 1998 Сантана вновь приглашает Варгаса на свои концерты в Мадриде и снова в Париже. В том же году Варгас также участвует в концертах The Artist -known before as Prince.
В перерывах бурной концертной деятельности Варгас мотается между Мадридом и Техасом, Флоридой и Нью Йорком и в начале 1997 г. выпускает свой пятый альбом, "Gipsy Boogie" с кучей приглашенных музыкантов разных стилей (альбом особо будет интересен для любителей блюз+фламенко).
Шестой альбом "Feedback" был записан в Англии в 1998 совместно с продюссером Ian Taylor (Gary Moore, Dylan, M.Knopfler, Cheaptrick), причем первый его релиз был как двойной CD, включая альбом "Bluestrology" (седьмая пластинка Варгаса, вышедшая как соло издание в 2000г.)
"Feedback", на мой взгляд, самый не блюзовый альбом Варгаса (не случайно на обложке диска напечатано просто Vargas, а не Vargas Blues Band, вокал как на английском, так и на испанском языках), но слушаешь все равно с интересом и удовольствием!
В 1999 Варгас снова вернулся к активной концертной деятельности. Среди самых значительных событий - выступления в Buddy Guy's legends клубе в Чикаго - как сольные с приглашенными Larry McCray, Sugar Blue и др., так и в качестве гостя в концерте Chris Duarte. Ian Taylor записал и спродюсировал эти концерты, добавил концертные записи в Мадриде - и в результате два новых live альбома Варгаса "Madrid-Chicago (live)" (1999) и "Last night" (2002).
И еще одна работа Варгаса - "The Best of Vargas Blues Band" (2001) - отличный сборник его хитов, который украсит любую блюзовую коллекцию

Если есть интерес, подготовлю, релиз......

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И еще одна работа Варгаса - "The Best of Vargas Blues Band" (2001) - отличный сборник его хитов, который украсит любую блюзовую коллекцию

имя новое(для меня),так что я предпочел бы познакомится сразу с хитами :punk:
Hotel Costes, Vol. 4: Quatre

Artist Stéphane Pompougnac
Album Title
Date of Release Nov 13, 2001
Genre Electronica
Type mix album
Format ape. eac. cue. cover NO. 475.41 MB

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eD2k: hotel.costes.quatre.(ape)

1. London in the Rain performed by Variety Lab - 3:34
2. I've Got a Cat performed by Method - 3:15
3. Solar performed by Thunderball - 4:24
4. Tango Forte performed by Dublex Inc. - 4:52
5. Organ Nights, Pt. 2 performed by Scott Grooves - 5:50
6. Granada performed by SlowSupreme - 5:55
7. Closer to Julie performed by Pompougnac - 7:32
8. It's Yours performed by Jon Cutler / E-Man - 4:24
9. Playground do Brasil performed by Imada - 6:01
10. Sous le Soleil performed by Major Boys / Amelia - 7:02
11. Café de Flore performed by Doctor Rockit - 5:35
12. Epoca performed by Gotan Project - 4:23
13. Whatever performed by Shantel - 4:38
14. Boarding performed by Orbient - 5:57

Hotel Costes, Vol. 5: Cinque

Artist Stéphane Pompougnac
Album Title Hotel Costes, Vol. 5: Cinque
Date of Release Oct 22, 2002
Genre Electronica
Type mix album
Format ape. eac. cue. cover NO.

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eD2k: Hotel Costes, Vol. 5

1. Galaxy performed by Hippiehaus - 5:20
2. L' Amour performed by Rouge Rouge - 3:34
3. Leaving Monte Carlo performed by Physics - 4:31
4. Zwing Ting performed by Streamer - 5:18
5. Summer in Paris performed by Cam / Anggun - 5:47
6. Les Champs Elysées performed by Clémentine - 4:50
7. Cocaine Is a Sin performed by Strike Boys - 3:00
8. Ponger Star performed by Vision - 4:50
9. Doo Uap, Doo Uap, Doo Uap [Radio Edit] performed by Gabin - 3:35
10. Voodoo Bliss performed by BSD / Janice - 5:17
11. Starlight performed by Minus 8 - 5:27
12. Illusion (Rollercone Remix) performed by Limbo Experience - 4:35
13. Tócame performed by Duplex Inc. - 4:46
14. One Night in Rio performed by Louie Austen - 6:26
15. Steppin' Out performed by Fantastic Planet Machine - 5:17


Stéphane Pompougnac

At the age of 18, Stéphane Pompougnac made his DJ debut in clubs such as the Ubu, the Colony, and the Dream in Bordeaux, France, during the mid-'80s. After finishing his studies and national service, he spent six months in London before returning to Paris in 1992 where he mixed at clubs, such as Queen, Folies Pigalle, the Locomotive, and Privilege. One year later, he became the resident DJ at les Bains et Douche . Albert De Paname ostensibly first introduced him to Jean-Louis Costes although Pompougnac had worked as a waiter for Costes some ten years prior at Cafe Costes in Les Halles. This time, however, Costes offered Pompougnac a more coveted position: resident DJ at the famous Hotel Costes. He accepted.
Hotel Costes is one of France's most famous and regularly sports stars of the film and fashion world. Pompougnac released his first CD in 1999, titled Café Costes. Pompougnac's second CD, Costes, La Suite, met with more success and the song "Sympatique" was used for a car ad in France sending record sales over 100,000. His first two albums were released in France through Barclay Universal; his increased success, however, saw a deal with MSI for his third compilation, Etage 3, released in October 2000. His first three compilations together sold nearly half a million copies. Pompougnac also spins for Les Venues de la Mode (the fashion Oscars) and has provided the music for various fashion shows by Gucci and Yves Saint-Laurent.
1999 Hotel Costes, Vol. 1: Café Costes Wagram
1999 Hotel Costes, Vol. 2: La Suite Pschent
2000 Hotel Costes, Vol. 3: Etage 3 Wagram
2001 Hotel Costes, Vol. 4: Quatre Wagram
2002 Hotel Costes, Vol. 5: Cinque Wagram
2003 Hotel Costes, Vol. 6: Seis
2003 Living on the Edge
Paco Fernandez
sal y sol

Genres Electronica
Instruments Flamenco Guitar
Release 15.09.2003

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CD 1
1. Ando Sobre Agua [06:13]
2. Never Knew A Light Like This [04:49]
3. Llegó El Alba [06:20]
4. Colores [04:58]
5. Mani 2003 [05:40]
6. Halcón Vuela [06:06]
7. Where Do We Go Now? [05:20]
8. Sal Y Sol [06:53]
9. It's Dreamtime [06:02]
10. Whats Happening? [05:08]
11. Llaut [06:45]
12. Grillos [07:45]

Много писать не буду... вот где мы уже могли познакомится с его творчеством ранее: Worked With:

B-Tribe Sensual Sensual (1998) Flamenco Guitar
B-Tribe Spiritual Spiritual (2001) Guitar
B-Tribe 5 (2003) Guitar
El Camarón de la Isla Soy Gitano (1989) Vocals
DJ Pippi Undiscovered Ibiza, Vols. 1 & 2 (2001) Guitar, Trumpet, Producer
Rose Moore Spirit of Silence Guitar, Mandolin, Lute
Jose Padilla Souvenir (1998) Guitar
Jose Padilla Navigator [Import] (2001) Guitar
José Padilla Navigator (2001) Guitar
Sacred Spirit Sacred Spirit, Vol. 8: Jazzy Chill (2003) Guitar
Joanne Shenandoah Eagle Cries (2001) Producer
Original Soundtrack Sueno de Ibiza (2002) Licensing
Various Artists Café del Mar, Vol. 4 (1997) Guitar, Piano, Producer
Various Artists Exotica: World Music Divas (1998) Guitar, Clapping, Flamenco Guitar
Various Artists Café del Mar, Vol. 5 (1998) Guitar, Producer
Various Artists Café del Mar, Vol. 6 (1999) Guitar, Producer, Guitar (Baritone)
Various Artists Latina Cafe, Vol. 2 (2001) Guitar
Various Artists Siesta II Sunset at Cafe Mambo,... (2001) Producer
Various Artists Joia: Chill Out in Miami (2002) Performer
Various Artists Open 1 (2002) Guitar
Various Artists Ambient Lounge, Vol. 5 (2003) Guitar

Jose Padilla Navigator [Import]
José Padilla Navigator
Various Artists Cafe Ibiza, Vol. 3
Various Artists Café del Mar, Vol. 4
Various Artists Café del Mar, Vol. 5
Various Artists Café del Mar, Vol. 6



Cairo - Conflict & Dreams

Artist Cairo
Album Title Conflict & Dreams
Date of Release Jan 20, 1998
AMG Rating *****
Genre Electronica, Rock
Styles Prog-Rock/Art Rock
Time 65:09
Format ape.cue. cover NO. 439.54 MB

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eD2k: (1998).CAIRO.Conflict.and.Dreams.(ape) :punk:

1. Angels and Rage (Brockman/Douglas/Fuhrman/Robertson) - 10:23
2. Corridors (Douglas/Fuhrman/Robertson) - 11:56
3. Western Desert (Brockman/Douglas/Fuhrman/Robertson) - 17:08
4. Image (Robertson) - 1:25
5. Then You Were Gone (Brockman/Douglas/Fuhrman/Robertson) - 8:25
6. Valley of the Shadow (Brockman/Douglas/Fuhrman/Robertson) - 15:52

On their first album, the members of Cairo sounded like a hard rock/heavy metal band gone proggy — the progressive rock elements often felt forced and overdone. On Conflict and Dreams they showed surprising maturity, with both sides of their background now firmly integrated. Problems in song structures were also resolved. "Angels and Rage" is a model of dynamic, non-linear progressive rock song. Its chorus is a fine piece of stadium rock-meets-prog rock, with elements of Boston, Journey, and the Dream Theater coming to mind as one listens to Bret Douglas' powerful voice. The other highlight on this album is the 17-minute "Western Desert," an impressive showcase where keyboardist Mark Robertson and guitarist Alec Fuhrman play a game of tug-of-war, alternately stirring the piece into the direction of Yes and Emerson, Lake & Palmer — ELP wins the battle in the brilliant finale. Robertson throws more Emerson-inspired organ and piano episodes in "Then You Were Gone" and "Valley of the Shadow," the latter often sounding like a 1990s hard rock-tinged reworking of "Karn Evil 9, First Impression: Part I" — exciting and gloriously pompous, except for the disappointing finale. The music is tightly written and performed. Given that gratuitous moments of virtuosity are an integral part of the genre, here they have the merit of fitting the music. Conflict and Dreams remains Cairo's best effort and, despite its lack of originality, one of the very good prog rock albums of the 1990s. Franзois Couture

Nick's Bump / Ben Sidran

Artist Ben Sidran
Album Title Nicks Bump
Date of Release Feb 17, 2004
Genre Jazz
Styles Smooth Jazz, Ballads, Cool, Jazz-Funk, Instrumental Pop
Instruments Writer, Vocals, Keyboards, Hammond Organ & Worlitzer Electric Piano
Format ape

ed2k: BEN.SIDRAN.Nicks.Bump

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Ben Sidran - Hammond Organ & Worlitzer Electric Piano
Bob Rockwell - Tenor Saxophone & Flute
Billy Peterson - Bass
Leo Sidran - Drums & Percussion
Louka Patenaude - Guitar

Little Sherry (Charlie Rouse & Ben Sidran) - 3:30
Cryin' Blues (Eddie Harris) - 4:36
Black Jack (Donald Byrd) - 7:12
Blue Parther (Ben Sidran) - 5:02
The Cats - 0:20
Zambia (Lee Morgan) - 6:00
Mean Greens (Eddie Harris) - 5:08
Listen Here (Eddie Harris) - 5:51
Blue Minor (Sonny Clark) - 6:28
Nicks's Bump (Bob Rockwell) - 4:05

user posted image
Nu Jazz - 'Life Is Jazz'

A Nu-Jazz project featuring a selection from the new LE MAQUIS JAZZ catalogue accompanied by the exclusive tracks of Eric Lelann, Metropolitan Jazz Affair, Eddy Roberts, Rinne Radio, The MOST. Away from the music schools JAZZ continues it's constant dialogue with it's unique source of inspiration, it's constant evolution and its' sense of hope and distress.
A perfect album for all music lovers.

Artist V.A.
Album Title 'Life Is Jazz
Date of Release 2003
Genre ELECTRO JAZZ , Nu Jazz
Format ape

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01. eric le lann - squeezer
02. bibo - sunday night
03. metropolitan jazz affair - corovon
04. soso - soso theme
05. 03 cocktail - madame mope
06. metropolitan jazz affair - yunowhathislifeez
07. uusi fantasia - meikou
08. rinne radio - tammi
09. the most - little nile
10. eric le lann - escape from the trump tower
11. the most - the plot
12. eddie roberts - roughneck
13. eric le lann - finister re


Chris Botti

A Thousand Kisses Deep

Artist Chris Botti
Album Title Thousand Kisses Deep
Date of Release Sep 30, 2003
Genre Jazz
Instruments Trumpet
Tones Soothing, Elegant, Intimate, Laid-Back/Mellow, Refined/Mannered
Styles Instrumental Pop, Jazz-Pop, Smooth Jazz

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1. Indian Summer (Goldenberg) - 3:37
2. Do It in Luxury (Botti/Ciancia/Robinson) - 3:45
3. The Look of Love (Bacharach/David) - 5:16
4. A Thousand Kisses Deep (Cohen/Robinson) - 3:59
5. Ever Since We Met (Benenate/Botti/Gerrard) - 5:08
6. Back into My Heart (Benenate/Botti/Gerrard) - 4:14
7. My Funny Valentine (Hart/Rodgers) - 3:10
8. The Last Three Minutes (Bacharach/Young) - 3:31
9. If I Could (Botti/Robinson) - 4:33
10. She Comes from Somewhere (Botti/Ciancia/Hughes/Lindsey) - 5:07
11. Love Gets Old (Hughes/Palmer) - 3:17


Slowing Down the World

Artist Chris Botti
Album Title Slowing Down the World
Date of Release 1999
Genre Jazz
Styles Instrumental Pop, Contemporary Jazz, Crossover Jazz, Smooth Jazz
Time 49:38
ape cue

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1. Irresistible Bliss (Botti) - 5:02
2. The Look (Botti) - 4:22
3. Drive Time (Botti) - 5:33
4. In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning (Hilliard/Mann) - 4:28
5. The Open Touch (Botti) - 6:00
6. Under a Painted Sky (Botti) - 4:13
7. Why Not (Botti) - 3:39
8. The Place Between Us (Botti) - 4:38
9. Same Girl (Newman) - 3:44
10. Where I'm Calling From (Botti/Klein) - 5:50
11. Letting Go (Dudley) - 2:09

AMG Info
Them Changes Buddy Miles 1970

Artist Buddy Miles
Album Title Them Changes
Date of Release 1970 (release)
Formatape cue
Genre Rock
Styles Funk, Blues-Rock, Hard Rock, Psychedelic

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eD2k: :punk:

1. Them Changes (Miles) - 3:22
2. I Still Love You, Anyway (Karp) - 4:14
3. Heart's Delight (Miles) - 4:08
4. Dreams (Allman) - 4:53
5. Down by the River (Young) - 6:22
6. Memphis Train (Rice/Sparks/Thomas) - 2:57
7. Paul B. Allen, Omaha, Nebreska (Lewis/Miles) - 5:33
8. Your Feeling Is Mine (Redding) - 2:13

Tom T. Hall - Trumpet
Lee Allen - Saxophone
Steve Cropper - Producer
Buddy Miles - Bass, Guitar, Arranger, Drums, Keyboards, Vocals, Vocals (bckgr), Producer
Charlie Karp - Guitar (Acoustic), Guitar, Arranger, Guitar (Electric), Vocals (bckgr), Soloist, Guitar (Leslie)
Teddy Blandin - Trumpet
Fred Breitberg - Assistant Engineer
Peter Carter - Trumpet
Billy Cox - Bass, Fuzz Bass
Warren Dewey - Engineer
Tom Hall - Trumpet
Marlo Henderson - Guitar, Guitar (Electric), Vocals (bckgr)
Duane Hitchings - Organ
Bob Hogins - Organ, Piano, Trombone, Arranger, Keyboards, Piano (Electric), Vocals (bckgr), Soloist
Andre Lewis - Organ, Piano (Electric), Vocals (bckgr), Clavinet, Harmony Vocals, Soloist
Robin McBride - Piano, Keyboards, Vocals (bckgr), Producer, Electric Harpsichord
Jim McCarty - Guitar
Bob Parkins - Organ
Robert Pittman - Saxophone, Sax (Alto), Sax (Tenor)
Roland Robinson - Bass
Wally Rossunolo - Guitar, Guitar (Rhythm)
Bruce Swedien - Mixing Engineer
James Tatum - Saxophone, Sax (Tenor)
Mark Williams - Sax (Tenor), Vocals (bckgr)
Phil Woods - Horn
Toby Wynn - Saxophone, Sax (Baritone)
Alan Hendler - Engineer
Phil Wood - Piano, Flugelhorn, Vocals (bckgr)
David Hull - Bass, Vocals (bckgr)
Dean Rudland - Liner Notes
Lee Allen & His Band - Trumpet, Vocals (bckgr)
Desmond Strobel - Art Direction
John Craig - Design Consultant
Richard Germinaro - Design
Gilles Petard - Reissue Producer
Mark Williams - Wind
Gérard Woog - Supervisor
Fred Allen - Vocals (bckgr)
Burnell Caldewell - Photography
Dwayne Hutchings - Organ

Rip: CD - Original LP High resolution 24-bit/96-kHz digital re-mastering
это все хорошо , но когда ты решишся спросить об Fourplay"Yes. please"?
как по мне ,так и не надо спрашивать - надо выкладывать :punk:
АРЕшку я думаю хотят многие

:mol: :mol: :mol: :mol: :mol:
это все хорошо , но когда ты решишся спросить об Fourplay"Yes. please"?
как по мне ,так и не надо спрашивать - надо выкладывать  
АРЕшку я думаю хотят многие

Track Listings
1. Whats Wrong With You - NDambi
2. Soul From The Abyss - NDambi
3. See Ya In My Dreams - NDambi
4. You Are My Friend - Ledisi
5. Good Lovin - Ledisi
6. Ive Got It - Ledisi
7. Keep Your Head Up - Laurnea
8. Just A Little - Laurnea
9. Groovin - Laurnea
10. The Pocket - Karen Bernod
11. Do Ya Wanna Do - Karen Bernod
12. Spirit - Karen Bernod
13. Treat You Right - Ian Ft Jill Zadeh
14. Rise - Ian Ft Robin McElhatten
15. Thank You - Ian Ft Angela Berryman-Simpson
Organic Soul: Real Soul From the Roots

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Soul and Nu-Soul Grooves!!!!!!!!!:
Lean on Me: The Best of Bill Withers
Artist Bill Withers
Album Title Lean on Me: The Best of Bill Withers
Date of Release Aug 9, 1994
AMG Rating *****
Genre Rock
Tones Melancholy, Soothing, Stylish, Intimate, Laid-Back/Mellow, Sensual, Autumnal, Poignant, Gentle, Sentimental, Romantic, Wistful, Yearning
Styles Soul, Smooth Soul
Type compilation
Time 73:38

user posted image
А я жду Nu Jazz - 'Life Is Jazz'.
И Saint Germaín-Des-Prés Café, Vol. III тоже все еще жду.

A Smooth Jazz Affaire

Brian Bromberg - Producer
Chuck Loeb - Producer
Chieli Minucci - Producer
Steve Oliver - Producer
Juan Carlos Quintero - Producer
Andy Snitzer - Producer
Dave Kochanski - Producer
Joe Sherbanee - Producer, Compilation Producer
Theo Bishop - Producer, Executive Producer

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eD2k: :punk:

Artist Various Artists
Album Title Smooth Jazz Affaire
Date of Release Oct 14, 2003
Genre Jazz
Type various artists
Format ape cue

1. Tonight's the Night performed by Theo Bishop - 4:57
2. Loving You performed by Andy Snitzer - 5:03
3. Cause We've Ended as Lovers performed by Chieli Minucci - 5:05
4. By the Fireplace performed by Brian Bromberg - 5:12
5. Because of You performed by Jeff Kashiwa - 4:44
6. Highway One performed by Steve Oliver - 5:24
7. Anoche performed by Quintero, Juan Carlos - 6:43
8. A Quiet Goodbye performed by Jeff Kashiwa - 4:28
9. San Luis performed by Joe Sherbanee - 4:48
10. If I Could Have It All performed by Tony Guerrero - 5:32

Smooth Jazz Summer

Brian Bromberg - Arranger, Producer
Jeff Kashiwa - Arranger, Producer
Chuck Loeb - Producer
Steve Oliver - Arranger, Producer
Juan Carlos Quintero - Arranger, Producer
Dave Kochanski - Arranger, Producer
Joe Sherbanee - Arranger, Producer
Theo Bishop - Arranger, Producer, Executive Producer

user posted image

Artist Various Artists
Album Title Smooth Jazz Summer
Date of Release Jul 1, 2003
AMG Rating
Genre Jazz
Tones Soothing, Summery, Amiable/Good-Natured, Laid-Back/Mellow, Gentle, Freewheeling, Reserved, Smooth
Styles Crossover Jazz, Smooth Jazz

1. Got to Be Real/Best of My Love [#] performed by Jennifer York / Eric Marienthal - 3:56
2. 3-Day Weekend performed by Jeff Kashiwa - 4:55
3. High Noon performed by Steve Oliver - 3:51
4. Relentless performed by Brian Bromberg / Richard Elliot - 4:40
5. Porque No? performed by Quintero, Juan Carlos - 4:01
6. Hyde Park (The 'Ah, Oooh' Song) performed by Jeff Kashiwa - 4:19
7. Rock With You performed by Everette Harp / Brian Bromberg - 4:18
8. One Wish performed by Steve Oliver - 4:12
9. Off the Cuff performed by Theo Bishop - 4:30
10. Big City performed by Joe Sherbanee / Marc Antoine - 4:37
The New Classic Chillout Album - From Dusk Till Dawn

Artists : Various Artists

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Tracks :
Lazy - X-Press 2 feat. David Byrne -
Close Cover -Minimalistix
Sara - David K
Emotions of Paradise - Valgrande
Summertime - Joolz Gianni
We Are All Made Of Stars - Moby
You Showed Me - Lightning Seeds (From Thomson ad)
In The Waiting Line - Zero 7
So Lonely - Jakatta
The Future Of The Future - Deep Dish with Everything But the Girl
My Friend (Dorfmeister vs Madrid de los Austrias Dub) - Groove Armada (From Nike ad)
Breathe - Mulsanne
Release The Pressure - Leftfield (From 02 ad)
Tubular Bells - Mike Oldfield (From Volkswagen Diesel ad)
Point Of View (Original Club Mix) - DB Boulevard
Praise You - Fatboy Slim
Ocean Beach (Cybophonia Cinematic Remix) - Black Mighty Orchestra
Adios Ayer - Jose Padilla
Freedom To Move (Domino Theory Remix) - Freedom To Move (From Levis ad)
One Fine Day - Opera Babes (The Official ITV World Cup 2002 Theme)
My Heart's Desire - Angelus
Ennio Morricone - On Earth As It Is In Heaven
Meditation - Joolz Gianni & Ty Unwin
Because - Jodie Winter
Midnight Cowboy - Henry Mancini
Moonlit River In Spring - Louis Clark
Easy - Emiliana Torrini
Paradise - The Lovers
Stella - Jam & Spoon
Spiritual High (State of Independence) - Moodswings
Deliver Me - Beloved
Stereophonic Initiation - Weatherman
Give it Away -Zero 7
Looking For Something - Ty Unwin
Private Road - Bent (From Carlsberg ad)
Autumn Tactics (End Of Summer Remix) - Chicane

Release Date: 22 July, 2002
Manufacturer: Sony TV

Customer Reviews:*****
One of the best compliation albums ever
This is a great selection of incredibly chilled and relaxing music. CD1 is modern and lively, whilst CD2's got loads of more obscure stuff that's great to listen to. If you're thinking about buying this, don't think, do it!

The right mix to relax to
i was looking for an album that would help me to relax after a stressful day. Instead i found this album full of perfect chill out tunes, some you know and some you don't. From the beautiful You Showed Me by the Lightning Seeds to the chillout anthem Lazy by X-press 2 the CD flows calmly, mixing the laid back with the slightly uptempo. For me the mix of the Gershwin classic Summertime, combined with the blissful calm of Zero 7 make this shine out. The wonderful Moonlight River in Spring is great and a large number of these songs will have your brain ticking as you wonder where you've heard them before. The mixture of old, Tubular Bells, and more contemporary, DB Boulevard's Point Of View, only help to enhance this albums appeal. There is also a nice mixture of vocal and instrumental including the Opera Babes which is a lovely relaxing song, also a reminder of the World Cup. It seems that no chillout collection can be complete without a Groove Armada song and this one is one of my favourites, My Friend, easily another classic from the leaders of chillout music.
If you're looking for an album to relax to, with some songs that you recognise and others you don't then this is the one for you. The blend is balanced so that you can relax, or wake up gently, with it split into Dusk and Dawn. Whatever your mood this album can be played, not just for those stressful times.
Everyone should own at least one Chillout album and this isn't a bad one to start with.

ChillOut or WorkOut *****
An excellent double album that can ease you into the Chill or pump you up when working out - a curious mix but a definite "must have". I use it to wind down in the sauna or to wind up (more side one) in the gym - a set of discs for everyone. Definitely a tad better than most of these "chillouts" around at the moment, with a more professional sound and a careful, considered thought to the sequencing. Cool.

Mo' Horizons - Remember Tomorrow

Artist Mo' Horizons
Album Title Remember Tomorrow
Date of Release Sep 25, 2001
Genre Electronica
Styles Acid Jazz

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1. Cha Cha Cha (Mo Horizons) - 5:05
2. Bosshannover (Mo Horizons) - 5:06
3. Superworld (Children's World Replay) (Mo Horizons) - 5:46
4. Dance Naked Under Palmtrees (Mo Horizons) - 3:32
5. Salto Angel (Mo Horizons) - 5:38
6. Hit the Road Jack (Pena Estrada) (Mayfield) - 5:41
7. Nuday (Mo Horizons) - 6:09
8. Remember Tomorrow (Mo Horizons) - 4:55
9. Quase Nada (Mo Horizons) - 4:42
10. Do the Boogaloo (Mo Horizons) - 5:34
11. Soho Vibes (Mo Horizons) - 4:31
12. Alive Tonight (Mo Horizons) - 7:33
The Journey: The Best of Adiemus

Artist Adiemus
Album Title Journey: The Best of Adiemus
Date of Release Jan 4, 2000
AMG Rating *****
Genre Newage
Styles Ethnic Fusion, Meditation
Type compilation
Time 75:39

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1. Adiemus performed by Adiemus - 4:02
2. Cantus Inaequalis performed by Adiemus - 3:17
3. Kayama [Radio Edit] performed by Adiemus - 4:02
4. In Caelum Fero [Radio Edit] performed by Miriam Stockley / London Philharmonic Orchestra - 4:44
5. Hymn performed by Adiemus - 2:44
6. Cantilena performed by Miriam Stockley / London Philharmonic Orchestra - 3:26
7. Cantus-Song of the Trinity [Edit] performed by Adiemus - 2:45
8. Cantus-Song of the Plains [Edit] performed by Adiemus - 4:00
9. Elegia performed by Adiemus - 4:09
10. Chorale VI+Cantus-Song of Aeolus performed by Adiemus - 5:47
11. Chorale I (Za Ma Ba) performed by Adiemus - 1:53
12. Cantus-Song of Tears performed by Adiemus - 3:57
13. Rain Dance [Edit] performed by Adiemus Singers / London Philharmonic Orchestra - 3:54
14. Ein Wiener Walzer (A Viennese Waltz) performed by Adiemus Singers / London Philharmonic Orchestra - 5:02
15. Corrente (Courante) performed by Adiemus Singers / London Philharmonic Orchestra - 5:05
16. Zarabanda (Saraband) performed by Adiemus / London Philharmonic Orchestra - 4:39
17. La La Koora (Lдndler) performed by Adiemus Singers / London Philharmonic Orchestra - 3:22
18. Beyond the Century performed by Miriam Stockley / London Philharmonic Orchestra - 4:56
19. Adiemus performed by Adiemus Singers / BBC National Orchestra Of Wales - 3:55

2000 CD Higher Octave 848414
:help: Я в растерянности..... ничего не интересно??
Chris Botti :) +Chris Botti :)
А ишшо-Лаура Фуджи :)
а мне вот ето интересно Them Changes Buddy Miles 1970 или ты уже выкладывал? :D :rolleyes:
Гордый Them Changes Buddy Miles 1970 уже проходил....
satir Chris Botti +Chris Botti Тоже проходил, только не помню что , сколько и какое :(

Лаура Фуджи тоже уже выкладывал. . . .

A Smooth Jazz Affaire и Smooth Jazz Summer уже были или я что-то путаю?
pachatok Нет эти ещё не были.... Я их выложу , только пусть кто то в ЦДДБ инфу вобьёт, и сразу же :pig: А то самому лень... как правило через пару месяцев после выхода диска, кто то это делает :D
На НУ ДЖАЗ нету инфы, На МОККУ нету (диск улёт, электроджаз)
На НАТУРАЛ 2 нету тоже.... Новые ещё......

Cafe Solaire Ethno Moods and Deep Cool

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CD 1: Ethno Moods selection by Gianni Merenda
1. Cocktail Lido - Lo Sono Il Vento
2. Thievery Corporation - Universal Highness
3. Mystic Diversions - The Love Dance
4. Enzo Gragnaniello - Spiriti Vaganti
5. Calm - Introducing The Shadow Of The Earth
6. Abdulaye Diabate - Foronto
7. Neba Solo - Noumou Foly
8. 12 Fingers - Positive Funk
9. Claude Monnet - King Sunny Mood
10. Manu Dibango - Soul Makossa
11. Mysterious Traveller - The Guitar, The Drums, The DJ
12. Madrid De Los Austrias - Ole

CD 2: Deep Cool mix by Otto Casagrande
1. Waldeck - This Isn't Maybe
2. Trio Electrico - Return Of The Coconut Groove
3. Franck Roger & DJ Roy - Delight
4. Blue Six - Music & Wine
5. Harley & Muscle - Pommes Frites
6. Julius Papp - Libido
7. Kadregah - Chairs
8. Axus feat. Naomi - When I Fall In Love
9. Zuco 103 - Zabumba No Mar
10. Jon Cutler pres. The Tripmeisters - African Jive
11. Revox - X-Tra Mousse
12. Mike Dunn pres. MD-X-Press - God Made Me Phunky
13. The Rurals - Mission 1

Pure Groove
Various Artists

Browse for Music in:

Styles > Compilations > R&B & Soul > Soul .........

Styles > R&B and Soul > Bestsellers !!!!!!!!!!!!

user posted image

Track Listings

Disc: 1

1. The Fatback Band - I Found Lovin'
2. Freeez - Southern Freeez
3. Cheryl Lynn - Encore
4. Maze feat Frankie Beverly - Joy and Pain
5. Kool & The Gang - Get Down On It
6. Candido - Jingo
7. Royalle Delite - (I'll Be A) Freak For You
8. Earth, Wind & Fire - Let's Groove
9. Gwen Guthrie - Ain't Nothin' Goin' On But The Rent
10. Midnight Star - Midas Touch
11. Chaka Khan - I'm Every Woman
12. Loose Ends - Hangin' On A String
13. Nu Shooz - I Can't Wait
14. Evelyn King - Love Come Down
15. David Jospeh - You Can't Hide (Your Love From Me)
16. The Limit - Say Yeah
17. Keni Burke - Risin' To The Top
18. The Jones Girls - Nights Over Egypt
19. Ashford & Simpson - Solid
20. Fat Larry's Band - Zoom

Disc: 2

1. Tom Browne - Funkin' For Jamaica
2. Rockers Revenge feat. Donnie Calvin - Walking On Sunshine
3. The Gap band - Oops Upside Your Head
4. Patrice Rushen - Forget Me Nots
5. Indeep - Last Night A D.J. Saved My Life
6. Shalamar - I Can Maje You Feel Good
7. Sister Sledge - Lost In Music
8. Diana Ross - Upside Down
9. Luther Vandross - I Really Didn't Mean It
10. Funkadelic - One Nation Under A Groove
11. Gwen McCrae - All This Love That I'm Giving
12. The Blackbyrds - Rock Creek Park
13. Lonnie Liston Smith - Expansions
14. Mary Jane Girls - All Night Long
15. The Real Thing - You To Me Are Everything
16. Booker Newberry III - Love Town
17. Juicy - Sugar Free
18. M'Tume - Juicy Fruit
19. Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing
20. Zapp & Roger - Computer Love

Willy DeVille / Love & Emotion: Atlantic Years

Artist Willy DeVille
Album Title Love & Emotion: Atlantic Years
Date of Release May 8, 2001
Genre Rock
Instruments Guitar, Vocals
Styles Rock & Roll, Pop/Rock, United States of America
Type compilation

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1. Harlem Nocturne [live] (Hagen) - 3:11
2. Love and Emotion (DeVille) - 3:40
3. Demasiado Carzon (To Much Heart) (DeVille) - 3:38
4. Each Word's a Beat of My Heart (DeVille) - 3:25
5. Around the Corner (DeVille) - 2:33
6. River of Tears (DeVille) - 3:28
7. Lilly's Daddy's Cadillac (DeVille) - 4:37
8. The Moonlight Let Me Down (DeVille) - 5:27
9. Stand by Me (DeVille) - 3:30
10. Maybe Tomorrow (DeVille) - 2:56
11. Teardrops Must Fall (DeVille) - 4:12
12. She Was Made in Heaven (DeVille) - 2:58
13. End of the Line (DeVille) - 2:49
14. So in Love Are We (DeVille) - 3:43
15. You Better Move On (Alexander) - 3:00
16. Let Me Dream If I Want To (Amphetamine... [live] (DeVille) - 2:55
17. Change It Comes [live] (DeVille) - 3:43
18. Cadillac Moon [live] (DeVille) - 6:48
19. The Moonlight Let Me Down (DeVille) - 3:59

The roots of American music, including the blues, R&B, and Cajun music, gave Willy DeVille's (born William Borsey) late-'70s punk band, Mink DeVille, its unique flavor. A quarter of a century later, DeVille continued to blend musical traditions and postmodern intensity. A self-taught guitarist, DeVille found his early inspiration in the blues of John Hammond Jr., Muddy Waters, and John Lee Hooker....... .
Paul Carrack / Still Groovin' [Bonus DVD]

Artist Paul Carrack
Album Title Still Groovin'
Date of Release Jun 3, 2003
Genre Rock
Styles Adult Contemporary, Soft Rock, Pop/Rock, Blue-Eyed Soul, England
Instruments Piano, Keyboards, Vocals
Tones Amiable/Good-Natured, Laid-Back/Mellow, Passionate
Member Of Squeeze * Mike + the Mechanics * Ace * Roxy Music * Nick Lowe & His Cowboy Outfit * Nick Lowe & the Chaps

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1. Harvest for the World (Isley/Isley/Isley/Isley/Isley/Jasper) - 3:10
2. Sunny (Hebb) - 3:17
3. Too Busy Thinkin' Bout My Baby (Bradford/Strong/Whitfield) - 3:17
4. Crazy Love (Morrison) - 2:42
5. Baby I Need Your Lovin' (Dozier/Holland/Holland) - 2:51
6. Walk on By (Bacharach/David) - 2:48
7. What Does It Take (Bristol/Bullock/Fuqua) - 2:51
8. Anyday Now (Bacharach/Hilliard) - 3:39
9. Cover Me (Greene/Hinton) - 2:35
10. With You in Mind (Toussaint) - 3:29
11. Ain't No Sunshine (Withers) - 2:28
12. Groovin' (Brigati/Cavalier) - 2:43
13. You've Got a Friend (King) - 3:19
14. Into the Mystic [*] (Morrison) - 3:38
15. People Get Ready [*] (Mayfield) - 2:34
16. Warm and Tender Love [*] (Berger/Robinson) - 3:16
17. It's Growing [*] (Moore/Robinson) - 2:48
18. I Wish It Would Rain [*] (Penzabene/Strong/Whitfield) - 2:50
Bonus DVD
19. Better Than Nothing [live] (Carrack)
20. The Living Years [live] (Robertson/Rutherford)
21. Eyes of Blue [live] (Carrack)
22. Tempted [live] (Difford/Tilbrook)
23. Satisfy My Soul (Carrack/Difford)
24. My Kind (Carrack)
Bill Evans - Soul Insider

Artist Bill Evans
Album Title Soul Insider
Date of Release Jun 26, 2001
Genre Jazz
Tones Stylish, Exuberant, Amiable/Good-Natured, Refined/Mannered, Rollicking, Energetic
Styles Jazz-Funk, Contemporary Jazz

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1. Vans Joint (Evans) - 5:09
2. Cool Eddie (Evans) - 5:46
3. Lose My Number (Evans) - 4:30
4. Cheeks (Evans) - 6:37
5. You Sure Look Good to Me (Evans/Fowler/McCann) - 4:16
6. Big Mama (Evans) - 5:49
7. Sneaky (Evans) - 6:00
8. Gimme Some (Evans) - 6:32
9. Older Days (Evans) - 5:59
10. Thump (Evans) - 4:49
11. The Shorty Shuffle (Evans) - 6:42

Mark Egan - Engineer
Les McCann - Vocals
Ricky Peterson - Piano, Organ (Hammond)
John Scofield - Guitar
Lew Soloff - Trumpet
Vaneese Thomas - Vocals (bckgr)
Don Alias - Percussion
Alan V. Abrahams - Producer, Engineer
Joachim Becker - Executive Producer
Dean Brown - Guitar
Jeff Ciampa - Assistant Engineer
James Genus - Bass
Conrad Herwig - Trombone
Ted Jensen - Mastering
Phil Magnotti - Engineer, Mixing
Dean Burt - Engineer
Tim Lefebvre - Bass

Cover back



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Хочу вот ЭТО Lucky Peterson - Beyond Cool
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Давно хочу и бесповоротно.... :laugh:
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