Àðòèñò: | Revoltons |
Àëüáîì: | Night Visions, 2004 |
Æàíð: | melodic prog power |
Ôîðìàò ôàéëà: | EAC/APE3.97/rar |
Ññûëêà: | CD |
Íàõîæäåíèå: | eDonkey |
Ïðèìå÷àíèå: | athmospheric and driving power prog vetal a la Dream Theater, Simphony-X and Helloween |
1. Eternal Pain
2. Cell of Death
3. Hands of Magellano
4. Before the Dawn
5. Reality Met Childhood
6. The Old Walls
7. Malcom's Drama
8. Time for Worlds Inside
9. The Autumn Believer
10. The Court's Fool
Label: Limb Music Products
Released: March 9, 2004

the band:
Andro: vocals
Andrea Corona: keyboards
Alex Corona: guitars
Alessandro Carli: bass
Giorgio “Pittore” Murer: drums & percussion
To tell you the truth, the Italian style to modern power metal sometimes seems to be a little overeacting. I mean that, besides the fact that all the bands that I’ve heard so far, have in their line up skillful players, the main problems is that they lack of capable composers. Definitely, there are exceptions to the rule but unfortunately very few to be mentioned.
Revoltons, is a new act, hailing from this country, with a sound mainly focused in melodic power metal with a few progressive parts here and there just to fill the musical pallet. Solid playing, good production, some interesting moments but nothing to call exceptional. “Night Visions” is their debut offering that carries the main drawbacks that make the Italian scene so predictable at times. The vocals of Andro, is one area that the band needs improvement but they have to develop a bit more their own sound if they truly want to break the borders of Underground. It may be quite unfair to give Revoltons such a pasting, as there is just their first official recording. On the other hand, I must be honest with myself and the readers of The Temple Of Metal, so this quintet didn’t attract my interest…
All in all, “Night Visions” is not going to disappoint the fans of Italian power metal nor is it going to garner the band a tremendous amount of new admirers. If your expectations aren’t high enough, then Revoltons is your cup of tea.
Greg Baxevanidis
íàçäîðîâüå! :).