Forums -> Rock & Prog -> Skyclad 2002 "No Daylights Nor Heeltaps"
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Альбом:No Daylights Nor Heeltaps/ Brewed in Newcastle, 2002
Жанр:british folk metal
Формат файла:EAC/APE3.97/rar
Примечание:спасибо за помошь ed222

1.Penny Dreadful
2.Inequality Street
3.Spinning Jenny
4.The Cry Of The Land
5.Another Fine Mess
6.Sins Of Emission
7.The Widdershins Jig
8.History Lessens
9.Land Of The Rising Slum
10.Single Phial

Label: Demolition Records
Playing time: 37:54

user posted image
Kevin Ridley - Vocals, Guitar, acoustic guitar
Steve Ramsey - Lead guitar, acoustic guitar and backing vocals
Graeme English - Bass guitar, acoustic and classical guitar
George Biddle - Fiddle, keyboard and piano
Arron Walton - Drums and percussion

SKYCLAD is a band quite well known for their ability to go often in pubs, whether to simply drink a few pints of fresh and cold beer, or to ply as musicians. Thus, they've had the idea to record an album exactly as if they were playing in a pub, which means in electro acoustic version.
After some tries, it's only now that the album "No Daylights Nor Heeltaps" (recorded at home) gets released. And the result is very sympathetic, and can without doubt be a soundtrack to your Guinness-evenings: the sound is good, the tracks are entertaining, the new singer Kevin Ridley is definitely ok, and with such tracks as "Spinning Jenny" or "Land Of The Rising Slum", we're not so far from LOUISE ATTAQUE or NOIR DЙSIR. So that can reach a wide audience, if the radios decide to give them some airplay… but if that was the case, SKYCLAD would already be quite well known, or at least more than now.

Anyway, that's a very decent album, and if you send them five Euros, they'll send you back a CD with five bonus tracks in the same vein and of the same quality as the album…

Вот недавно скачал :) - очень понравилось. Только не мог понять что-то напоминает. А сегодня ехал домой вспомнил. Помню несколько лет назад гремел по миру шотладский танец - Riverdance. Так вот это он в утяжеленной версии. Не весь концерт конечно такой , есть и просто красивый hard-rock. Причем старые концерты по потяжести можно сравнить с "Running Wild" и "Motorhead". Столько много говорю чтоб слегка представить группу. Сам с ней познакомился совсем недавно.