Forums -> Rock & Prog -> Yes. Relayer. 1974. Remastered. Expanded. 2003
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Альбом:Relayer. 1974, 2003
Формат файла:eac-cue-ape-jpg-rar

Добавочка к трудам Деда с палкой и ну очень черного хичника :lol:
Yes. Relayer. 1974. Remastered. Expanded. 2003

Review by Dave Thompson
First things first. It's unlikely that this remaster will convert anyone who rejected Relayer in the past. Even more than its predecessor, the sprawling Tales from Topographic Oceans, Relayer was the sound of a band that built its reputation on vast, ambitious ideas, facing up to the fact that it had completely run out of them — and the so-ponderous intro to "The Gates of Delirium" remains the most disappointing opening that any Yes album has ever endured. How sad that they didn't forget the final mix and go ... Read More...

1 The Gates of Delirium Anderson, Howe, Moraz, Squire ... 21:56
2 Sound Chaser Yes 9:27
3 To Be Over Yes 9:19
4 Soon [Single Edit] Yes 4:18
5 Sound Chaser [Single Edit] Yes 3:13
6 The Gates of Delirium [#] Anderson, Howe, Moraz, Squire ... 21:16

В релиз! :music:
и огромное спасибо всей бригаде - kokiku, Oven, elsz, KillerRips, EmptyPro за труды не напрасные :rolleyes: :D