Артист: Big Star
Альбом: #1 Record/Radio City,
Жанр: Power-pop
Формат файла: EAC-FLAC-CUE
Ссылка 1: CD 1
Ссылка 2: CD 2

1. Feel
2. The Ballad Of El Goodio
3. In The Street
4. Thirteen
5. Don't Lie To Me
6. The India Song
7. When My Baby's Beside Me
8. My Life Is Right
9. Give Me Another Chance
10. Try Again
11. Watch The Sunrise
12. St 100/6
13. O My Soul
14. Life Is White
15. Way Out West
16. What's Going Ahn
17. You Get What You Deserve
18. Mod Lang
19. Back Of A Car
20. Daisy Glaze
21. She's A Mover
22. September Gurls
23. Morpha Too
24. I'm In Love With A Girl

The first disc of the box collecting the first and the second album. With this the box is complete, Big Star only made four albums. But I will release Chris Bell's solo album later and I have Alex Chilton's complete solo efforts, if anybody is interested!?