Forums -> Other Styles -> Badi Assad - Rhythms (1995)
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Артист: Badi Assad
Альбом: Rhythms, 1995
Жанр: Acoustic Guitar
Формат файла: EAC+APE
Ссылка: CD
Нахождение: eDonkey
Badi Assad - Rhythms

01. Pulo do Gato [0:05:03.32]
02. A Gandaia das Ondas/Beppo [0:06:32.63]
03. A Primeira Vista [0:03:07.65]
04. O Choro da Juliana [0:03:02.17]
05. Rhythms [0:02:18.53]
06. Song for Badi [0:03:39.05]
07. Bate-Coxa [0:02:34.57]
08. Feixe [0:03:47.55]
09. Quase um Funk p'ra Badi/Virus [0:03:50.55]
10. Laser [0:03:36.23]
11. Ica [0:03:54.30]
12. Pau Brasil [0:03:11.35]
13. Moods [0:07:49.42]
14. Carta a l'Exili [0:02:12.13]

Label:Chesky Records



Genre:Acoustic Guitar With Vocals

Size:225.41 MB

A true siren, Badi Assad conjures up what appears to be musical magic. A virtual one woman band, Badi seamlessly blends phenomenal guitar playing and energetic vocal expression with percussive prowess, creating a unique and imaginative work of art.

One year ago i shared another cd from Badi called Solo.Today i took a search to see if this one i am sharing now, was already shared by anyone.
To my surprise i´ve found the the cd i shared a year ago has yet more than 60 complete sources.
I was amazed.For a file shared one year ago, i think is some kind of record, because she is not very popular and she is almost a stranger in music industry.
Anyway,to the guys at Chesky,i´m sorry for sharing so much of your cd´s,but the truth is they are really hard to find at stores.It´s not nice to share so much stuff from a small label,but i hope you understand.Hope the guys who download can buy a Chesky cd once in a while to compensate.