Forums -> Rock & Prog -> Cryonic Temple [2005]
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Cryonic Temple - In Thy Power
Артист: Cryonic Temple
Альбом: In Thy Power, 2005
Жанр: melodic speed power metal
Формат файла: eac/ape/covers/rar
Ссылка: CD
Нахождение: eDonkey
Примечание: The hottest contenders to the throne of Power Metal. "In Thy Power" means unbridled passion for Heavy Metal music, catchy tunes and traditional hymns. Especially the great "Eternal Flames Of Metal" will hold everybody in its spell. Believe it, or die!
1.The Sleep of the Innocent
2.When Hell Freezes Over
3.In Thy Power
4.Travellers In Time
5.Beast Slayer
7.Mr. Gold
8.A Soldiers Tale
9.Shark Attack
10.Rapid Fire
11.Eternal Flames of Metal

Label: Limb Music

Try to search for the band 'Cryonic Temple' in the world's biggest search-engine Google, and the first hit you will get is named 'Untitled Document'. For those who have never indulged themselves in html and related hocus-pocus: this is the announcement that you get when you fill in certain fields of a document in a rush, and forget to add a title to the page. It's a common mistake of sloppiness that was commonplace on the Internet a couple of years ago and that is also found on the band's website. Fortunately Cryonic Temple's first cd is a lot less sloppy than this initial look at their website suggests.

The first time the world-wide audience got to know this band was in 2000, when this Swedish band posted their 'Warsong'-demo at Mp3-com, one of the main growing-grounds for new talent at the time. Five years later the band has released their third album, which is certainly their best yet. On 'In Thy Power' de band sounds more complex than before, like a Magnum that suddenly tried their hands at power metal. Admitted: the album still has a lot of parts that cannot help reminding you of one band or another. Still the group sounds fresher than before, more confident too. It is a process of growth that was hard to see five years ago.

'Songs like 'When Hell Freezes Over', 'Wolfcry' and 'Travellers In Time' show the great class of this band. Their newest cd sounds their best not only the productional sense of the world, but also with regards to the songwriting and the handling of the instruments. This makes 'In Thy Power' an album that should be in the collection of everyone who enjoys bands like Iron Savior and Grave Digger.

ну, ревьюшку можно было не приводить... каждый уважающий себя любитель павера в свое време так или иначе приобрел альбом 2003 года ^Blood, Guts And Glory ^, ну и ранее вышедший не очень удачный ^Chapter I^...
новый диск просто улетный... как грится :^Believe it, or die!^ :) :punk:
EAC extraction logfile from 8. June 2005, 12:18 for CD
Cryonic Temple / In Thy Power

Used drive  :         52X32X52 CD-RW   Adapter: 1  ID: 1
Read mode   : Secure with NO C2, accurate stream, disable cache
Read offset correction : 0
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No

Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
                    44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo

Other options      :
   Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
   Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
   Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000

Range status and errors
Selected range
    Filename H:\Downloads\New Folder\eMule\Incoming\eMulePlus-1m.Binary\Incoming\CryoTemp05.wav

    Peak level 99.9 %
    Range quality 100.0 %
    CRC EFCB6817
    Copy OK

No errors occured

End of status report
хе... навалились толпой, но молча... правда почти все испанцы...
Blood, Guts & Glory не слыхал, а вот (не очень удачный) "Chapter 1" я слышал, и когда то он мне очень даже понравился. этот возьму, может как нть послухаю. пасибо. :)