Теперь уже три клиента поддерживают безтрекерную раздачу - Азур, Офф версия и Комета...
v0.59 2005.6.8
GUI Improved: add Search button to search torrent in torrent website
GUI Improved: remove the drop-down menu of the Web button
GUI Improved: open all links using user default browser
GUI Improved: add three network mode when creating .torrent file
GUI Improved: add a light in the status bar indicate the DHT Network status
GUI Bugfix: fixed typing issue regarding the speed input box
Core Improved: add DHT Network support, BitComet become trackerless
Core Improved: add UDP port mapping in ICF/UPNP
Core Improved: support 'private' key in torrent
Core Improved: support 'private' key in tracker response
Core Bugfix: fix UPNP problem in v0.57, v0.58