Forums -> Other Styles -> Chris de Burgh - Man on the Line (1984)
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Chris de Burgh - Man on the Line
Артист: Chris de Burgh
Альбом: Man on the Line, 1984
Жанр: Pop/Rock
Формат файла: EAC/APE/CUE
Ссылка: CD
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia
Примечание: WinRAR v3.20, Monkey's Audio v3.97
1. The Ecstasy of Flight (I Love the Night) - 4:01
2. Sight and Touch - 3:14
3. Taking It to the Top - 4:01
4. The Head and the Heart - 4:01
5. The Sound of a Gun - 4:29
6. High on Emotion - 4:26
7. Much More Than This - 2:56
8. Man on the Line - 4:25
9. Moonlight and Vodka - 3:36
10. Transmission Ends - 5:58

Extractor: EAC v0.95 b2
Codec: Mokeys Audio v3.97
Compression Level: Extra High
Archiver: WinRAR v3.20
Archive Content: APE/CUE/LOG
TT: 41:12
Size: 247.62 MB

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