Forums -> DVD видео -> THX Ultimate Surround Demonstration DVD
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1. George Lucas: The Power of Movies
2. Podrace Sequence - Star Wars: Episode 1 The Phantom Menace
3. Gary Rydstrom: The Power of Surround
4. THX Surround Ex Audio Demonstration
5. Ultra 2 Featurette
6. Gary Lux: The Power of Music
7. Musical Selections in 5.1
8. The THX Story
9. Wow!
10. Soundtrack!!!! THX Theatrical Trailers


звук: англиский DD5.1, 5.1 Surround EX DTS

THX Trailers:
Wings, Broadway, Cimarron, Grand, The Simpsons, Tex, Tex 2 - Moocan, Broadway 2000, Tex EX, Jungle, Cavalcade, Terminator 2 og WOW.
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DTS Trailers:
Digital Experience A, Digital Experience B, Experience, Sonic Landscape.
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DTS Movie Trailers: Jurassic Part, Minority Report, Bourne Idendity, The Farst and The Furious, The Lord of The Ring, Star Wars EP I, Band of Brothers, Wow - hat a Blast og Eric Clapton - Unplugged.

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