Forums -> Rock & Prog -> Mithotyn [1999] Gathered Around The Oaken Table
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Mithotyn - Gathered Around The Oaken Table
Артист: Mithotyn
Альбом: Gathered Around The Oaken Table, 1999
Жанр: black/viking metal
Формат файла: eac/ape/covers/rar
Ссылка: CD
Нахождение: eDonkey
Track list:
1.) Lord of Ironhand
2.) Watchmen of the Wild
3.) In the Clash of Arms
4.) Hearts of Stone
5.) The Well of Mimir
6.) Chariot of Power
7.) Nocturnal Riders
8.) The Guardian
9.) Imprisoned
10.) Guided by History
11.) The Old Rover

label: karmageddon media

Mithotyn is:
Rickard Martinsson - vocals, bass and choirs
Stefan Weinerhall - guitar and choirs
Karsten Larsson - drums and choirs
Karl Backman - guitar, keyboard, choirs, and lead vocals on tracks 8 and 11

With their third album, MITHOTYN again defend the Viking Metal-throne with ease, because "Gathered Around The Oaken Table" even manages to top the already very strong albums "In The Sign Of The Ravens" and "Kings Of The Distant Forest".
The MITHOTYN-mixture of Black Metal (especially the voice), mighty choirs, which seem to come straight from the Vikings, Folk-passages and very melodic guitar has been refined again and is offered in its most mature form on this album.

No matter, of fast and furious ("Chariot Of Power"), varied and with shout-chorus ("Lord Of Ironhand") or intricate and doomy ("Guided By History" or "The Well Of Mimir"), all finds the direct way from ear to brain and conjures up images of long lost times before your mind's eye.

Only "The Old Rover" doesn't fit into that scheme, as it is a very calm song with completely clean vocals, apparently an old folk-tune.

Who even only remotely likes the above-described sound and doesn't go and get this album has a big gaping hole in his CD-collection. The only reason, why I don't give the top rating is that I need some space for the next album.

---(alex, the metal observer)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This CD comes highly recommended to any metal fan. I consider it Mithotyn's best work, with King of the Distant Forest coming in second. If you've managed to avoid Mithotyn until now, definitely give them a chance. With their music re-released in the US this is the best time to get ahold of their material. It really is too bad the band decided to break up, but at least Hammerheart has given us the chance to hear their final output. Oh, and if you're specifically a fan of viking metal, you really should already own this CD or be on your way to buy it this instant. It's that mandatory.
EAC extraction logfile from 30. October 2005, 8:52 for CD
Mithotyn / Gathered Around The Oaken Table

Used drive  : SONY    DVD RW DW-Q28A   Adapter: 1  ID: 0
Read mode   : Secure with NO C2, accurate stream, disable cache
Combined read/write offset correction : 0
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No

Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
                    44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo

Other options      :
   Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
   Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
   Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000

Range status and errors
Selected range
    Filename H:\Downloads\New Folder\eMule\Incoming\eMulePlus-1m.Binary\Incoming\Mithot99.wav

    Peak level 94.4 %
    Range quality 100.0 %
    CRC 78280D76
    Copy OK

No errors occured

End of status report
спасибо :punk:
(картинку загрузил)