Forums -> Rock & Prog -> SBB - Lost Tapes CD7 - Pop Session 1977
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SBB - Lost Tapes CD7 - Pop Session 1977
Артист: SBB
Альбом: Lost Tapes CD7 - Pop Session 1977, 2005
Жанр: Prog-Rock......
Формат файла: eac-log-cue-flac-scans-rar
Ссылка: CD
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia
кто-нибудь помнит фестивали из Сопота тех лет? А вот SBB нам чего-то не показывали :(

1. Freedom with us. . . . . . . . .13:26
2. Wolnosc z nami - temat. . . . . .4:38
3. Swiatlowod. . . . . . . . . . . .4:52
4. W kolisce dloni twych. . . . . .10:18
5. Drums . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:47
6. Wolanie o brzek skla - final. . .6:37
7. Coda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:39
8. I want somebody 6:9 . . . . . . . . .
thanks to my friends :)

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by server alliance

End of May 1977 was a bad time for SBB. The official press announcement said that Apostolis Antymos had to suspend his concert activities due to stomach illness. The truth was more painful. In fact Apostolis did not stand the constant pressure and tension of playing, recording, public performances. He had to spend a couple of months in the mental clinic.
The band still had to fulfill their concert contracts, signed before. SBB were advised to hire a replacement guitarist, but Jozef and Jerzy eventually decided to play as a duo. The enterprise was hazardous. Both musicians felt the huge responsibility, and Jozef had to take over guitar parts too. There was no time for half-playbacks, preparing ready tracks for concerts, and had to be played live. But they managed very well. A certain apogee came on two concerts: one at Tavastia Club in Finland, where the performance lasted three hours, the other at Pop Session '77 in Sopot, at Opera Lesna

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Я вот что-то 3й диск не вижу... он пробегал? У меня сейчас 1,2,4,5,6,7 есть...
ты поиском в осле набери, он там лежит
А где же 8-ой и 9-ый диски из Lost Tapes?
QUOTE (OlCh @ 10-05-2006, 22:32)
кто-нибудь помнит фестивали из Сопота тех лет? А вот SBB нам чего-то не показывали :(

Странно, Sex Pistols показывали,а SBB нет....надо подать в суд на ОРТ,глядишь и разбогатеем :)
QUOTE (taurus66 @ 05-01-2008, 01:39)
надо подать в суд на ОРТ,глядишь и разбогатеем :)

а они правоприемники ЦТ СССР? :w00t:
QUOTE (vvt @ 04-01-2008, 22:14)
А где же 8-ой и 9-ый диски из Lost Tapes?

8-й готовлю, 9-й пока проблема
edit: и 9-й нашел :D: