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Arthur Lee & Love - The Forever Changes Concert
(Live At The Royal Festival Hall)

Gracias a emerad de 1PocodMusica

Emerad envia:
Es realmente una pena el publicar este video por el triste fallecimiento de Arthur Lee por leucemia el pasado 3 de Agosto de 2006.
Este concierto es un intento de dar a un artista que ha tenido una vida complicada la oportunidad de reunirse con todos sus fans y disfrutar juntos de uno de los discos mas importantes que se han realizado enla musica rock.
Apoyado por grandes artistas y fans se pudo montar un concierto con orquesta para reproducir Forever Changes, el resultado=
Para mi opinion una gozada, para otros quizas les falte fuerza e intensidad, pero creo que cancion a cancion es una pasada verle y escucharle, tambien merece la pena fijarse el el trabajo a la guitarra de Babe Lemonade (Lemonade Kids).
Yo cuando los vi en Madrid tocando era una emocion indescriptible, como la que he sentido ahora mientras preparaba este video para vosotros.
Espero que lo disfruteis, y a los que no os guste, simplemente lo borrais, pero por favor, guardaros los comentarios negativos.
¡Mr. Arthur Lee hasta pronto!.

Continua ...

"Arthur! You don't know how long we've waited!" shouted one enthusiastic female member of the audience after Love had finished performing their first song. "But you know how long I've waited," Arthur Lee playfully tossed back, eliciting sharp cheers from the crowd. Such was the spirit at the Royal Festival Hall, where, on January 15, 2003, Lee and Love recreated the Forever Changes album live in London for the first time. What could have been a pathetic display -- Lee, the onetime star, performing old hits by rote -- actually becomes a transcendent experience through two virtues: inspired string and horn accompaniment from a Scandinavian eight-piece, and the sheer shock and relief that Lee is able to hold himself together despite his years of well-documented self-abuse. The Forever Changes Concert does not take any liberties with the content of the legendary Forever Changes album, preferring note-for-note replication over re-imagining. While this may be disappointing to some listeners, others will revel in the impressiveness of how well those strings and horns blend in with Baby Lemonade, the backing band that, with Lee, comprises the touring version of Love. Meanwhile, Arthur Lee himself cuts a sympathetic and winning figure throughout the show. While he misses a note or two on "The Daily Planet," and can't quite touch Bryan MacLean's graceful high notes on "Old Man," he acquits himself vocally quite nicely, and retains the precisely measured diction that made the album such a psychedelic peculiarity upon its initial release. Age has taken away the punk gruffness of tracks like "Bummer in the Summer," though. The interplay between Lee, his band, and the small orchestra is nothing short of breath-taking in certain spots, particularly when the show hits its crescendo on "You Set the Scene," the closer to the original album. The second half of that song is an unqualified triumph, instruments blending beautifully and Lee demonstrating clear elation at the fact of simply having made it through. When it's done, the instinct is to cheer much as one would for a sports underdog who's unexpectedly won a big game. That the bonus tracks -- renditions of selected well-known cuts from the rest of Love's erratic history -- are anticlimactic and less powerful hardly takes away from the success of this live set. Fans of Love will be impressed that Lee and his group are holding together so well, while listeners less familiar will find a sterling recapture of one of rock's greatest albums.

Las Canciones:

* Alone Again Or
* A House Is Not a Motel
* Andmoreagain
* The Daily Planet
* Old Man
* The Red Telephone
* Maybe the People Would Be the Times or Between Clark and Hilldale
* Live and Let Live
* The Good Humor Man He Sees Everything Like This
* Bummer in the Summer
* You Set the Scene

Hash 1.39G
