мне кажется, я еще ни разу тут ничего не спрашивал - дык за все годы такая просьба:
может кто заказал
http://www.amazon.com/Special-Box-Set-Who/dp/B000IJ7M8G/s...7352828?ie=UTF8&s=music ?
@ 24-10-2006, 05:52
Олч, мда... :(
ну за $70 может быть, но за $700! :fear2:
зы тут чуток дешевле (на $150)
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Special-Box-Set-Ltd-Who/dp/B000IJ7M8GQUOTE |
285.99 British pounds = 537.604002 U.S. dollars |
+ доставка по англии бесплатная :w00t:
может на форуме кто-то из англичан закажет :hi:
@ 25-10-2006, 04:51
I like this. :D: yury, you buy and share :rolleyes:
@ 25-10-2006, 04:55
well.. I can not spend that much money, even If I were "The Who" fan :(
C'mon, it's $550, would you spend that much on a Box Set? :fear2:
PS Unless we can find 25-50 people to chip in on this beauty, I dont see any other way of getting this as of now :hi:
@ 25-10-2006, 05:49
Yea, I know. I thought about buying the set, but my wife would :kill4: me. :fear2:
Maybe it's better to wait a bit till we find any comments on stevehoffman.tv how is it soundwise?
Do you know mastering credits for this box?
@ 25-10-2006, 07:52
Here's what I found so far on Steve's forum:
For 5" disc I recommend:
'Quadrophenia' - MFSL UD 'Who's Missing' - Standard MCA mastered by Steve until I can find the Japan pressing 'Who's Next' - The Japan MCA is the best I've heard 'Live At Leeds' - I've yet to hear a great mastering 'Tommy' - Either the MFSL UD or the original Japan MCA |
QUOTE (yury_usa @ 25-10-2006, 07:52) |
Here's what I found so far on Steve's forum:
QUOTE | For 5" disc I recommend:
'Quadrophenia' - MFSL UD 'Who's Missing' - Standard MCA mastered by Steve until I can find the Japan pressing 'Who's Next' - The Japan MCA is the best I've heard 'Live At Leeds' - I've yet to hear a great mastering 'Tommy' - Either the MFSL UD or the original Japan MCA |
I would disagree on Tommy - SACD is incredible!
Who's Next? - yes, Japanese with Steve's mastering!
@ 25-10-2006, 11:29
700$ or 500$, both prices are TOO high for such boxset :fear2: For exmaple you can buy Santana 17 CDs boxset on eBay for 400$, but 9 of 17 CDs are out of print and all CDs were produced as limited editions (DSD remasters, Japan). New Doors boxset costs just 110$ for 6CDs+6DVDs (DVD-Audio?). So 700$ is absolutelly unacceptbale. I think we'll see it for around 200-300$ on eBay very soon. For that price I would buy it :drag: