Forums -> Rock & Prog -> Chris Rea - 2006 The Road to Hell & Back
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Chris Rea - The Road to Hell & Back
Артист: Chris Rea
Альбом: The Road to Hell & Back, 2006
Жанр: Singer/ Songwriter, Album Rock, Adult Contemporary
Формат файла: eac-cue-log-wv-scans-iso
Ссылка: CD
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia
думается мне , что этот альбом будет достойным дополнением к великолепному релизу taurus66 Topic Link: Chris Rea Blue Guitars CD11 (60s & 70s) и т.д.
спасибо ему и другим друзьякам :beer:

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Product Description
Excellent live album recorded on his mammoth farewell tour of 2005 (Rea is retiring due to health reasons)., The Road To Hell & Back includes the hits 'The Road To Hell', 'Josephine", 'Let's Dance' and 'Stainsby Girls' as well as more recent output such as 'That's The Way It Goes', 'KKK' and 'Stony Road'. 11 tracks total. Universal.

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Раздаст ктонибудь??????