Позвони им и скажи что тебе тоже пох, согласно их @#$@#$ соглашению, пункт 3.9 и 11.4 - т.е. по меньшей мере ждать дальше пол года тебе не надо, но вопрос куда идти - остаётся открытым :drag:
http://www.videotron.com/services/en/service_clientele/8_3_1.jsp3.9 Modifications - Videotron may, upon at least thirty (30) days' prior notice to the customer's Videotron Messaging Address or by mail, modify the Services or any other provision of this agreement, including the charges and rates stipulated in subsection 3.1 . However, no prior notice shall be required with regard to a modification of Services if Videotron's service offerings remain similar and have no impact on the charges payable by the customer. By settling the account statement accompanying any notice of modification to this agreement, the customer shall be irrevocably deemed to have accepted the modification. However, the customer may, within thirty such (30) days delay, cancel this agreement or request that it be modified in the manner provided in subsection 11.4 below, failing which the customer shall irrevocably be deemed to have accepted the modifications covered by the notice
11.4 Modification - Where the provisions of subsection 3.9 apply, the customer may either cancel this agreement or ask Videotron to modify the customer's Services or the duration of the customer's subscription, effective on the date of transmission of the prior notice sent to the customer at the Videotron messaging address, provided the customer has sent Videotron written notice to such effect within thirty (30) days of receiving Videotron's notice.
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