Forums -> Rock & Prog -> Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Raising Sand (2007)
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Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Raising Sand
Артист: Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
Альбом: Raising Sand, 2007
Издатель: Decca / 0028947593829
Жанр: Rock, Blues-Rock
Формат файла: EAC-APE-CUE-LOG-NoCovers
Ссылка 1: CD 1
Ссылка 2: CD 2
Нахождение: eDonkey/Torrent
Примечание: found in net, thanks to Dr.E!
 1. Rich Woman (Dorothy LaBostrie-McKinley Millet)
 2. Killing the Blues (Rowland Salley)
 3. Sister Rosetta Goes Before Us (Sam Phillips)
 4. Polly Come Home (Gene Clark)
 5. Gone, Gone, Gone (Done Moved On) (Phil and Don Everly)
 6. Through the Morning, Through the Night (Gene Clark)
 7. Please Read The Letter (Robert Plant-Michael Lee-Jimmy Page-Charlie Jones)
 8. Trampled Rose (Tom Waits-Kathleen Brennan)
 9. Fortune Teller (Naomi Neville)
10. Stick With Me Baby (Mel Tillis)
11. Nothin' (Townes Van Zandt)
12. Let Your Loss Be Your Lesson (Milt Campbell)
13. Your Long Journey (A.D. Watson and Rosa Lee Watson)
отличный альбом, Плант не подкачал!
EAC extraction logfile from 20. October 2007, 18:19 for CD
Robert Plant & Alison Krauss / Raising Sand

Used drive  : PIONEER DVD RW  DVR-108  Adapter: 0  ID: 0
Read mode  : Secure with NO C2, accurate stream, disable cache
Read offset correction : 48
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No

Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
                    44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
                    Use compression offset : 0

Other options      :
    Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
    Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
    Installed external ASPI interface

Range status and errors
Selected range
    Filename H:\Toasten 2\Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Raising Sand.wav

    Peak level 98.8 %
    Range quality 100.0 %
    CRC D11CA846
    Copy OK

No errors occured

End of status report

Perhaps only the fantasy duo of King Kong and Bambi could be a more bizarre pairing than Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. Yet on Raising Sand, their haunting and brilliant collaboration, the Led Zeppelin screamer and Nashville's most hypnotic song whisperer seem made for each other. This, however, is not the howling Plant of "Whole Lotta Love," but a far more precise and softer singer than even the one who emerged with Dreamland (2002). No matter that Plant seems so subdued as to be on downers, for that's one of the keys to this most improbable meeting of musical galaxies--almost all of it seems slowed down, out of time, otherworldly, and at times downright David Lynch-ian, the product of an altered consciousness. Yet probably the main reason it all works so well is the choice of producer T Bone Burnette, the third star of the album, who culled mostly lesser-known material from some of the great writers of blues, country, folk, gospel, and R&B, including Tom Waits, Townes Van Zandt, Milt Campbell, the Everly Brothers, Sam Phillips, and A.D. and Rosa Lee Watson. At times, Burnette's spare and deliberate soundscape--incisively crafted by guitarists Marc Ribot and Norman Blake, bassist Dennis Crouch, drummer Jay Bellerose, and multi-instrumentalist Mike Seeger, among others--is nearly as dreamy and subterranean as Daniel Lanois's work with Emmylou Harris (Wrecking Ball). Occasionally, Burnette opts for a fairly straightforward production while still reworking the original song (Plant's own "Please Read the Letter," Mel Tillis's "Stick with Me, Baby"). But much of the new flesh on these old bones is oddly unsettling, if not nightmarish. On the opening track of "Rich Woman," the soft-as-clouds vocals strike an optimistic mood, while the instrumental backing--loose snare, ominous bass line, and insinuating electric guitar lines--create a spooky, sinister undertow. Plant and Krauss trade out the solo and harmony vocals, and while they both venture into new waters here (Krauss as a mainstream blues mama, Plant as a gospel singer and honkytonker), she steals the show in Sam Phillips' new "Sister Rosetta Goes Before Us," where a dramatic violin and tremulous banjo strike a foreboding gypsy tone. When Krauss begins this strange, seductive song in a voice so ethereal that angels will take note, you may stop breathing. That, among other reasons, makes Raising Sand an album to die for.
Было бы неплохо, чтобы кто-то коврики подогнал! :-)
А также затрекерир :)
QUOTE (KREMEN5400 @ 29-10-2007, 02:23)
А также затрекерир :)
уже :hi:
Ковры лежат здесь:
спасибо, хоть и 150dpi, но за неимением лучшего сойдут :)
В конце концов появятся и лучше, и другие рипы тоже будут.
Но просто удивительно , что обложек в сети не найти.
Я было порыскал там и сям, и плюнул :bad1: - не горит. :)
Каких людей теряем .... :( Блэкмор, Нопфлер, теперь и Плант ......
"Предупреждали-ж, доведут кабаки да бабы до цугундера !" ©
Как говорят медики: "возрастные изменения".
Rien a faire. :(
"Нас на бабу променял !" © :(
а баба то не простая. Певица экстра класса, между прочим :actu:
Alison Krauss (born July 23, 1971)[1] is an American bluegrass-country singer and fiddle player. She entered the music industry at a young age, winning local contests by the age of ten and recording for the first time on her brother's album at fourteen. She signed with Rounder Records in 1985 and released her first solo album at sixteen in 1987. She was invited to join the band with which she still performs, Alison Krauss & Union Station (AKUS), and later released her first album with them as a group in 1989.

She has thus far released more than ten albums, appeared on numerous soundtracks, and has helped usher in a new interest in bluegrass music in the United States. Her soundtrack performances have led to further popularity, including the Grammy-winning O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack, an album also credited with raising American interest in bluegrass, and the Cold Mountain soundtrack, which led to her performance at the 2004 Academy Awards. During her career she has won 20 Grammy Awards-more than any other female artist and tied for seventh-most among all artists-along with numerous other awards.
Да хоть-бы и сама Едрит Пиаф :drag:
Кесареву кесарево, а слесарю слесарево :actu:
Ты что Леннона забыл ? :w00t:
полный набор обложек с буклетом (300dpi)
Спасибо за полный набор!!!
Дисочек ничего так вышел (особенно первая часть).

А количество Гремми - не показатель, и нам не указ :p:
Vitecs У тётки ? :)
QUOTE (KREMEN5400 @ 02-11-2007, 23:08)
Vitecs У тётки ? :)
Да че там, голоса хорошо подходят у них. Как то ведь нашли друг друга.

А у Планта то же Гремми (1) есть. Вот! :p:
Ну от голоса-то Планта там ничего не осталось. Не написали-бы букав - не поверил-бы. А нашли как ? Скорее всего наошшупь :lol:
Но я-то на " ля мур а труа" не подписывался :drag:

А по поводу паблишер-наград - да по мне. что Грэмми, что Евровидение - однопенисно :p:
Отличный альбом,спасибо огромное :hi:
QUOTE (yury_usa @ 02-11-2007, 04:45)
полный набор обложек с буклетом (300dpi)
:hi: а можно ссылочку на обложки обновить?! не работает уже... :dunno:
отбой,нашел уже! (правда,самое нужное 150дпи) еще раз спасибо! :beer: