Das Partiturbuch
Instrumental music at the Courts of 17th Century Germany
Antonio Bertali (1605 - 1669)
Johann Michael Nicolai (1629 - 1685)
Johann H. Schmelzer (1623 - 1680)
Adam Drese
Samuel Capricornus (1628 - 1665)
Nathanael Schnittelbach
Martin Jopp (Violin)
Rainer Johannsen (Dulcian)
Christian Zincke (Viola da gamba)
Alexander Weimann (Harpsichord)
Alexander Weimann (Organ)
Christian Zincke (Violone)
Margit Schultheiss (Double Harp)
Michael Ducker (Theorbo)
Jorn Kuhlmann (Violin)
Echo du Danube Ensemble
Christian Zincke
This fascinating collection of 17th century instrumental music, known as the Partiturbuch, was assembled by Jacob Ludwig as a birthday present for his patron, Duke August of Gotha. Featuring composers from many parts of Germany, including the imperial Viennese court in the south, the Hanseatic cities of the north, and the small ducal courts throughout Middle Germany, it brings to light a wealth of hidden treasures in a delightful variety of baroque music forms.