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Jack Bruce - Out Of The Storm (1974)
Артист: Jack Bruce
Альбом: Out Of The Storm (1974), 2003
Издатель: Polydor / 065 606-2
Жанр: Prog-Rock - Rock...
Формат файла: eac-log-cue-wv-scans-iso
Ссылка 1: CD 1
Ссылка 2: CD 2
Нахождение: eDonkey/Torrent
thanks to my friends :)

 1. Peaces of Mind
 2. Golden Days
 3. Running Through Our Hands
 4. Keep on Wondering
 5. Keep It Down
 6. Into the Storm
 7. One
 8. Timeslip
 9. Peaces of Mind [First Mix][#][*]
10. Keep on Wondering [First Mix][#][*]
11. Keep It Down [First Mix][#][*]
12. Into the Storm [First Mix][#][*]
13. One [First Mix][#][*]

A masterpiece - one of his very best efforts, June 30, 2003
By Studebacher Hoch (Portland, OR)
While many Jack Bruce fans wax ecstatic over Harmony Row and Songs for a Tailor, this release is every bit as good, if not better than those two brilliant albums. In my mind it completes an early period trilogy of his work. The stuff he did after this album was good but never quite sounded the same as these three albums. I like the fact that he introduces some lead guitar work here - finally - after eschewing it on the first two albums. Steve Hunter is in great form and songs such as Time Slip are really spectacular. As in Harmony Row, he has an uncanny ability on this set to create beautiful, haunted worlds, with the assitance of Pete Brown's magnificent lyrics. And the cut, Into The Storm, has a great autobiographical quality - it could be the opening from a Broadway show - and I mean that as a compliment. There is not a single weak track on the album and his continued vocal mastery and bass playing agility is very much in evidence. Pieces of Mind is a great example of everything Jack is great at. Evocative, complex, searing, burbling, soaring music.

A note on the remastered version: it sounds very good - clean and well balanced and actually kind of "modern". The extra tracks are frankly irrelevant and not the reason you should buy this. The packaging and liner notes, however, are a big plus, as well.

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