Forums -> Rock & Prog -> Pink Floyd - 2007. Oh By the Way: Box Set (16 CD)
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Pink Floyd - Oh By the Way: Box Set (16 CD)
Артист: Pink Floyd
Альбом: Oh By the Way: Box Set (16 CD), 2007
Издатель: EMI / 5112672
Жанр: Pink Floyd
Формат файла: eac-cue-log-wv-scans-iso
Ссылка 1: ed2k
Ссылка 2: torrent
Нахождение: eDonkey/Torrent

любителям Бритни и др. посвящается :p:

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Einfach wunderschön und dazu noch sehr günstig, 27. Dezember 2007
Von H. Rudolf "Musikfreak" (Linz-Austria)
ich bin ein Kind und Fan von Pink Floyd der ersten Stunde, die letzten Alben fand ich zwar nicht mehr so toll aber auch nicht schlecht
ich bin Sammler von Platten (habe alle Pink Floyd LPs in Original Erstausgaben sowie Japan Pressungen HIFI vom feinsten) und CDs
welch ein Glück das sich die Firma zu so einem Schritt durchgerungen hat, Replicas der Original-LPs und noch so hervorragend gemacht, einfach schön, Klang sowieso ein Wahnsinn
sicher sind die Japan Replicas noch etwas besser aber dafür auch wesentlich teurer
als echter Fan ist diese Box Pflicht und möglicherweise irgendwann nicht mehr zu bekommen, denke da an das LP Album Pulse, derzeit unter 250,00 bis 300,00 Euro nicht zu bekommen, sicher CDs werden den Wert der LPs nie erreichen aber man weiss ja nie
ich verstehe manche Kritiken nicht, muß man immer auf Flohsuche gehen,
freut euch an dem nicht ganz perfektem
die Musik ist das wichtigste und nichts anderes
ansonsten lasst die Finger davon und legt euch zum Sterben ins Bett

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I got exactly what I paid for, January 13, 2008
By J. Wingenfeld "warholhorror" (NYC)
I've read a lot of criticism about OH BY THE WAY which boggles my mind. People complaining that there's no extra material, the absense of RELICS (which people have been erroneously calling a "rarities" album) and the difficulty of the packaging. It almost seems as though these people shelled out $200+ for something and didn't bother to read about what they were getting. It's all right there in the description.

I think this set is fantastic. It's everything I was expecting. Now I own all 14 Floyd studio albums, and in some pretty nifty packaging, too! And it all comes with a convenient, attractive box for storage (that is, if you don't want to store the DVDs loose on the rack).

As for the criticisms of the album, here's my take:

1) No extra material: IT DIDN'T SAY THERE WAS ANY. The set never claimed that it was anything more that Floyd's entire studio catalog, which it is.

2) No RELICS: First of all, RELICS is not a rarities album. Relics is a "Best of" album. Most of what's on RELICS is available on one of the albums included in this set. Four songs ("Arnold Layne," "See Emily Play," "Careful With That Axe Eugene" and "Paintbox" are not rarities, but non-album singles. The only previously unreleased song unique to the album is "Biding My Time."

3) Packaging too difficult/small: Yes, it takes slightly more work to get the CDs back in their slip covers than to just snap back into their jewel case. That only helps with the nostalgic charm of this set (I've fumbled with a few records in my day). And the lack of liner notes? Among the people who would buy this set, is there really anything they don't know about Floyd? Same goes for the lack of lyrics, or the complaint that the lyrics that are reproduced are too small to read. Who would buy this set that doesn't already know every Floyd lyric by heart???

As for the couple of of legitimate complaints (purely technical printing erors), I was one of the lucky ones whose UMMAGUMMA CDs were not mislabeled, and, yes, the sleeve for THE WALL Disc 2 has the "Side Three" lyrics printed on both sides. OK, big deal.

If you have the dough, it's worth it. If you bought it without bothering to first find out what you were getting, CAVEAT EMPTOR!!!
дааа... велика "нелюбовь" народа к надоевшим Пинкам :fu: - 50 раз уже слито, 15 еще качают - так и русские сказки догонят :rolleyes:
А штоб было!
и таких уже 91, качают 4, а раздумывают еще 29 :p: