Forums -> Çàïðîñû è ìóç. ôëeéì \ Requests -> Request - Any Black Sabbath 1986 CLACD or NELCD Album
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Hello All,

I have lurked around here for a while, but this is my first post. I have a request. All of the Sabbath eDonkey links have been from the 1996 Castle, 1988 Warner Brothers, 2001 Castle Remasters, or 2004 Remasters, but I have not seen any 1986 Castle CLACD or NELCD series Sabbath albums. If anyone has one, I would greatly appreciate the ability to download it. If you have any scans or Cue Sheets (For Pre-Emphasis), that would be great. Thank you in advance.
download whatever you want
from here
(at least for 2008-02-29 :) )
It will not let me login, so I cannot get to the page you are referring to. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Forum and Tracker registrations are separate processes.
To register on Tracker:
1. go to:
and run tests.
make screenshots
2. make your torrent-client screenshot(s) (statistics, ratio, speed, etc.), if any
3. all screenshots must be in: .jpg or .png
4. upload all images (pp.1,2) to
5. go to:
and enter online form:
first field => username
second field => password
third field => confirm passvord
fourth field => your email
fifth field => place links to your imageshack image(s) (p.4), (Direct link to image)
check boxes
press button :)
6. check your email, confirm registration
7. use torrent tracker
Okay, done. Now I wait for the confirmation e-mail...
good luck
YES!!! I am downloading as we speak. Thank you so much for the help :)