Forums -> Metal -> Accept (1983) Balls To The Wall (Japanese MHCP 786)
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Accept - Balls To The Wall
Артист: Accept
Альбом: Balls To The Wall, 1983
Издатель: Sony Music / MHCP 786
Жанр: Heavy Metal Classics
Формат файла: eac >flac + covers > rar
Ссылка: CD
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia
Примечание: release by Igor191965

"Balls to the wall" used as an expression comes from the world of military aviation. In many planes, control sticks are topped with a ball-shaped grip. One such control is the throttle-to get maximum power you push it all the way forward, to the front of the cockpit, or firewall (so-called because it prevents an engine fire from reaching the rest of the plane). Another control is the joystick-pushing it forward sends a plane into a dive. So, literally pushing the balls to the (fire)wall would put the engines into maximum effort - something that could not be maintained without damage on early aircraft. Figuratively speaking, going balls to the wall is doing something all-out, with maximum effort. The phrase is essentially the aeronautical equivalent of the automotive "pedal to the metal"

01. Balls To The Wall (5:43)
02. London Leatherboys (3:58)
03. Fight It Back (3:34)
04. Head Over Heels (4:25)
05. Losing More Than You've Ever Had (5:07)
06. Love Child (3:35)
07. Turn Me On (5:12)
08. Losers And Winners (4:20)
09. Guardian Of The Night (4:25)
10. Winterdreams (4:53)

NO bonus tracks.

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См. также:

Topic Link: Accept (1985) Metal Heart (Japanese MHCP 787)

Спасибо отдельным постом за подобные вещи!!! :hi: :hi: :punk: :punk: :punk:
Ещё не слушал на номальном аппарате, но, похоже, любителей первозданного звука без компрессии и завёрнутой до упора громкости, ждёт разочарование. Вот "фотография" первой половины первой композиции:

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