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Children Of Bodom - Blooddrunk
Артист: Children Of Bodom
Альбом: Blooddrunk, 2008
Издатель: spinefarm
Жанр: melodic death metal
Формат файла: eac/ape/covers/rar
Ссылка 1: CD 1
Ссылка 2: CD 2
Ссылка 3: CD 3
Ссылка 4: CD 4
Нахождение: eDonkey/Torrent
01. Hellhounds On My Trail
02. Blooddrunk
03. Lobodomy
04. One Day You Will Cry
05. Smile Pretty For The Devil
06. Tie My Rope
07. Done With Everything, Die For Nothing
08. Banned From Heaven
09. Roadkill Morning
10. Ghost Riders In The Sky

photo gallery, 5.1 mixes of Blooddrunk & Blooddrunk promo video + making of

Line Up

Alexi Laiho – vocals, lead guitar (1993–present)
Roope Latvala – rhythm guitar (2003–present)
Janne Warman – keyboard (1997–present)
Henkka Seppälä – bass (1996–present)
Jaska Raatikainen – drums (1993–present)

Back in the past, the first album of the band, "Something Wild", shook the entire metal spectrum. Their death melodic a-la power metal music was really something new and interesting that a huge percentage of metalheads liked to. "Hatebreeder" and "Follow The Reaper" were great too but many people blamed and resented the band cause they claimed that COB were just recycling their music and all of their albums were just the same. To tell you the truth, this could be true because most of COB's songs have many resemblances and that had as a result many songs to look the same.

Let’s leave the intros and speak about "Blooddrunk". Firstly we have to notice that this album will be released in many different editions with lots of extras so check out the official BODOM site about it. Let’s talk about the music now. As we said above there are many resemblances between the "Blooddrunk" and the previous CHILDREN OF BODOM’S albums but I don’t think that you won't like the result. Individually it’s sure a great album but what if we have to compare it with the old COB's albums..? I believe that the biggest percentage of the groups fans will prefer the old ones. "Blooddrunk" isn' t sure in "Something Wild’s" and "Hatebreeder’s" levels. For those who listen to this kind of metal music and especially the COB’s fans, I believe that they will love it as I did. Alexi Laiho is a really capable person who writes great riffs and solos and he did a really good job for "Blooddrunk". The CHILDREN OF BODOM formula has been used for one more time. "Blooddrunk" is full of melodic guitars, keyboards, lethal riffs and amazing solos and of course the characteristic voice of Laiho...

The album begins with "Hellbounds On My Trail", a song that starts with the classic BODOM way. I didn’t like a lot the keyboards section in that song. I think that sometimes they are bored and useless. However, "Hellbounds On My Trail" includes a great solo while the main riff kick ass too. The second track is the semi titled "Blooddrunk" which begins with a great keyboard intro that is followed by a great riff. The next one is called "Lodomy" and now the speed gets faster. "Lodomy" is a more complicated song with great drums, riffs and solos that will make you bang your head over! In the same paths are most of the songs while "Banned From Heaven" is a mid-tempoed and more relaxed one. The last song "Roadkill Morning" is the most aggressive, fast and the most "kick-your-ass" track of the will burn your head and broke your bones!!! It starts quickly without any guitar or keyboard intro and it strikes directly to the bone! As a fan I liked "Blooddrunk" a lot but I think that a band like CHILDREN OF BODOM needs to develop their ideas and style... If you are a BODOM fan you have to wait till April to buy this release. For the others I don't think that this album will fill you with enthusiasm...
EAC extraction logfile from 15. April 2008, 15:14 for CD
Children of Bodom / Blooddrunk

Used drive  : Optiarc DVD RW AD-7173A  Adapter: 1  ID: 0
Read mode  : Secure with NO C2, accurate stream, disable cache
Read offset correction : 48
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No

Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
                    44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo

Other options      :
    Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
    Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
    Installed external ASPI interface

Range status and errors
Selected range
    Filename C:\incoming\Children of Bodom - Blooddrunk.wav

    Peak level 100.0 %
    Range quality 100.0 %
    CRC 8891D498
    Copy OK

No errors occured

End of status report
йо ман. :punk:
dvd надо?...
мне - нет. :)
я рип качну если вдруг. :wink:
но думаю, что желающие найдутся.
там еще стакан с логотипом был... но он в сканер не помещается...

user posted image

я рип качну если вдруг.

не рип не получится.... там в числе всего прочего тот же альбом ц аудио 5.1 ... цмысла нет...
a стакан в lossless я бы качнул :rolleyes: :lol:
QUOTE (Nuairi @ 15-04-2008, 21:08)
a стакан в lossless я бы качнул :rolleyes: :lol:
дык он в дисковод тоже не лезет...
dvd надо?...
Конечно надо!!
Сделайте пожалуйста.
Если можно в Ослике.
sanbo, спасибо! DVD тоже хочеться, на трекере лучше ;)
thanks sanbo :punk:
DVD тоже хочеться, на трекере лучше
азарегте меня на трекере, пожалуйста..... :rolleyes:
Я человек новый, поэтому у меня нет статистики на всяких там торрентах, есть только статистика на торрентс.ру, но она скромная, хотя всёравно отдал я больше чем скачал (могу кинуть скрин:) )
А скорость у меня 1мегабит.
Пожалуйста зарегте меня.
добален линк на двд: ссылка 3
ну почему не ослик???? :(((
thanx sanbo
Спасибо :hi:
Спасибо! Куда то кнопочка пропала.
Есть смысл перераздать CD?
Да давай. Я бы перекачал :hi:
QUOTE (Dudtsyn @ 09-01-2011, 08:21)
Да давай. Я бы перекачал :hi:
Ну тогда жди :diablo: