Forums -> Music Video -> Frank Zappa - Does Humor Belong In Music?
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Frank Zappa Does Humor Belong In Music?
Исполнитель: Frank Zappa
Альбом: Does Humor Belong In Music?, 2003
Жанр: Music/Rock
Дистрибьютор: EMI
Информация о диске: разм. 3.92Gb, Video:Region All, NTSC 4:3, colour, 60 min., Audio:LPCM Stereo
Ссылка: Link NEW!
For longtime fans and un-Zapped neophytes alike, Does Humor Belong in Music? presents the late, great Frank Zappa at his mischievous best. Unlike the infamously rambling Baby Snakes, this hour-long, digitally remastered 14-song set (culled from FZ's performance at the Pier in New York City on August 26, 1984) is 95% music, punctuated with brief interview clips (including the inane titular question, and Frank's expectedly affirmative response), and featuring one of the tightest bands that Zappa ever assembled.
Everybody participates in Zappa's unique parade of musical fusion, street theater, and defiant anti-establishment sarcasm, with Zappa playing masterful conductor when he's not riffing with nimble-fingered
fretwork (notably during "Zoot Allures," "Cosmik Debris," and Greg Allman's "Whipping Post," the set's only cover song). His trademark humor extends to all of his bandmates, especially Ray White and Ike Willis (guitars, vocals) and Bobby Martin (keyboards, vocals), and any topic is fair game for Zappa's skewering, frequently explicit lyrics, from pop-culture sellouts and corrupt recording executives ("Tinsel Town Rebellion") to greedy politicians ("Hot Plate Heaven at the Green Hotel"). Each song is performed to perfection while espousing FZ's impassioned philosophy of taking nothing seriously except the music. In that regard, this Zappa Live DVD represents pure genius at work, having fun and taking no prisoners. --Jeff Shannon

01 Zoot Allures
02 Tinsel Town Rebellion
03 Trouble Every Day
04 Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel
05 The Dangerous Kitchen
06 He's So Gay
07 Bobby Brown
08 Keep It Greasey
09 Honey Don't You Want A Man Like Me?
10 Dinah-More Humm
11 Cosmic Debris
12 Be In My Video
13 Dancing' Fool
14 Whipping' Post

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