Àðòèñò: |
Alive in Wild Paint |
Àëüáîì: |
Ceilings, 2008 |
Èçäàòåëü: |
Equal Vision / EVR128 |
Æàíð: |
Indie Rock |
Ôîðìàò ôàéëà: |
EAC 0.99pb4, FLAC 1.2.1b (-8 -V), Full Scans (600 dpi) |
Ññûëêà: |
CD |
Íàõîæäåíèå: |
eDonkey/Kademlia |
1. Ceilings. . . . . . . . . .4:10 2. Crystal Sleeves . . . . . .3:57 3. God Save Me a Gun . . . . .3:09 4. Anxious Disease . . . . . .4:18 5. II. . . . . . . . . . . . .4:12 6. Traffic . . . . . . . . . .3:14 7. Sleep With Your Soul In . .4:15 8. Forecasting . . . . . . . .6:03 9. Everywhere, an Ocean. . . .5:14 10. Children of Divorce . . . .3:22 11. Cold Spell. . . . . . . . .3:24 12. A Vespertine Haunting . . .3:37
REVIEWAlive in Wild Paint’s debut effort has been a long time coming. As a story that started with former Terminal frontman Travis Bryant joining up with members of Goodbye Tomorrow, the band has been through a hell of a lot to get to this point. Band name changes, member roster shifts, release date delays, scheduling with uber-producer Mark Trombino – you name it. So the question remains – is Ceilings worth the wait or does it fall short of the mark?
For fans that were wise enough to check out Goodbye Tomorrow’s 3-song EP in 2006, you should have a good idea of what to expect from Alive in Wild Paint’s tunes. If you are coming in cold, it does not take long to grasp what these guys are all about. Simply put, the band makes beautiful music, and Ceilings is an incredibly gorgeous record. Building on a foundation of Bryant’s fragile, soothing delivery, guitarist Matt Grabe, bassist David Roat, and drummer Austin Wilson provide the perfect of amount of complementary music to create a set of compelling songs. There is a lot of restraint in the band’s work – perhaps too much, it can be said – but it works in such a way that the compositions all yield rather obediently to Bryant’s arresting vocals. The end result certainly works, and helps to create the soft, emotional sort of expressions at hand.
Starting off with little more than sparse piano notes and Travis’ yearning croons, the album’s title track slowly crescendos into a full-on masterpiece. With delicately plucked strings, poetic lyrics, and an orchestral arrangement, "Ceilings" is not the type of track you’d look for on an indie rock album – it has much more majesty than anyone could expect. After this epic opener, Alive in Wild Paint dabbles in different areas of their sound. On the somber side of things, there is the hushed acoustics of "God Gave Me a Gun" and "Traffic," graceful piano balladry on "Forecasting," and the muted minimalism of "Cold Spell." Thankfully, though, the band is capable of dialing it up with the lush and shimmering "Crystal Selves," the unexpected rush of "Sleep With Your Soul In," and the more calculated, exquisite reimagining of "A Vespertine Haunting," which sounds fantastic in its new digs.
Overall, Alive in Wild Paint’s debut offering is an irrefutably strong effort. The band’s ability to harness elements of beauty and elegance in their softer tracks puts them in the upper echelon of their genre, and the times they step out of this comfort zone are all sound successes. Mark Trombino’s production is absolutely top-tier, and it really adds another dimension to the music, a true marvel on a nice pair of headphones. The only complaint one can make about Ceilings is that some of the tracks towards the middle of the album bleed together a bit, disrupting what could otherwise be a near-perfect record. Even still, there is a ton to love and appreciate in Alive in Wild Paint, and when you consider this is only their debut, it is hard not to be optimistic about what these guys are truly capable of.SPOILER! |
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 18. May 2008, 11:41
Alive in Wild Paint / Ceilings
Used drive : HL-DT-STDVDRAM GSA-4163B Adapter: 1 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure Utilize accurate stream : Yes Defeat audio cache : Yes Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 667 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface Gap handling : Appended to previous track
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0:00.00 | 4:10.12 | 0 | 18761 2 | 4:10.12 | 3:57.21 | 18762 | 36557 3 | 8:07.33 | 3:08.39 | 36558 | 50696 4 | 11:15.72 | 4:17.63 | 50697 | 70034 5 | 15:33.60 | 4:11.40 | 70035 | 88899 6 | 19:45.25 | 3:13.49 | 88900 | 103423 7 | 22:58.74 | 4:15.35 | 103424 | 122583 8 | 27:14.34 | 6:02.68 | 122584 | 149801 9 | 33:17.27 | 5:14.09 | 149802 | 173360 10 | 38:31.36 | 3:22.35 | 173361 | 188545 11 | 41:53.71 | 3:23.55 | 188546 | 203825 12 | 45:17.51 | 3:36.58 | 203826 | 220083
Track 1
Filename D:\Audio\01 - Ceilings.wav
Pre-gap length 0:00:02.00
Peak level 97.7 % Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC E3284A6E Copy CRC E3284A6E Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 2
Filename D:\Audio\02 - Crystal Selves.wav
Peak level 99.8 % Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC D3B690B2 Copy CRC D3B690B2 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 3
Filename D:\Audio\03 - God Gave Me a Gun.wav
Peak level 99.8 % Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC B035D8FD Copy CRC B035D8FD Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 4
Filename D:\Audio\04 - Anxious Disease.wav
Peak level 99.8 % Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 3F6BA660 Copy CRC 3F6BA660 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 5
Filename D:\Audio\05 - II.wav
Peak level 99.8 % Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 15A5AEDF Copy CRC 15A5AEDF Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 6
Filename D:\Audio\06 - Traffic.wav
Peak level 93.0 % Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 0D89A6EE Copy CRC 0D89A6EE Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 7
Filename D:\Audio\07 - Sleep With Your Soul in.wav
Peak level 99.8 % Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 47C27456 Copy CRC 47C27456 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 8
Filename D:\Audio\08 - Forecasting.wav
Pre-gap length 0:00:00.67
Peak level 99.8 % Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 480C9F15 Copy CRC 480C9F15 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 9
Filename D:\Audio\09 - Everywhere, an Ocean.wav
Peak level 99.8 % Track quality 99.9 % Test CRC 7721A315 Copy CRC 7721A315 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 10
Filename D:\Audio\10 - Children of Divorce.wav
Peak level 99.8 % Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 391C9BF5 Copy CRC 391C9BF5 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 11
Filename D:\Audio\11 - Cold Spell.wav
Peak level 99.8 % Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 112A641F Copy CRC 112A641F Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 12
Filename D:\Audio\12 - A Vespertine Haunting.wav
Pre-gap length 0:00:01.22
Peak level 98.4 % Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 43E60478 Copy CRC 43E60478 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
No errors occurred
End of status report |
One of the best recently released albums (March 18, 2008), reminding Radiohead, Snow Patrol, Nada Surf & Jimmy Eat World :D: