Gary Moore - Run for Cover
Артист: Gary Moore
Альбом: Run for Cover, 2003
Издатель: Virgin Records / 7243 5 83577 2 1
Жанр: Hard Rock, Blues-Rock
Формат файла: NL-0801
Ссылка: CD
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia
Релиз-группа: Group Icon
Примечание: На плюс не тянет...
 1. Run For Cover [0:04:13.10]
 2. Reach For The Sky [0:04:45.32]
 3. Military Man [0:05:40.28]
 4. Empty Rooms [0:04:18.67]
 5. Out Of My System [0:04:07.65]
 6. Out In The Fields [0:04:17.65]
 7. Nothing To Lose [0:04:41.50]
 8. Once In A Lifetime [0:04:18.63]
 9. All Messed Up [0:04:52.17]
10. Listen To Your Heartbeat [0:04:38.30]
11. Still In Love With You (Bonus Track) [0:05:59.15]
12. Stop Messin' Around (Live) (Bonus Track) [0:04:08.63]
13. Murder In The Skies (Live) (Bonus Track) [0:05:23.10]

Run For Cover took the heavy metal ingredients of Gary Moore's previous two albums and added a little pop refinement to the mix. Thankfully, this did not compromise the overall heaviness of the record, and Moore even achieves a successful remake of his classic ballad "Empty Rooms." Calling on his many friends to help in the studio, Moore obtains fantastic vocal performances from former Deep Purple bassist/vocalist Glenn Hughes on "Reach for the Sky" and "All Messed Up"; and former Thin Lizzy leader and childhood friend Philip Lynott on the dramatic "Military Man." The latter also trades vocals with Moore on the album's biggest single "Out in the Fields." Written about the religious turmoil in their native Ireland, it was actually Lynott's final recorded performance before his tragic death. It also presaged the musical and lyrical Irish themes which would dominate Moore's future work.