Sahg - II
Àðòèñò: Sahg
Àëüáîì: II, 2008
Èçäàòåëü: Regain Records / REG-CD-1063
Æàíð: Modern Doom Metal
Ôîðìàò ôàéëà: EAC/Ape/Cue/log/Scans
Ññûëêà: CD
Íàõîæäåíèå: eDonkey/Kademlia
Origin : Norway
Release Date: 19 February 2008
Running Time : 48:38
Rating : user posted image

EAC v0.99 prebeta 4
Monkey Audio 4.01
Winrar 3.80 +10% Recovery

Line Up
Olav Iversen : Vocals & Guitars
Thomas Tofthagen : Guitars
Tom Cato Visnes : Bass
Tor Bjarne Bjellan : Drums

1. Ascent To Decadence (4:11)
2. Echoes Ring Forever (6:17)
3. From Conscious Sleep (2:15)
4. Star-crossed (6:25)
5. Escape The Crimson (4:53)
6. Pyromancer (3:56)
7. Wicked Temptress (5:09)
8. By The Toll Of The Bell (4:33)
9. Monomania (10:58)

Reviews :

Metal Kingdom
Made up of members from Gorgoroth, Audrey Horne and Manngard, this is the second CD from the Norwegian band Sahg. They had quite a time recording this album, having to switch studios after a few songs were completed because the landlord decided to tear the studio down. They found somewhere else to go and completed the album.
Sahg II is more ambitious than their debut, as the band explores more influences. Those influences are classic, with groups like Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin coming quickly to mind. Their doom metal sound ranges from fast, retro sounding groovers to more plodding and psychedelic crushers. They even throw in an acoustic track. Fuzzy, trippy and heavy, Sahg does a nice job changing up the styles and tempos.
Olav Iversen is Sahg's vocalist, and has a versatile voice. He has a good range and a decent amount of power. His voice is effective cutting through the fuzz on some tracks, and blending right in with lots of effects on others. When it comes to doom/stoner metal, Norway isn't the first place you'd look, but Sahg II may change that.

Vampire Magazine In 2006 this Norwegian band made furore with their debut album 'Sahg I'. Consisting of (ex) members from acts like Gorgoroth, Manngard and Audry Horne people expected something with an extreme (black) metal sound, but Sahg delivered music they felt more by heart. Music best described as heavy, psychedelic rock from the early 1970’s with a load of stoner woven in the sound. This decision was widely accepted by fans and the album got raving reviews. Regain records now releases the sophomore album, simply called 'Sahg II' so let’s see if the band can live up to the high expectations.
'II' continues where 'I' ended (and outdoes that album) so expect a high-quality album containing nine strong and solid songs, dwelling in a heavy yet psychedelic and doomy 1970’s sound. Think early Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin here (1969- 1973 era), but with an absolute distinctive sound to it. The album opens with the two firm rocking songs "Ascent to Decadence" and "Echoes Ring Forever" which immediately show what Sahg has to offer: powerful riffs, catchy rhythms, fast (Mastodon-alike) drumming, melodic solo’s, organs in undertone (The Doors-style) and jaw-dropping intense clear vocals. When you hear singer Olav’s vocals you immediately think you know that voice already, but you can’t define whom those vocals belong to. I hear a fantastic mix of early Dio, early Eric Wagner (Trouble), Layne Staley (Alice in Chains, when he was still alive) and a great deal of early Ozzy (when he was still alive as well) in it, but I’m sure other names will come to the table too. One thing is clear: that man can sing! His tone is so clear and open and thanks to the enormous volume it sounds as wide as a beautiful landscape. And what about that guitar-play! Very praising if you’re able to let this 1970’s music sound so fresh and uplifting! The album continues with the trippy "From conscious Sleep", the slow-paced "Star-crossed", the psychedelic semi-acoustic "Escape the Crimson Sun", the heaviest and fastest song on the album "Pyromancer"(Slayer in 1970’s style!), the two hard-hitting mid-pacers "Wicked Temptress" and "By the Toll of the Bell". The remarkable long-stretched epic (10:58 minutes)"Monomania" with its doomy and spacey atmosphere (Black Sabbath meets Cult of Luna) closes the album and emphasizes that Sahg are marvellous song-writers and outstanding musicians! Kick-ass! The production is muffle and open and thus perfect for this type of sound.
Listening to this album you can only conclude that, during the recording of this album, the Sahg members must have found themselves in a LSD-flashback to the late sixties/early seventies where they started jamming with all the nostalgic and legendary musicians from that era. Absolutely fantastic how they’re able to give an album such a typical authentic atmosphere! Recently the band was added to the European tour of Trouble in April, so let’s see how they do in live situations. I’m convinced these musicians will do more than fine. Yearlist material!

