Forums -> Metal -> Pantera - Cowboys from Hell (1990)
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Pantera - Cowboys from Hell
Артист: Pantera
Альбом: Cowboys from Hell, 1990
Издатель: ATCO Records / 7567-91372-2
Жанр: Thrash Metal
Формат файла: Eac-Flac-HQfullScans600dpi
Ссылка: CD
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia
What name could evoke more of an image of heavy metal in the 1990's (well, before all the numetal bands ruined that image for what still seems like forever)? Sure, screaming, swearing, downtuned guitars, all that good stuff had been around for ages before Pantera, but they made it simply a MUST for metal. And to think, before this album, Pantera had a close resemblance to the endless (*gasp!*) glam-"metal" bands that plagued the '80s! I have yet to hear this earlier Pantera, but that hardly matters at this point; here, with their 1990 major-label debut, COWBOYS FROM HELL, Pantera proved that THEY, and they alone, were the masters of their game.


1- Cowboys From Hell (4.06)
2- Primal Concrete Sledge (2.13)
3- Psycho Holiday (5.19)
4- Heresy (4.45)
5- Cemetery Gates (7.03)
6- Domination(5.02)
7- Shatteres (3.21)
8- Clash With Reality (5.15)
9- Medicine Man (5.15)
10- Message In Blood (5.09 )
11- The Sleep (5.47)
12- The Art Of Shredding (4.16)


good listening from burinooscuro

I hope I do not have anything wrong, I am Italian and know only the Italian


QUOTE (darkmandio @ 18-01-2009, 23:00)
I hope I do not have anything wrong, I am Italian and know only the Italian
darkmandio, very welcome to :nl: :punk:

Thanks! button is not for you. You are releaser! :rolleyes:
QUOTE (Гордый @ 18-01-2009, 23:06)
QUOTE (darkmandio @ 18-01-2009, 23:00)
I hope I do not have anything wrong, I am Italian and know only the Italian
darkmandio, very welcome to :nl: :punk:

Thanks button not for you. You are releaser! :rolleyes:

thanks welcome. :D:

I darkmandio alias burinooscuro on the edonkey network. :hi:

So far, I only downloaded good music,

I wanted to contribute hours bringing new files.

sorry for my bad english, i use google translate. :laugh:

see you later :punk:

edit :
button thanks I accidentally clicked :-p :laugh:
QUOTE (darkmandio @ 18-01-2009, 23:16)
see you later :punk:
of course in DD Music I'm Stolz :rolleyes:

edit :
button thanks I accidentally clicked :-p :laugh:
Sorry guys. I understand Russian quite well, but just can't write and speak only Eglish, Polish and Slovak, so I decided to write this message using English.

So... Many thanks for lossless version, I've been looking for it a long time. :)

Regards from Poland!
sober, you are welcome! :nl: