Forums -> Blues -> Blues Brothers And Friends - Live From Chicago's House Of Blues (DDD, 1997)
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Blues Brothers And Friends - Live From Chicago's House Of Blues
Артист: Blues Brothers And Friends
Альбом: Live From Chicago's House Of Blues, 1997
Издатель: Edel / 0099172WHE
Жанр: Blues, Funk / Soul
Формат файла: NL+0802
Ссылка: CD
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia
Релиз-группа: Group Icon
 1. Intro [0:03:17.52]
 2. Green Onions [0:02:47.70]
 3. Chicken Shack [0:00:51.18]
 4. Sweet Home Chicago [0:02:41.27]
 5. I Wish You Would [0:04:22.65]
 6. Messin' With The Kid [0:04:16.20]
 7. All My Money Back [0:03:22.03]
 8. Born In Chicago [0:02:08.15]
 9. Blues, Why You Worry Me? [0:04:47.02]
10. Groove With Me Tonight [0:04:14.10]
11. 634-5789 [0:05:38.08]
12. All She Wants To Do Is Rock [0:02:33.22]
13. Flip, Flop And Fly [0:03:15.05]
14. Money (That's What I Want) [0:03:28.15]
15. Viva Las Vegas [0:03:58.10]

Review: by Thom Owens
Recorded as the Blues Brothers were preparing to film the sequel to their 1980 movie, Live from Chicago's House of Blues was designed as a way to get the group back into the spotlight, as well as a way to showcase the House of Blues chain. It performs both tasks admirably. The Blues Brothers -- which are now Dan Aykroyd, Jim Belushi and John Goodman -- have the smarts to hire a skilled, professional band that delivers these soul and blues perennials with ease. Even with the new members, the Blues Brothers remain limited vocally, but they have passion for the music, which makes Live from Chicago's House of Blues a thoroughly entertaining affair.


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Одно вступление чего стоит! Такого помпезного, высокомерного и крутого вступления Вы не найдёте нигде. Только у Blues Brothers :cool: