Forums -> Jazz -> Jackie McLean - The Jackie Mac Attack Live (1991)
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Jackie McLean - The Jackie Mac Attack Live
Артист: Jackie McLean
Альбом: The Jackie Mac Attack Live, 1991
Издатель: Birdology / 519 270-2
Жанр: Post-Bop
Формат файла: NL+0802
Ссылка 1: CD 1
Ссылка 2: CD 2
Нахождение: eDonkey/Torrent
Примечание: живая запись, яркое выступление!
1. Cyclical. . . . . . . . .11:51
2. Song For My Queen . . . .10:24
3. Dance Little Mandissa. . .6:18
4. Minor March. . . . . . . .9:12
5. 'Round Midnight . . . . .11:16
6. Five . . . . . . . . . . .6:46

Review (AMG)
Veteran altoist Jackie McLean is in top form on this live quartet session with pianist Hotep Idris Galeta, bassist Nat Reeves and drummer Carl Allen. He performs two originals by Galeta, Renй McLean's "Dance Little Mandissa," "'Round Midnight," and his own "Minor March" and "Five." The amount of passion and intensity that McLean puts into his improvisations is quite impressive, and 40 years after his recording debut, he remains in prime form. This strong, advanced hard bop date gives listeners a good example of his abilities.

Нет слов... 40 лет спустя, Джеки продолжает радовать! :punk: