D.I.V. - Mein Kampf
Артист: D.I.V.
Альбом: Mein Kampf, 1992
Издатель: KTR/Moroz Records
Жанр: Thrash Metal
Формат файла: Monkey's Audio 3.97/335 MiB/all scans 300 DPI
Ссылка: CD
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia
 1. Freddie
 2. London Beat
 3. Zona
 4. Decoration After Sin
 5. Mein Kampf
 6. Hesh
 7. Living Death
 8. Anarhia
 9. Procliatii Mir
10. S.S. (Sukin Sin)

Excellent thrash metal from Russia, a must have :wink:

Inside the archive you'll find two .cue: one with latin characters and one with cyrillic characters (tough I'm not sure that this one will work for everyone...)

SPOILER ("info")
