Vokodlok is most likely one of the best black metal bands from Eastern Europe (for obvious reasons, I'll exclude Poland...). They are as good as May Result, The Stone, Negură Bunget, Nokturnal Mortum or Lucifugum, but they are less known then the afromentioned bands. Mass Murder Genesis is their first full lenght album, and the debut of their record label, Beauty of Pain Records, and it's a total succes. Production is clean, and virtually everything can be heard, besides the cymbals, which are drowned in the production. Vocals and guitars dominate the production. Vokodlok give us on this album 10 great traditional raw black metal tracks, in the vein of Darkthrone and Immortal, while still being original. The vocalist is the best thing from the band, his screaming is incredible, totally great. Very fast, black metall-ish riffing, great drumwork (the only problem is the one which I presented earlier at the production, the cymbals get drowned...). Most tracks have English lyrics, besides the second track, Blestem, which is in Romanian. |