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Forums > Jazz > Manhattan Jazz Quintet - Manhattan Blues (1990), 1991 Compose/Sweet Basil Inc. 7301-2

Posted by: arizonadream on 11-02-2015, 21:53
Manhattan Jazz Quintet Reunion - Manhattan Blues (1990)
Артист: Manhattan Jazz Quintet Reunion
Альбом: Manhattan Blues (1990), 1991
Издатель: Compose/Sweet Basil Inc. / 7301-2
Жанр: Jazz/Hard Bop/Post-Bop
Формат файла: NL+
Ссылка: CD (ed2k://|file|Manhattan%20Jazz%20Quintet%20-%201990%20-%20Manhattan%20Blues.{Compose%20%C2%B7%20Sweet%20Basil%207301-2}.[NL+].iso.wv|330082871|139B7575A7C2DA444BFE9B3246F29287|h=NOS2EJHVBBMLSUTESOO2KLUR7VUGHG6E|/
Примечание: Релиз AD's

1. Blues March . . . . . .8:46
2. St. Louis Blues. . . .11:26
3. Manhattan Blues . . . .5:07
4. Sweet Basil Blues . . .7:44
5. Blues In The Night. . .9:11
6. Basin Street Blues. . .6:33
7. Bag's Groove. . . . . .8:20



Lew Soloff - trumpet
George Young - tenor saxophone
David Matthews - piano
Eddie Gomez - acoustic bass
Steve Gadd - drums
John Scofield ( - guitar (в копилку (

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