1. Pange Lingua gloriosi, hymn Composed by Gregorian Chant
2. The Stations of the Cross (Le Chemin de la Croix), for organ, Op. 29 1. Station. Jésus est condamné à mort (Jesus is condemned to death) Composed by Marcel Dupre with Friedhelm Flamme
3. The Stations of the Cross (Le Chemin de la Croix), for organ, Op. 29 2. Station. Jésus est chargé de la Croix (Jesus receives his cross) Composed by Marcel Dupre with Friedhelm Flamme
4. Crucem tuam adoramus, antiphon Composed by Gregorian Chant
5. The Stations of the Cross (Le Chemin de la Croix), for organ, Op. 29 3. Station. Jésus tombe sous le poids de sa Croix (Jesus falls the first time) Composed by Marcel Dupre with Friedhelm Flamme
6. The Stations of the Cross (Le Chemin de la Croix), for organ, Op. 29 4. Station. Jésus rencontre sa mère (Jesus meets his mother) Composed by Marcel Dupre with Friedhelm Flamme
7. Christus Factus est pro nobis Composed by Gregorian Chant
8. The Stations of the Cross (Le Chemin de la Croix), for organ, Op. 29 5. Station. Simon de Cyrénéen aide Jésus à porter sa Croix (Simon the Cyrene helps Jesus to carry the cross) Composed by Marcel Dupre with Friedhelm Flamme
9. The Stations of the Cross (Le Chemin de la Croix), for organ, Op. 29 6. Station. Une femme pieuse essuie la face de Jésus (Jesus and Veronica) Composed by Marcel Dupre with Friedhelm Flamme
10. The Stations of the Cross (Le Chemin de la Croix), for organ, Op. 29 7. Station. Jésus tombe à terre pour la seconde foix (Jesus falls a second time) Composed by Marcel Dupre with Friedhelm Flamme
11. The Stations of the Cross (Le Chemin de la Croix), for organ, Op. 29 8. Station. Jésus console les filles d'Israël qui le suivent (Jesus comforts the women of Jerusalem) Composed by Marcel Dupre with Friedhelm Flamme
12. Popule meus, quid feci tibi? improperia Composed by Gregorian Chant
13. The Stations of the Cross (Le Chemin de la Croix), for organ, Op. 29 9. Station. Jésus tombe pour la troisième fois (Jesus falls a third time) Composed by Marcel Dupre with Friedhelm Flamme
14. The Stations of the Cross (Le Chemin de la Croix), for organ, Op. 29 10. Station. Jésus est dépouillé de ses vêtements (Jesus is stripped of his clothes) Composed by Marcel Dupre with Friedhelm Flamme
15. Popule meus, quid feci tibi? improperia Composed by Gregorian Chant
16. The Stations of the Cross (Le Chemin de la Croix), for organ, Op. 29 11. Station. Jésus est attaché sur la Croix (Jesus is nailed on the cross) Composed by Marcel Dupre with Friedhelm Flamme
17. The Stations of the Cross (Le Chemin de la Croix), for organ, Op. 29 12. Station. Jésus meurt sur la Croix (Jesus dies upon the cross) Composed by Marcel Dupre with Friedhelm Flamme
18. Stabat Mater Composed by Gregorian Chant
19. The Stations of the Cross (Le Chemin de la Croix), for organ, Op. 29 13. Station. Jésus est détaché de la Croix et remis à sa Mère (The body of Jesus is taken from the cross and laid in Mary's bosom) Composed by Marcel Dupre with Friedhelm Flamme
20. The Stations of the Cross (Le Chemin de la Croix), for organ, Op. 29 14. Station. Jésus est mis dans le sépulcre (The body of Jesus is laid in the tomb) Composed by Marcel Dupre with Friedhelm Flamme |