> The Alan Parsons Project 2007 Remasters
 Argon Member is Offline
 Posted: 06-12-2007, 04:54 (post 1, #802232)


Group: Members
Posts: 92
Ремастрированием своего каталога занимался сам Алан, по слухам от тех кто слышал эти ремастеры, "открыты новые измерения", "услышаны новые детали" и тп... Очень бы хотелось иметь эти релизы... Но в емуле не нашел...

Сайт проекта: http://www.the-alan-parsons-project.com/

Alan has been involved in the digital remastering of all 10 APP albums that are being reissued in 2007 in improved and expanded editions. Both Alan and Eric are fully involved in this project. Alan has been involved in the remastering of all of the albums, and the majority of the bonus material has come from Eric's archive.

All albums have just been digitally re-mastered from the original master tapes. The difference in sound quality is amazing - they sound absolutely fantastic!

This post has been edited by Argon on 06-12-2007, 04:56
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