> Лунные воды (Театр "Юньмэнь", 2000)
 helge79 Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-01-2007, 20:01 (post 1, #699963)


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Театр "Юньмэнь" (Театр облачных ворот) -- одна из наиболее почитаемых дальневосточных трупп современного танца, базирующаяся в Тайване. В "Лунных водах" хореограф Лин Хуай-минь достиг замечательной гармонии между музыкой И.С.Баха для виолончели соло и движениями классической китайской гимнастики тай-чи.

В дополнение к самому спектаклю прилагается интервью с хореографом и танцорами и несколько коротких клипов с фрагментами спектаклей других китайских балетных трупп.

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Taiwan ’s first and leading contemporary dance company brings together a fabulous blend of Eastern and Western dance styles in the performance called Moon Water.

To the Chinese, Moon Water, is reminiscent of two things: one is a Buddhist proverb, ‘Flowers in a mirror and moon on the water are both illusive’ and the other describes the ideal state of a tai-chi practitioner ‘Energy flows as water, while the spirit shines as the moon.’

Choreographer Lin Hwai Min’s entrancing Moon Water is based in tai-chi which gives it a natural rhythm and a visible pulse from the energy of breathing that propels one action smoothly towards the next and recalls the swell and ebb of a river. Moon Water is profoundly simple. Circles of stage design and movement, identical white silk costumes for men and women, a watery black set opening up to a panoply of silvery mirrors and a flowing continuity in the style and structure of the dance, all performed to J.S. Bach’s solo cello suites.

By translating and metamorphosing the essence of traditional Chinese physical exercise into a blend of dance and theatre, Lin Hwai Min has created another milestone in the development of dance.

This post has been edited by helge79 on 12-01-2007, 03:12
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