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Heinrich Schutz (1585 - 1672)Weihnachtshistorie, AuferstehungshistorieLabel: DACAPO, 8.226058 Year: 2009 Performers:Ars Nova Copenhagen Concerto Copenhagen Sirius Viols Paul Hillier - conductor ARS NOVA Copenhagen and Paul Hillier here present the second recording in a series devoted to the narrative works (Historia) of Heinrich Schutz (1585-1672). The Danish vocal ensemble thus celebrate Denmark’s proud connection with this German master who was appointed Kapellmeister to King Christian IV and worked at the Danish court for two periods over the course of eleven years. The cover illustrations show reliefs in beaten metal by Karl Schmidt-Rottluff (1884-1976), a member of the Die Brucke group founded in 1905 in Dresden – a city with which Schutz himself was closely associated.Schutz’s Christmas Story is one of the composer’s late works, but one those closest to perfection. It comprises a narration of the biblical nativity story by a tenor in a variety of forms of recitative, interspersed with brief interludes depicting scenes including the appearance of angels, the shepherds, the three Magi and King Herod, the whole framed by longer choruses. The variety of textures and character show the sure hand of the master that the elderly composer had become. It is the musical equivalent of an Advent calendar or series of stained glass windows, and is enchanting from start to finish. In under 35 minutes the composer depicts vividly all the main parts of the Christmas story, the final recitative ending with a marvellous passage anticipating Christ’s adulthood followed by a joyous final chorus. As a whole the work is succinct, effective and utterly original in its use of all the styles of both sacred and secular music then current. I first heard it some fifty years ago and have regarded it ever since as probably the greatest and most inspired piece of Christmas music ever written. Curiously, though, it is by no means as frequently performed as its merits and lack of obvious performance problems might suggest.
Listening to the present performance you may well doubt whether any such problems exist. They do, and start with musicological debate over how to deal with the fragmentary state of the surviving material. Curiously the extensive and helpful, if very tiny, notes explain the editorial problems but do not name whose edition is used. Whoever it is, the result is idiomatic and convincing as is the performance. Much of the burden falls on the tenor evangelist. Adam Riis has a fresh and free tone and convincingly conveys the changing course of the narrative. I might have preferred a more extrovert approach, reacting more obviously to the text, but better what we have here than an anachronism more suited to the next centuries. The various singers and instrumentalists in the Interludes are uniformly excellent and the overall result is delightful in every way.
The Resurrection Story is an earlier and, given the subject, an unsurprisingly somewhat more austere work. The evangelist’s part, accompanied by the viols, is more restrained in character although this puts into greater relief the passages where other singers have the words of particular characters in the story. These are usually represented by more than one voice. The words of Jesus for instance are sung by an alto and a tenor, but their manner is that used elsewhere by the composer in his vocal concertos. The overall effect is not as overtly dramatic as the Christmas Story but is certainly compelling and moving.
The evangelist in this work is Johan Linderoth whose subtle freedom and perfect articulation of the text are close to the ideal. The other performers maintain a similar standard. Overall this is a disc which gives immense satisfaction and which is a great credit both to Paul Hillier as director of both works and to the Danish Arts Council for its support of the project.Denmark stakes at least a partial claim to the German-born composer, Heinrich Schutz, his invitations from Copenhagen including two periods in the service of the Danish court. The present disc links two of his major works in the style known at the time as historia, the content being of biblical origin. The earlier score, Auferstehungshistorie, dates from 1623 when the composer was thirty-eight and enjoying much success as the Kapellmaister in the musically influential Dresden. Intended for Holy Week it is the story of the Resurrection, largely told by the Evangelist, though later taken over by Mary Magdalene and Jesus who tell of the outcome of the unfolding events. In 1660, by which time Schutz was in semi-retirement, he composed the Christmas story, Weihnachtshistorie, and in so doing probably provide the inspiration for Bach’s Christmas Oratorio. Both works on the disc include parts for instrumental accompaniment, the later score more adventurous in this respect with a suitably vigorous opening, the story being told by three solo voices. The timber of voice used for the Evangelists is a very personal choice, the sound here more akin to the Germanic style than to the open quality now in favour elsewhere. I much like the soprano, Else Torp, who brings glad tidings in the role of the Angel, while Paul Hillier finds fine soloists for the lesser roles from the ranks of his Ars Nova. The instruments of the Concerto Copenhagen and Sirius Viols are of outstanding quality, while the recording team has balanced to perfection the diverse elements. Essential for all who love Early Music.  SPOILER (LOG FILE) | Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 7. August 2011, 0:55
Ars Nova Copenhagen, Paul Hillier / Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie
Used drive : HL-DT-STDVDRAM GSA-H62N Adapter: 2 ID: 1
Read mode : Secure Utilize accurate stream : Yes Defeat audio cache : Yes Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 667 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface Gap handling : Appended to previous track
Used output format : User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate : 256 kBit/s Quality : High Add ID3 tag : No Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\Flac\flac.exe Additional command line options : -8 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "TOTALTRACKS=%x" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "ALBUMARTIST=%v" -T "ALBUM ARTIST=%v" -T "COMMENT=EAC Secure Mode, Test & Copy, AccurateRip, FLAC -8" %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0:00.00 | 1:17.53 | 0 | 5827 2 | 1:17.53 | 2:56.30 | 5828 | 19057 3 | 4:14.08 | 3:00.08 | 19058 | 32565 4 | 7:14.16 | 0:13.30 | 32566 | 33570 5 | 7:27.46 | 1:45.66 | 33571 | 41511 6 | 9:13.37 | 0:13.73 | 41512 | 42559 7 | 9:27.35 | 1:27.59 | 42560 | 49143 8 | 10:55.19 | 2:43.52 | 49144 | 61420 9 | 13:38.71 | 2:00.41 | 61421 | 70461 10 | 15:39.37 | 0:34.67 | 70462 | 73078 11 | 16:14.29 | 2:52.49 | 73079 | 86027 12 | 19:07.03 | 0:37.27 | 86028 | 88829 13 | 19:44.30 | 2:09.48 | 88830 | 98552 14 | 21:54.03 | 2:08.43 | 98553 | 108195 15 | 24:02.46 | 1:51.42 | 108196 | 116562 16 | 25:54.13 | 3:07.63 | 116563 | 130650 17 | 29:02.01 | 1:43.60 | 130651 | 138435 18 | 30:45.61 | 1:54.31 | 138436 | 147016 19 | 32:40.17 | 2:02.58 | 147017 | 156224 20 | 34:43.00 | 1:04.31 | 156225 | 161055 21 | 35:47.31 | 9:33.52 | 161056 | 204082 22 | 45:21.08 | 6:52.04 | 204083 | 234986 23 | 52:13.12 | 2:43.47 | 234987 | 247258 24 | 54:56.59 | 1:39.67 | 247259 | 254750 25 | 56:36.51 | 2:06.65 | 254751 | 264265 26 | 58:43.41 | 10:31.55 | 264266 | 311645 27 | 69:15.21 | 6:19.15 | 311646 | 340085 28 | 75:34.36 | 1:44.16 | 340086 | 347901 29 | 77:18.52 | 1:31.01 | 347902 | 354727
Track 1
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\01 - Weihnachtshistorie, SWV 435 - Introduction.wav
Pre-gap length 0:00:02.00
Peak level 84.6 % Extraction speed 1.6 X Track quality 99.8 % Test CRC 06BBFD1C Copy CRC 06BBFD1C Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [5886D76C], AccurateRip returned [9A729E1A] Copy OK
Track 2
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\02 - Es begab sich aber zu derselbigen Zeit.wav
Peak level 38.1 % Extraction speed 2.7 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 82998F42 Copy CRC 82998F42 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 3
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\03 - Intermedium I-Furchtet euch nicht.wav
Peak level 96.7 % Extraction speed 2.8 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 67839914 Copy CRC 67839914 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 4
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\04 - Und alsbald war da bei dem Engel.wav
Peak level 40.2 % Extraction speed 0.8 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC A55E43C5 Copy CRC A55E43C5 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 5
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\05 - Intermedium II-Ehre sei Gott in der Hohe.wav
Peak level 85.5 % Extraction speed 2.3 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 7BE6A231 Copy CRC 7BE6A231 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 6
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\06 - Und da die Engel von ihnen gen Himmel fuhren.wav
Peak level 28.4 % Extraction speed 0.9 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 9BF4000B Copy CRC 9BF4000B Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 7
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\07 - Intermedium III-Lasset uns nun gehen.wav
Peak level 47.5 % Extraction speed 2.3 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 11508C01 Copy CRC 11508C01 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 8
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\08 - Und sie kamen eilend.wav
Peak level 39.4 % Extraction speed 2.2 X Track quality 99.9 % Test CRC 7255AE59 Copy CRC 7255AE59 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 9
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\09 - Intermedium IV-Wo ist der neugeborne Konig.wav
Peak level 65.4 % Extraction speed 2.0 X Track quality 99.9 % Test CRC 2547B93C Copy CRC 2547B93C Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 10
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\10 - Da das der Konig Herodes horete erschrak er.wav
Peak level 55.4 % Extraction speed 1.6 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 0BBE2788 Copy CRC 0BBE2788 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 11
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\11 - Intermedium V-Zu Bethlehem im judischen Lande.wav
Peak level 73.4 % Extraction speed 2.3 X Track quality 99.9 % Test CRC 7D219CCD Copy CRC 7D219CCD Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 12
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\12 - Da berief Herodes die Weisen heimlich.wav
Peak level 24.9 % Extraction speed 1.4 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC DB726BBA Copy CRC DB726BBA Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 13
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\13 - Intermedium VI-Ziehet hin und forschet fleissig.wav
Peak level 60.6 % Extraction speed 2.6 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC CB29015E Copy CRC CB29015E Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 14
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\14 - Als sie nun den Konig gehoret hatten.wav
Peak level 43.9 % Extraction speed 2.6 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC D57ED8F3 Copy CRC D57ED8F3 Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [A3A19D71], AccurateRip returned [DD5A3979] Copy OK
Track 15
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\15 - Intermedium VII-Stehe auf Joseph.wav
Peak level 84.8 % Extraction speed 1.9 X Track quality 99.9 % Test CRC 52E7BD52 Copy CRC 52E7BD52 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 16
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\16 - Und er stund auf und nahm das Kindlein.wav
Peak level 40.4 % Extraction speed 2.8 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 590A8EC7 Copy CRC 590A8EC7 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 17
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\17 - Intermedium VIII-Stehe auf Joseph. Stehe auf und nimm das Kindlein.wav
Peak level 81.9 % Extraction speed 2.4 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 1AAF1C38 Copy CRC 1AAF1C38 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 18
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\18 - Und er stund auf.wav
Peak level 53.1 % Extraction speed 2.4 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 7472BB20 Copy CRC 7472BB20 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 19
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\19 - Dank sagen wir alle Gott unserm.wav
Peak level 86.7 % Extraction speed 2.5 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC D099FCD5 Copy CRC D099FCD5 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 20
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\20 - Auferstehungshistorie, SWV 450 - Introitus.wav
Peak level 71.3 % Extraction speed 1.4 X Track quality 99.8 % Test CRC 906B5BC0 Copy CRC 906B5BC0 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 21
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\21 - Da der Sabbath vergangen.wav
Peak level 78.4 % Extraction speed 3.0 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC D60E4E54 Copy CRC D60E4E54 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 22
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\22 - Maria aber stund dem Grabe.wav
Peak level 78.4 % Extraction speed 2.7 X Track quality 99.9 % Test CRC 0C359105 Copy CRC 0C359105 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 23
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\23 - Die Weiber aber gingen hinein in das Grab.wav
Peak level 47.0 % Extraction speed 2.6 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 83558F7F Copy CRC 83558F7F Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 24
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\24 - Und da gingen seine Jungern zu verkundigen.wav
Peak level 34.1 % Extraction speed 2.3 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 9B84A3BA Copy CRC 9B84A3BA Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 25
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\25 - Da sie aber hingehen, siehe.wav
Peak level 50.5 % Extraction speed 2.4 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC A533850B Copy CRC A533850B Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 26
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\26 - Und siehe zweene aus ihnen gingen.wav
Peak level 87.9 % Extraction speed 3.1 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 80D5A73C Copy CRC 80D5A73C Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 27
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\27 - Es war aber am Abend desselbigen Sabbaths.wav
Peak level 52.9 % Extraction speed 2.6 X Track quality 99.9 % Test CRC 742E3F54 Copy CRC 742E3F54 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 28
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\28 - Und abermal sprach er zu ihnen.wav
Peak level 37.7 % Extraction speed 2.2 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 0035151E Copy CRC 0035151E Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
Track 29
Filename G:\Heinrich Schutz - Weihnachtshistorie, Auferstehungshistorie (2009) [FLAC]\29 - Gott sei Dank, der uns den Sieggegeben.wav
Peak level 82.6 % Extraction speed 1.7 X Track quality 99.8 % Test CRC 6C94DE9E Copy CRC 6C94DE9E Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OK
2 track(s) could not be verified as accurate 27 track(s) not present in the AccurateRip database
No tracks could be verified as accurate You may have a different pressing from the one(s) in the database
No errors occurred
End of status report
==== Log checksum 1B624DBECFD85DB163D3BFE794842A1937CFF4D893F6E1477808883846A674BB ==== |
This post has been edited by kgkk on 08-04-2012, 21:45 |